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Everything posted by MattSxvx

  1. Dig the black flag reference. What part of fl are you from?
  2. They were the small dates not the large medjool dates, so it equates to two servings or 240 cals.
  3. Food for the day: Calories: 2910 Fats: 40g Sat. Fat: 2.4g Carbs: 401g Fiber: 67.2g Sugars: 219g Protein: 245g Maybe posting this here will help me keep my diet in check. A little high on the protein today because I had a fair amount of those vegan scallops. 12 dates, 4 bananas, 2 servings of oatmeal, 1 serving of almond butter, 2 servings of dried apples, 4 cups of blueberries, and some vega sport were my carbs. Didnt really get any veggies in today because I hadnt gone shopping and had none at the house. Anyone think this is too much fruit? There is so much contrasting information on whether to have a fruit inclusive diet or exclusive diet while trying to lower body fat that it is maddening.
  4. Fasted before this workout for about 13 hours. Ate right after. Back on track on my nutrition. Had a rough shift at work. Bad calls/not much sleep. Got off this morning and went to the gym. Def had to take 2 scoops of my vega sport preworkout. BB Bent Over Rows: (feet shoulder width, inverted grip) 135x6, 155x5, 175x5, 195x4, 175x5 drop 155x5 drop 135x5 BB Squats: (knees were hurting a little today before/during but felt fine after) 135x12, 225x10, 315x8, 315x8, 315x8 drop 225x10 drop 135x12 DB Flat Bench: (weight in each hand) 35x15, 50x8, 60x6, 70x1 (felt something in shoulder so lowered back for the day), 60x6, 50x12 drop 40x8 drop 35x8 drop 30x8 Plate Shrugs: 5 sets of 45s in each hand x 15 reps (pain in shoulder) Incline DB Fly's: (weight in each hand) 20x14, 30x10, 40x7, 45x6, 50x6 Felt like a beast on that last set of dumbell flys. Did about 10 minutes of HIIT after.
  5. Took the last two days off from the gym to recooperate a little bit. Diet was not that great the last two days either. Oh well back on it tomorrow morning.
  6. Had a pretty killer workout today. The injury from yesterday didnt really seem to bother me. Romanian Dead Lifts: (raw, no gloves, wraps, chalk, belts, etc) 135x10, 225x5, 275x3, 275x2, 235x5, 135x10 (right after last) Not too happy about these. My grip was pretty terrible today. Weight kept wanting to come loose on the two heavier sets. Most likely because of the bi/tri/forearm workout i did yesterday. DB Bent Over Rows: (weight in each hand, reps total) 25sx20, 45sx10, 55sx10, 65sx10, 70sx8, 30sx20 (right after last) Incline DB Bench Press: 30sx15, 45sx12, 60sx6, 65sx5, 70sx5 Glad i got up to 70's on these. I have always had a fear of dumbells, but I am starting to like them now. I def feel it more after a workout and see better results. Supersetted these two: SS DB Sumo DL into Clean with one arm OH Push Press: 30x6, 45x5, 55x5, 65x4, 75x3 (no press, just clean) SS Bench Jumps with Plate: 45x10, 45x10, 45x10, 45x10, 45x10 45 lb plate held over abdomen with arms crossed. Bench height is the bench press height. Felt like a warrior today, other that no grip strength on my Romanians.
  7. Did a bi/tri circuit today with no rest inbetween. Then did a few squat sets. BB Squats: 135x12, 225x5, 315x5, 405x5 (pulled a muscle in my back doing this set), 315x10 Lowered the weight back down to 315 and got ten on the last set. Probably going to focus on repping with that weight for a little bit, until my back feels better.
  8. I am going to try this tomorrow i think.
  9. Had an eh workout today: Incline Overhead Plate Pullovers: 45x10x5 Pulldowns (chin up grip): 85x20, 140x10, 180x3, 160x5, 180x3 One Arm (each side, last set had other arm on forearm) 40x10, 70x8, 100x6 Wide Grip Pull Downs: 70x15, 100x10, 140x4, 120x6 Seated DB Shoulder Press: 25'sx12, 35'sx10, 45'sx8, 50'sx3 DB Fly's: 20'sx12, 30'sx8, 40'sx5, 25'sx10, 45'sx5 Just felt blehhh throughout the workout. Not happy about my shoulder press numbers, but very happy about the chest fly.
  10. Today i did some fast twitch leg and balance workouts. Pretty much just focused on explosive jumps, broad jumps, and then one legged variations of them as well. I was happy with being able to jump onto some boxes higher than hip level/almost belly button level. Then i just decided to just do some dead lifts to finish it out since i had about twenty minutes to spare: BB Deadlifts (raw, no chalk, wraps, gloves, belts, braces, etc) 135x12, 225x5, 315x1, 335x1, 315x1, 275x5 I attempted 355 but couldnt get it up today. I felt like i probably could have gotten a lot more weight if i hadnt done those 30 minutes of jump training. Also forgot my preworkout again today.
  11. This shit is hilarious. I feel bad for the other people in that gym.
  12. Did a bi/tri workout today. Took forever because of all the new years resolutions people. It is nice to be back at golds gym though.
  13. Had a good yet terrible workout today at the gym. My legs felt alright but after i had finished that and went to my chest felt really weak today. BB Squats: 135x12, 225x10, 315x5, 405x3, 335x5, 355x5 Bench Press: 135x10 (really slow and controlled), 185x3 Switched to some dumbells cause someone stole my bench: 45'sx12, 60'sx5, 60'sx5 Just felt like bleh BB Bent Over Rows (reverse grip, wide feet) 45x15, 135x5, 155x5, 175x5, 175x5 Plate shrugs: 45'sx15 x 5 sets Incline DB Flys: 25'sx10, 30'sx8, 35'sx5, 35'sx5, 40'sx5 (barely on the last one) I attribute most of my frustration to lack of sleep the last two-three days and not having any preworkout or caffeine at all today. Ran home from the gym
  14. Took the day off yesterday as well because i drove 7 hours home to daytona, just got off a NYE shift with no sleep, and the gym was closed. Just woke up. About to go hit it hard.
  15. My chest is difficult. Has always been fairly weak. Have had to work hard for that. Hoping to get to a 300 lb 1rm
  16. Did this program for 6 weeks over the summer and had incredible strength and physique results. Start to finish numbers: Bench: 195-235 Squats: 225-405 Dead Lift: 225-365 Leg Press: 810x3-1035x3 I did this and then fucked around at the gym and lost a decent amount of strength. Somewhere in the middle of the two now. Back on it for about two weeks now.
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