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Everything posted by MattSxvx

  1. I think today will be a day off. Possibly some light running at the station later.
  2. This sounds awesome. What are the prices like?
  3. Quite a challenge laid out for you. Keep a journal on the site!
  4. Ate around 2900 cal. 420c, 130p, 80f. More carbs and less protein than usual but i ate a lot of fruit, veggies, and peanut butter today.
  5. Fasted around 15 hours. Actually ate a small bowl of oatmeal before my workout today because i was so hungry. Todays workout was pretty tough since my legs were still killing me from cycling class and the bi/tri workout yesterday. Ran to the gym and back as well which is roughly a mile each way. Deadlift: (Raw, no straps, gloves, chalk, belts, etc) 135x12, 225x6, 275x5, 315x2, 315x1, 275x5 Pulldowns: (Chin-up grip) 80x12, 140x8, 180x5, 200x2, 180x4.5 Wide Grip Pulldowns: (good form, slow, no kipping or leaning) 80x12, 120x6, 120x6, 130x5, 140x5 Shoulder Press: (Machine, because everything else was taken today) 150x8, 200x5, 200x5, 200x5, 200x5 (the max i can put on it, it was still difficult though on the last two sets) Plate Pullovers: 45x10, 45x10, 45x10, 45x10, 45x15 Not happy with my Deadlift performance. Much weaker that over the summer. My knww started to bother me on the heavier sets.
  6. it is probably just the last place that you will notice the changes. mine is the same way. i have lost 105 pounds and still have that layer, and like you said can see my muscles fairly well everywhere else. many times it is just the last place that you will lose it completely from.
  7. yah we have no say on where those excess calories you are eating will be stored. it is all dispersed throughout the body in different ways. i know that is where mine starts to show its ugly face when i put back on weight first.
  8. My gym has been playing the worst music possible lately. It doesn't bother me because when I am doing cardio I watch ESPN and when I lift it's whatever is on the ipod but when I walk in or talk to people it's painful. Yo Iron Rain rules
  9. Pensacola, FL. Vegan restaurants, health food stores, great beaches. I need a nee roomate too hah.
  10. I have been having that problem as well. Dislocated shoulders, partially torn MCL etc...
  11. Thanks for all of the support. Just went and did spin class at the gym for some cardio. Burned 1300 cal at the gym total. Going to eat around 3000. According to the body fat scale i have been using it read 15.1% today. I hope this is accurate.
  12. Well its not the fasting cause i can deal with that but the no sleep thing is what bothers me. We work 24 hour shifts and we rarely sleep which is not conducive to maintaining healthy hormone levels.
  13. Did just a fasted bi/tri workout. Went really slow on most of the movements to feel full contraction. Only made it fasting 14 hours today. Work really ruins my schedule.
  14. Got literally zero sleep last night on shift. Just getting home now. Probably going to try to take a nap before i go do some core and possibly arms again depending on how they feel. I am really happy about those DB chest Flys yesterday (40's x 5), and i am feeling them today. I think i could have done more reps if i had a spot.
  15. Looks decent. I would add in some dead lifts and possibly split your workouts to one upper body, one lower body, and then arms/calves/abs on the third day.
  16. Did my fasted workout on 15 hours of fast: Incline DB press: 30x15, 40x12, 50x10, 60x5, 60x5 (could have done more but didnt have a spotter) Bent Over DB Rows (per weight in each hand): 30x14, 40x10, 50x10, 50x10, 60x10 Romanian BB Dead Lift: 45x15, 135x10, 225x5, 245x5, 265x5 Incline Dumbell Fly's: (slow, full motion) 20x15, 30x10, 35x7, 35x6, 40x7 Short and sweet since i am at work today. Never know when you are going to get a call.
  17. Hatebreed, terror, ringworm, and 100 demons guide me through my workouts.
  18. Did spin class. Burned 2200 kcal in the gym alone today. Ate 3000 kcal. Finishing up my last meal of the day.
  19. I just read an article where they asked her about her diet. She says she just eats whatever she wants all the time and doesnt count anything. Yah sounds like steroids help keep her bodyfat so low with all that muscle to me. Naturally, that physique doesnt happen by accident. Diet would play a crucial role in maintaining her figure.
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