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Posts posted by Kira

  1. If you don't have a history of lifting weights, pushups will show results...once you progress to intermediate and advanced, you will need more in the way of resistance.


    Yep, the thing about push-ups is that you're always applying the same weight on your muscles.. its a good way starting out, but once you hit a certain point, you wanna do higher intensity bench pressing at the gym if you're gonna get any bigger.


    We should all swear an oath that if any of us turn out like the people u listed then the rest of us must kill the person.Not out of rage just out of honor.


    Like a knight or samurai who betrayed the king or shogun.


    Who is down for this?Step up VBB.Swear a blood oath.


    I'm in



    I like.

  3. I can definitely empathize with this D: I come from a country in which society and even healthcare institutions promote consuming large quantities of animal produce, for the sake of 'health' and 'sufficient protein', which naturally results in widespread ignorance. There is not a single vegan eatery or restaurant where I come from, at best, perhaps, vegetarian, and never before in my life have I met another person who is a willing vegetarian, let alone a vegan (I have one friend who's a vegetarian, but only because of religious issues). That's how bad it is. As a teen, when I first told my friends in school that I was vegan, they literally laughed out loud. Then came the questions and statements of "protein deficiency", "how do you not go hungry", and "meat is good for you". Then of course, the perpetual remarks that I was not muscular because I didn't eat meat (I was naturally an ectomorph). This was really annoying, and its partly the reason why I started working out in the first place; proof that someone could build muscle on vegetable protein.


    After watching forks over knives, whenever someone makes a discriminatory remark or asks me why I don't consume animal products, I simply shrug it off as being for 'health reasons'. But in truth, what I really want to say is "meat will be the death of you". Nowadays, the annoyance has pretty much faded, and now I mainly feel pity for the people who are destroying their bodies.


    Sorry if I was ranting , but this is completely true

  4. Friday was my chest + abs day, today is Sunday and my chest is still aching. Did high intensity for about an hour. Is this normal? How do I tell if I'm overtraining? ( I take 2 rest days after each workout so I'm hitting it again tmr) sorry for the broken sentences, I suck at typing off my HTC.

  5. Yep, what Fallen said. Your soy intake is quite excessive; and beware of the health risks(supposed affected hormone levels, and thyroid problems). Try to chuck in more calories from non-high protein products, and be creative with the diet. It's not that a vegan bodybuilder's diet is bland, but its more of the mentality that all vegan bodybuilders should only be eating protein and nothing else. In this case, your soy obsession. Try beans, nuts, lentils instead of that much soy, even avacados work. Chuck in some calories too, I suggest brown rice which which as fiber + protein.

  6. haha my gym is really tiny too(but free ).. but the lat pull down machine has the numbers 30,45,60,75,90 etc. Basically adding 15 units on each time. I suspect pounds. I can do 135 max on it. But I'm pretty weak and 135 pounds would be more or less my own body weight(I'm that light D:).

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