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Everything posted by jamesxvx

  1. Throw a 45 pound plate underneath your snatch grip deads for the 2" block. That's what I used to do on the cube!
  2. Alright man, you started about ten pounds heavier than me when I started, and you're a few inches taller than me. So I'd say we're around the same starting block. Keep things into compound movements, big lifts with heavy weight. Don't use machines, keep to dumbbell and barbell exercises that will help develop your stabilizer muscles along with the main muscle groups (Squats, deadlifts, bench, overhead press are compound movements). If you're trying to do a lean bulk it can happen, but is fairly difficult and requires a lot of time. I bulk with whole foods, and essentially my bulking is just my yearly intake round the clock. The only time I deviate from that cycle is trying to get down to another weight class. I started with a whole body muscle building workout I found on the front page of this site about a year ago. http://veganbodybuilding.com/?page=article_total_bodymass That one. I found it helped me build some muscle throughout my body and got me familiar with the exercises I was using. If you want to get bigger, increase your calories. Plain and simple. I don't know what your desired goals are, but put the time and effort into your diet and the gym and you will get there.
  3. March 20, 2013 Bench and Squat day Bench barx12, 95x12, 135x10, 175x8, 175x8 Easy. Close grip 155x8x2 Incline 145x8x2 Squat barx10, 95x8, 135x8, 185x8, 225x7, 265x8, 280x7x5 Felt good this session
  4. It felt good to train them together, my legs were warmed up as soon as I wanted to squat as well. Some meat head running his mouth, saying some really stupid stuff. Fired me up haha
  5. March 19, 2013 Squat and Deadlift DL 135x5, 185x5, 225x5, 275x5, 315x5, 365x3, 405x3, 435x2 355x3x6(6 sets of triples with 90 seconds rest in between) Squats barx10, 95x10, 135x9, 185x9, 225x9, 245x9, 265x9x4 (4 sets of 9) Fuelled by a fucking idiot calling people faggots and stuff gay. No tolerance for ignorance. 265 felt light for 9. That 405 triple could have been for 5, if more but only a double was called for and I had a lot of work to get through.
  6. I can see where you're coming from. I know its a lot of how bands get support recently, or at least in the last couple of years I've been around. So good for them for getting into a niche. Did you ever listen to let down?
  7. March 17, 2013 Squats and light bench Bench barx12, 95x10, 135x10, 145x10x2 Squats barx10, 135x5, 185x5, 225x5, 275x3, 295x3, 305x3x6 305x2 (Failed on my last rep. I took my inhale came down too fast, not in control. Bar hit the rack, and I knew I was done. Coming back from a failed set is something a lot of people I have seen avoid. They throw on later weight or stop completely) 305x3x2 I don't quit. I stayed until the gym shut down and ended up finishing strong with 305x3x9. Missed one set, but I rode two and from on my bike which felt great.
  8. Friday and Saturday are the only days I squat two days in a row. The first week wasn't too bad, my legs are pretty much accustomed to the volume smolov comes with. From the results I've heard about from other lifters on the routine, its realistic for me to hit a 350 at least at the end of intro (3 weeks). 305 used to be my old double, ten sets of it at a triple is going to push me, but I'm excited to get going to a 405 squat. That's my goal.
  9. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IgGBlBWo5x8 Listen to Wolf whistle. Pat Flynn is the vocalist of that band.
  10. March 15, 2013 Squats barx10, 95x5, 135x5, 185x5, 225x5, 275x5, 290x5x7 (7 sets of 5) A few of my last reps of the last sets came out more like good mornings. Worked on getting in the hole and driving up. Luckily had my friend to help me on my last set. Verbal support is always awesome. Going for 305 for ten sets of triples tomorrow morning. I'm stoked.
  11. Legs Today and tomorrow with some light chest. Tons of homework for the weekend haha
  12. March 14, 2013 Quick Bench and Shoulder workout Bench barx10, 95x10, 135x12, 185x8, 185x7, 185x6 MP barx12, 95x10, 115x8, 135x6 Shrugs 225x20, 275x15, 315x10 DB Bench 50sx12, 55sx12, 60sx8, 65sx5 Abs bunch of medicine ball work. I didn't feel like I worked my chest enough yesterday. I woke up this morning wanting to hit some heavy DB stuff and work my shoulders. So I went for it. Felt good and tight.
  13. Man, start a journal on here when you switch over. I did the same thing as you. went from 5/3/1 to cube and I'm glad I tracked my progress. Its interesting to see the changes.
  14. http://imageshack.us/a/img407/8822/photoon20130313at219pm.jpg http://imageshack.us/a/img690/9996/photoon20130313at220pm2.jpg http://imageshack.us/a/img521/9843/photoon20130313at220pm4.jpg http://imageshack.us/a/img585/3251/photoon20130313at220pm5.jpg http://imageshack.us/a/img202/1899/photoon20130313at221pm.jpg Halfway through Smolov, quads are gaining size. Feeling pretty good about where I'm sitting right now. I've made the decision with a lot of thought that within the next 5 years I'd like to compete in a strongman, on top of continuing powerlifting. Two potential meets in the Summer. End of May and Mid June. Hopefully I'll be around to hit both of them.
  15. http://imageshack.us/a/img407/8822/photoon20130313at219pm.jpg http://imageshack.us/a/img690/9996/photoon20130313at220pm2.jpg http://imageshack.us/a/img521/9843/photoon20130313at220pm4.jpg http://imageshack.us/a/img585/3251/photoon20130313at220pm5.jpg http://imageshack.us/a/img202/1899/photoon20130313at221pm.jpg Halfway through Smolov, quads are gaining size. Feeling pretty good about where I'm sitting right now. I've made the decision with a lot of thought that within the next 5 years I'd like to compete in a strongman, on top of continuing powerlifting. Two potential meets in the Summer. End of May and Mid June. Hopefully I'll be around to hit both of them.
  16. Saw them play Toronto twice. Band was really cool, glad they're not hopping on the band wagon with a lot of other bands playing reunions. To be honest though, you weren't missing too much live, pretty sloppy.
  17. March 13, 2013 Bench and Squat Bench barx10, 95x10, 135x10, 165x10, 165x10 Close grip bench 145x10x2 Incline Bench 135x10x2 Squat barx10, 95x7, 135x7, 185x7, 225x7, 255x7, 270x7x5 (5 sets of 7) Foam rolla all ova
  18. March 11, 2013 Deadlift and Squat day DL 135x8, 225x6, 275x6,315x5, 365x3, 405x2 335x8x3 Squats barx12, 95x8, 135x9, 185x9, 225x9, 255x9x4 (Four sets of 9) Weighed in at 188 today. Midway through the day. 5 pounds from creatine and we'll see what the rest is. I'll be competing in the 181 class come May or June.
  19. Thanks man. I hate doing it, when I catch myself I usually have enough in me to straighten up, but it still sucks. Especially when you hit it half way through your sets
  20. Heavy squat and light Bench day March 9, 2013 Bench 155x10x2 Squats barx10, 95x8,135x8, 185x5, 225x5, 255x3, 285x3x10 (ten sets of triples)
  21. March 8, 2013 Squat barx10, 95x8, 135x6, 185x5, 225x5, 270x7x5 (seven sets of five) Ab work Smolov is killing me, and I'm grinding through some of the lifts. I'm surprised I didn't pop a blood vessel today on the last set. Really happy with myself that I didn't hit a failure on any of them. All to parallel or a little below, form stayed fairly strong, a few mix ups but I know how to correct. Mainly leaning too far forward. Overall a solid workout, hitting some heavy triples tomorrow for 10 sets. Should be interesting
  22. Boston strangler rules. Not into them as much as most people, but definitely solid. Old backtrack is my gym jam lately
  23. Bench and Squat March 6, 2013 Bench barx12, 95x10, 135x10, 155x10, 170x10,170x8 Close grip bench 135x10, 155x8, 155x8 Incline bench barx12, 95x10, 145x8, 145x7 Made the mistake of entering a 245 calculated max instead of the 235. Should have hit all of those for ten. Squats barx10, 95x10, 135x8, 185x8, 225x8, 255x5x7 (five sets of 7) Up and down plank 50
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