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Everything posted by clank72

  1. Your body is not designed to drink it. Please get protein from the source.
  2. You can gain, but you have to keep working out or you will deflate quickly. The protein helps you keep it on but I don't think it's necessary to gain it. You have to keep on lifting to maintain it, it wont be like uncle bob who is still bulky but hasn't worked out in 3 years. Meat does that. I believe you can gain on any food, like eating just rice followed with a constant workout program, you'd be surprised. All you need is energy and weights to gain. I'm proof. Unless you are trying to get huge or competing, then protein comes along. 811 is fine, but just remember you'll have to deplete glycogen storage's with all that sugar by excessive bodywork, sprints, running, biking and who knows what. Although if you eat fruit in moderation you should be fine. Don't believe all the hype for one second that fruit wont make you fat. If you have low blood sugar it's worse. What Dr Ghram wont tell you is that all that sugar will pour over to fat if the energy is not used. I tried 811 and gained 15 lbs of fat so I'm living proof. I'm also an endomorph and have low blood sugar. So 811 is suicide for that body type. 811 is not for everyone, especially if you are coming from a SAD diet or something, your blood will freak out at first. Just keep it simple man.
  3. I do lunges and squats, but not THAT many squats because of my bad knee. My quads and ass are always on fire but my hams feel so numb. Should I switch to some machines that target that area or is there another workout?
  4. Hey, thanks for the tips. I was cycling for a bit but my strength went down a lot. I'll try and up the proteins but it's really hard when most protein sources have some carbs. And protein powders do not digest well for me.
  5. You have the opposite problem that I have. If you are lifting a lot it shouldn't go to your gut. If you eat more healthy foods then you will still be feeding your muscles. I would avoid the cardio though besides a little walking. Maybe try lifting heavy and eating more nuts and tofu?
  6. I take in around 0.5 grams of protein per pound of body weight and I have muscle gains. I think it's per pound of lean body mass isn't it? Or maybe I'm mistaken. Seems easy if you are eating 3500 calories a day but someone on fatloss would be challenged to eat 1gram per lb because the lower calories would not allow any room??
  7. I'm on a fat loss mission. The scale hasn't changed. My strength is good. Pants are looser. I'm shooting for 2 to 1.5 lbs per week loss. But scale is stuck. It's been a month and a half. STATS Endomorph 6' 2" 229.5 lbs 25% BF WORKOUT Mon: Chest and Tri's Tuesday 30min Walk Wednesday: Bi's and Back Thursday: 30min Walk Friday: Legs, Squats, Shoulders, Abs etc. Saturday: 30min walk Sunday: Rest or walk. CALORIES Mon: 1316 Tuesday: 1316 Wednesday: 1645 Thursday: 1206 Friday: 3200 Saturday: 1645 Sunday: 1645 DIET (90% Organic) Breakfast: 1/2 Cup Oat Meal 28gms of Peanuts or Walnuts Some rasperries. Snack: Baby Carrots Peanuts Lunch: 7 oz Tofu Huge Salad Olive Oil etc. Snack: Energy Bar Dinner (Depends): Stir fry Veggies with 6/7oz Tofu or Tacos Sprouted Corn Tortillas 6/7oz Tofu. Depending on Calories left. Salsa, Olives, Cabbage etc. Over all I get about 110 Carbs / 85 to 100 Grams of Protein daily. Should I do more Walking? (Running and HTIT hurts my knee). I've done a TON of reading online and maybe I should do more cardio. But my calories are already low and cardio makes me SOOO hungry. I'm afraid to raise the calories though. My muscle gains have been outrageous! Should I ditch the splurge day? What is your best bet? Thanks a million! Mark
  8. Oh! Yes I know. I use "Perfect Diet Tracker" for Mac every day... I was just seeing if Stcalico could guess the calories because she said she knew them all by heart So Stcalico, can you guess?
  9. I'm on a weight loss plan, 2lbs per-week surplus for about 3 weeks now. Some days I have pretty low calories. To my surprise, my weekly weighin showed 0 loss in weight, but my pants are much looser. It doesn't make any sense because I'm in a 7000 calorie 2lb a week deficit. My strength and lifting weight has gone up too. Seems impossible. Especially since some days are around 1450 calories. Maybe I'm still having newbie gains.
  10. Evader is right. You just have to eat. This is a dream for Endomorphs because we have a huge appetite by default. By all means stuff your face, lift heavy, and get tons of rest. I also recommend L-Glutamine.
  11. Hey man, I'm an endomorph so I know how it is... coming from the other side I have to eat a pre-teen calorie deficit to get lean but it's working and I'm seeing great results. Far as Ecto's go, I herd you just need to eat a LOT, like 5000+ calories a day and lift heavy with low reps, no cardio what so ever. Looking forward to seeing your progress. cheers.
  12. How much is 1/2 Cup of Rolled Oats. 60 Grams of Raspberries. 20 grams of Walnuts. Tsp of Coconut Sugar.
  13. I count everything except these items... Spring Mix Carrots Slices Sprouts Bean Spouts Brusselsprouts Red Peppers Cabbage And any other leafy green veggies. Everything else I count like, nuts, seeds, olives, oil, tofu etc. Do you guys worry about counting the calories in veggies?
  14. Never mind guys, I found this info already posted on this forum. Cheers, Mark
  15. Thanks for the input! I herd of a lot of guys on here eating blocks of tofu, maybe they are afraid to come out? I think I eat the highest grade of ToFu available. 100% Spouted soybeans and Organic. Super Firm. For your question, I do not eat any other sources because I don't trust them. I've been "known" to eat a bar with some soy but very rare. My other protein sources are from Beans, Edamame for a snack and nuts.
  16. Since going vegan I was hesitant to eat ToFu because of all the bad rep Soy had. Frustrated from trying to get enough Protein.... I went ahead and tried ToFu. 4 Months later I have put on a ton of mass, about 15 lbs. I respond to it very well. I don't have any sideeffects or anything weird from it. But I LOVE the stuff now!! How much TOFU are you guys eating per day? I eat about 18 ounces per day.
  17. Anyone free to share their proven method when trimming down? I haven't been lean yet but I put on a ton of Mass this last 4 months. I'm tried of having the man boobs and love handles. I'm about 235lbs 6"2 -- 25%bf-- 40/yo. And would like to be down to 180lbs by July 4th! I really like To-fu and I respond to the protein really well. But I'm wondering if the nuts will be too much for slimming down. Also what other sources of protein you guys getting? Thanks in Advance. Mark
  18. VeganEssentials, Thanks for taking the time to write that info, it's really appreciated and sounds like what is going on with me. I will take some of these advice and go with it. As of a week ago, I have stopped the extreme cardio based from another persons advice (they said the same thing you did about it) and have really focused on the weight training. I'm getting really strong and went from 228 to 231 in a week. This was a surprise to me as I felt and looked leaner in the mirror. It's a scary thought to have the scale increase but I'm following through to hopefully get out of this starvation cycle. Because I know eventually I will be only eating rice cakes to get by and I don't want that to happen. As for protein I've recently discovered "Pea" protein that is easier for me to digest. I will also checkout the Vega. Thanks again for everyones help. -Mark
  19. I'm fed up. I'm 39 yrs, 6'2 228lbs. 20% BF. I'm stuck here for 2 years. If I LOOK at food I gain weight. I used to weigh 280lbs when I was younger and kept most of it off, just because I don't eat Pizzas and Burgers anymore. I have a slow metabolism (Endomorph body). I gain muscle easy. But my dream is to be ripped and have a stomach like the skin on the back of my hand. I do one hour of cardio 5 times a week which includes Walking/Jogging/Spinning. I workout until I am in PAIN when my feet, knees hurt or until I get cramps. I do regular full body weight training. "IF" I eat over 1400 calories I don't' see any changes in weight. 1400 calories a day is nothing on a vegan diet. Half cup Oatmeal, 1oz of Walnuts and some raspberries and I'm already over 300 for one meal. Stuffing buckets of veggies to get calories doesn't work for me and upsets my stomach to the point where I keel over on the couch. I tried 80-10-10 and gained 10lbs of fat and started to have Hypoglycemia. I AM STARVING TO LOSE WEIGHT It's not my thyroid, I already got that checked out. All my blood work comes out fine. I've done tons of detoxing and juicing. So I am not "toxic" that bad. I haven't "damaged" my metabolism because I've been the same all my life. Eating MORE simply puts on more FAT, end of story. I pound vitamin B12 and vitamin D daily. My diet consists of Oatmeal Walnuts Raspberries Lots of salad Seeds Veggie wraps Brown rice Beans Veggie Stir fry Few Apples a day Protein Powders, Tofu and Soy screw up my digestive system really bad and constipate me. I can't do it. My girlfriend of 4 years is SICK of hearing about it. She eats 3500 calories a day and weighs 125lbs. Natural born Ectomorph. EAT LESS AND DO CARDIO??? IS THAT THE ONLY AWNSER FOR ME?? DEAR GOD!! I'm desperate, hurting and starving. Any help would be great. -Mark
  20. Yes! I read the same book: "McDougall "Starch Solution". What was he thinking? Can you really lose weight stuffing starches? I have downloaded the "Eat to Live" book. Funny because I've been a fan of Dr. Fuhrman and never read his book. So far this really makes sense and I've already been on the plan for two days now. Had girlie make chili and it was great. Btw, congrats on your transformation.
  21. Hey guys, (excuse me I'm frustrated) Well I'm done with starches. I used to believe all the hype "eat as much starch as you want" but it doesn't work for me, especially not for an endomorph bodytype. Someone told me I was starving and need to eat more potatoes and rice. Which is funny because if I was starving then how come I wasn't losing weight with fruits and salads? The dumbest thing I've herd on a bodybuilding forum was to "eat more" if you want to lose weight. It absolutely makes no sense. A month ago I switched from a high fruit/salad diet to a high fruit/starch diet with some salads. I have put on FAT because of this. Eating as much carbs as you want and never gain weight - this has to be a crock. Maybe if you are an ectomorph running 3 hours a day, but for the average lifestyle I've never seen it. Any other true Endomorphs out there? If so what is working for you? Personally I'm thinking about going back to vegan protein shakes and nuts, with low glycemic fruits + greens. Since being Vegan now for 5 months, coming across protein is tough while still having normal bowels. If you are unfamilir with an endomoph, you can read more about it here: http://www.livestrong.com/article/503495-foods-make-endomorph-lose-weight/ http://ratemyarms.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/02/body-types-bodybuilding-ecto-meso-endo-classify.png So what's the vegan secret to getting shredded? Double your cardo?
  22. Ok, I know the title is a little ridiculous but I'm stuck and need some fellow vegan help. My metabolism has been slow all my life. Like molasses. Eating over 1500 cals a day keeps my weight on. But eating less and I'm starving. It's sooooo easy to gain muscle it's not even funny. But when you have been BIG all your life, having big muscles is not that appealing to you. I just want to be ripped out of my mind. End of story. I'm about 230lbs 6'2 and 20% bodyfat (38yo.). I used to be 275lbs. Now I can't seem to lose anymore weight. I've tried so many things. I'm an Endomorph body type... so I need to take caution when just "looking" at food. I have a moderate amount of muscle but it is covered up by fat, loose skin and man boobs. Eating more just puts on MORE fat and more muscle. That is not working for me...... I'm eating a big fruit smoothy in the morning with 1tbsp of peanut butter or almond butter. I have a big green salad with half cup of peanuts and one table soon of flax oil/olive oil. I snack on sliced apples and peanut butter and oranges. I will usually have another salad for dinner. Water is the only liquid I drink. Twice a week I will eat an organic veggie wrap with spouts, avocado, tomato and hummus. I tried vegan protein powder but it messed up my regulatory badly so I'm not going back. I workout 3 days a week weights and 2 days a week 30min cardio. The weight is not coming off and I'm losing patience. I tried cutting the fats but I'm starving when I do. And for all you 80-10-10 people out there, I tried that and found out I'm badly allergic to bananas (unfortunately) so don't even go there. That diet sucks without bananas Eating extra oranges and apples leaves me hungry. Should I cut back on food more?... or ... start running a few miles a day to force it off?
  23. So what are you guys doing for ratios? It's hard to find pure proteins and most of my protein comes from legumes which also contain carbs and fat. So how do you keep the fats down and eat things like nuts and beans etc? Or do you just count the calories and forget the rest?
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