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Posts posted by Daywalker

  1. Hi guys,


    thanks for the feedback


    No, i don't intend to make a simiar site to this one. A little bit like the main site, but no forum. Maybe a guestbook.

    I imagine a website with mainly bios on the athletes. On each athlete's page s/he can publish pictures, personal training and diet infos, blog and/or training log, contact info etc. Additionally there will be articles on nutrition and training in general, plus a gallery with lots of muscle. Then, we will have workshops, contests and meet ups for new vegan athletes and members of the team and the website will be the platform to advertise them, and post pictures afterwards

  2. Thanks Rob


    I appreciate your work with the website and forum, it has had somuch impact on my life and that of many others already, i hope i can do something similar over here!


    By the way, if that wasn't clear:

    With "strength athletes" i mean bodybuilders, powerlifters, strongmen, weightlifters and every other athlete who does any form of strength training or competes in some kind of power sport (shotput, highland games etc. etc.)!

  3. Hi fellows,


    I plan on founding a vegan strength athlete group in Germany.

    The idea is:

    - to get vegan strength athletes together for training,

    - sharing experiences with training and nutrition,

    - motivation.

    - I want to have an awesome cool website with tons of testosteron, muscle and information on it - in German.

    - Obviously, the website shall serve as the base for information, connection and vegan representation in the German speaking parts of the world for vegans who need info on training and for strength athletes who search for info on performance on a vegan diet.


    So, who is in?


    Ideas, suggestions etc. welcome.

    Who wants to help with the website?

  4. I was hoping this was a video of Troy with a 200 lb Kettlebell.

    Me too!


    OHP works more muscle groups. Would you like me to name them all?

    Yes, please


    How does a pec dec develope functional strength?

    Nah man I'd rather be strong and lift for MYSELF than have big muscles for the sake of ??? having big muscles to look pretty and attract chicks. I think it's a waste of time to spend hours a week training to pack on useless muscle mass with minimal strength gains.

    You don't seem to see my point. Pursue whatever aims you want with your sport. To all the bodybuilders you mock and you feel superior to because your muscles are "functional" (which often is used as a term meaning "small and not really strong but relatively fit") their muscles have a function - looking good, feeling good, maybe taking part or even winning a BB contest.

    It can be argued what is more "functional" in our society - the athletic look or the athletic skill. Are a champion bodybuilder's muscles more functional than an amateur athletes, who can do more push ups than the bodybuilder, muscles? One wins a trophy, the other one beats him at push ups - both achieve their individual goal.

    If someone enjoys lifting for the sake of big muscles, where's the harm? You could just say "wow, that required a lot of hard work" instead of talking them down because you don't share their goals.

  5. I know what Gaia means and i agree with her.


    the overhead pressing strength of many powerlifters and bodybuilders is weak in comparison to what they can bench press. Of course their are exceptions.

    Why is it better to be strong in overhead than in bench?


    Big strong pecs don't develope functional strength.

    What is functional strength, and when is strength non-functional??


    A lot of big guys who've been training for years can't do many pull-ups or paralell bar dips.

    I've seen those big muscle beach guys do pull-ups. Their ROM on pullups is "nothing to write home about."

    Are you jealous of their muscle size? No? Why talk it down then?

    Some people train for size, some for strength, some for basketball. If small ROM gets them the results they want, so be it. You don't mock the world champion in swimming that his training doesn't help him in a boxing fight, or an elite high jumper that he doesn't score goals in a soccer match.


    The guy in the video is incredible, it makes me almost doubt if it is really 200lbs

  6. less said about performance in Germany the better






    Round One - Medley:

    First job for our four wannabe superheroes: move a giant earthmover tyre out of the way and then bring three hazardous barrels from the industrial plant about to explode.

    Big tyre flip x3, TOXIC barrel 90kg, BIOHAZARD barrel 110kg and RADIOACTIVE barrel 120kg carry 6-9m and load onto 130cm platform.

    Everyone was eager to start and get a notch on his gun.




    1. Jakob http://i118.photobucket.com/albums/o117/Kryptonite_V/VSGG%202008/Jakobgunshow.jpg - 48,4 seconds.

    2. Kryptonite V http://i118.photobucket.com/albums/o117/Kryptonite_V/VSGG%202008/Krypto2.jpg - 60,4 seconds.

    3. Devil's Plaything http://i118.photobucket.com/albums/o117/Kryptonite_V/VSGG%202008/DevilsPlaything.jpg - 63,2 seconds.

    4. Gimli http://i118.photobucket.com/albums/o117/Kryptonite_V/VSGG%202008/Spugface.jpg - Radioactivity turned out his weakness, loaded two barrels.



    Major surprise in the first round, the Scottish ambassador couldn't finish the task! The Thing from Konstanz easily dashed through the event and made a clear statement: don't mess with Jakob!




    Round Two - Log Press:

    A superhero knows no tiredness. To yank out a giant tree and hurl it at his foes is a display of strength as well as a weapon in his arsenal.

    Log press for max weight, 4 attempts each. Everyone had a go at the 60kg log to get into the groove.




    1. Gimli http://i118.photobucket.com/albums/o117/Kryptonite_V/VSGG%202008/Spug.jpg - 85kg - 95kg - 100kg - F at 105kg.

    Joined 2. Devil's Plaything http://i118.photobucket.com/albums/o117/Kryptonite_V/VSGG%202008/DevilsPlaything.jpg and Jakob http://i118.photobucket.com/albums/o117/Kryptonite_V/VSGG%202008/Jakob.jpg - 90kg each.

    DP: 80kg - 85kg - 90kg - F at 95kg.

    Jakob: 80kg - 90kg - 2xF at 95kg.

    4. Kryptonite V http://i118.photobucket.com/albums/o117/Kryptonite_V/VSGG%202008/Kryptoc.jpg - 70kg - 80kg - 2xF at 85kg.



    As expected, Spug proves a point with the log press and is back in the game! Jakob stays in the lead!







    Round Three - Farmer's Walk:

    The industrial chemical evil powerplant is still ablaze, superheroes and sidekicks fighting side by side to save the innocent. The superheroes aid the sidekicks with the task of carrying the victims into safety - two victims per hand!

    120kg per hand for maximum distance, no time limit, turns after 15m.




    Joined 1. Devil's Plaything http://i118.photobucket.com/albums/o117/Kryptonite_V/VSGG%202008/DevilsPlaything.jpg and Kryptonite V http://i118.photobucket.com/albums/o117/Kryptonite_V/VSGG%202008/Krypto2.jpg - 15m each.

    3. Jakob http://i118.photobucket.com/albums/o117/Kryptonite_V/VSGG%202008/Jakob2.jpg - 7,71m.

    4. Spug http://i118.photobucket.com/albums/o117/Kryptonite_V/VSGG%202008/Spugface.jpg - about 1m.



    Krypto and DP are happily surprised that a poor 15m secure them top points, while Spug gains himself the new fighting name "Gimli Onestep".




    Round Four - Yoke Walk:

    Our amazing heroes now carry, erm, something very big, heavy and important on their shoulders! Heroic!

    250kg for 20m, 90sec time limit.

    After some (foreign) competitors struggled to walk a few steps with the warm up weight of 210kg, the organizer kindly proposed to reduce the comp weight to 210kg, but the athletes refused - brave heroes!




    1. Kryptonite V http://i118.photobucket.com/albums/o117/Kryptonite_V/VSGG%202008/Krypto.jpg - 22,5 sec.

    2. Devil's Plaything http://i118.photobucket.com/albums/o117/Kryptonite_V/VSGG%202008/DP.jpg - 29,4 sec.

    3. Jakob http://i118.photobucket.com/albums/o117/Kryptonite_V/VSGG%202008/Jakob2.jpg - 35,3 sec*.

    4. Gimli Onestep http://i118.photobucket.com/albums/o117/Kryptonite_V/VSGG%202008/Spugface.jpg - 44,9 sec.


    Devil almost matched Krypto's time but stumbled a few meters before the line and dropped the yoke.

    Spug fought bravely and went all the way slowly but surely without a drop.

    *In the official documents Jakob's time is listed as 45,3 sec, which gave him 4th place. But i think there was a mistake, iirc his time was 35,3sec. I'm not 100% sure, but i decided to change the results, makes no difference for Spug anyway




    Final Round - Atlas Stones:

    Only superhumans can hope to lift these titanic boulders!

    75kg, 100kg onto 150cm platform, 130kg, 150kg onto 120cm platform.




    1. Jakob http://i118.photobucket.com/albums/o117/Kryptonite_V/VSGG%202008/Jakobgunshow.jpg - 44 seconds.

    2. Kryptonite V http://i118.photobucket.com/albums/o117/Kryptonite_V/VSGG%202008/Krypto.jpg - 52 seconds.

    3. Spug Braveheart http://i118.photobucket.com/albums/o117/Kryptonite_V/VSGG%202008/Spug2.jpg - 6,5 sec for two stones.

    4. Devil's Plaything http://i118.photobucket.com/albums/o117/Kryptonite_V/VSGG%202008/DP.jpg - 9,9 seconds for two stones.


    Jakob so fast, it looked easy!

    Krypto had to fight with the last stone, but sheer willpower got him through.

    DP and Spug close, but not close enough on the third stone.







    Final results:


    Joined First Place: Jakob http://i118.photobucket.com/albums/o117/Kryptonite_V/VSGG%202008/Jakobgunshow.jpg and Kryptonite V http://i118.photobucket.com/albums/o117/Kryptonite_V/VSGG%202008/Krypto.jpg - both 14,5 points.

    Third Place: Devil's Plaything http://i118.photobucket.com/albums/o117/Kryptonite_V/VSGG%202008/DevilsPlaything.jpg - 12 points.

    Fourth Place: Poor Old Spuggy http://i118.photobucket.com/albums/o117/Kryptonite_V/VSGG%202008/Spuggy.jpg - 9 points.



    I hope everyone enjoyed the gathering as much as i did!






    Round One - Tyre Flip:

    The sidekicks had 120 seconds time to flip burning tyres to save innocent victims lying underneath. The one who saved the most gets the most points!




    1. Euphoric http://i118.photobucket.com/albums/o117/Kryptonite_V/VSGG%202008/Euphoric.jpg - 18 flips.

    2. Baldy http://i118.photobucket.com/albums/o117/Kryptonite_V/VSGG%202008/Baldy3.jpg - 14 flips.

    3. Lars http://i118.photobucket.com/albums/o117/Kryptonite_V/VSGG%202008/Lars.jpg - 13 flips.

    Joined 4. Mellos http://i118.photobucket.com/albums/o117/Kryptonite_V/VSGG%202008/Mellos.jpg - Yann http://i118.photobucket.com/albums/o117/Kryptonite_V/VSGG%202008/Yann.jpg - Bo http://i118.photobucket.com/albums/o117/Kryptonite_V/VSGG%202008/Bo.jpg - 8 flips each.

    7. Pascal http://i118.photobucket.com/albums/o117/Kryptonite_V/VSGG%202008/Pascal.jpg - 7 flips.



    Euphoric takes an early lead with a comfy win in the Tyre Flip!





    Round Two - Farmer's Walk:

    The sidekicks now had to carry away the saved victims from the inferno as far as possible - one 60kg victim per hand, no time limit!




    1. Baldy http://i118.photobucket.com/albums/o117/Kryptonite_V/VSGG%202008/Baldy3.jpg -60m.

    2. Euphoric http://i118.photobucket.com/albums/o117/Kryptonite_V/VSGG%202008/Euphoric.jpg - 59m.

    3. Lars http://i118.photobucket.com/albums/o117/Kryptonite_V/VSGG%202008/Lars.jpg - 22,54m.

    4. Bo http://i118.photobucket.com/albums/o117/Kryptonite_V/VSGG%202008/Bo.jpg - 19,10m.

    5. Yann http://i118.photobucket.com/albums/o117/Kryptonite_V/VSGG%202008/Yann.jpg - 15m.

    6. Pascal http://i118.photobucket.com/albums/o117/Kryptonite_V/VSGG%202008/Pascal.jpg - 12,41m.

    7.Mellos http://i118.photobucket.com/albums/o117/Kryptonite_V/VSGG%202008/Mellos.jpg - 6,86m.



    Baldy and Euphoric are now head to head with one first and one second place each, while the rest of the field begins to seperate as they fight for the third spot.





    Round Three - Log Press:

    The task is simple, but not easy: lift the 40kg wooden log from floor to overhead as often as possible in 120 seconds to, er, save more innocent victims

    Mellos began and set the mark everyone else had to beat with 16 highly respectable reps.




    1. Baldy http://i118.photobucket.com/albums/o117/Kryptonite_V/VSGG%202008/Baldy3.jpg - 20 reps.

    Joined 2. Euphoric http://i118.photobucket.com/albums/o117/Kryptonite_V/VSGG%202008/Euphoric.jpg - Lars http://i118.photobucket.com/albums/o117/Kryptonite_V/VSGG%202008/Lars.jpg - 19 reps each.

    4. Mellos http://i118.photobucket.com/albums/o117/Kryptonite_V/VSGG%202008/Mellos.jpg - 16 reps.

    5. Bo http://i118.photobucket.com/albums/o117/Kryptonite_V/VSGG%202008/Bo.jpg - 7 reps.

    6. Pascal http://i118.photobucket.com/albums/o117/Kryptonite_V/VSGG%202008/Pascal.jpg - 5 reps.

    7. Yann http://i118.photobucket.com/albums/o117/Kryptonite_V/VSGG%202008/Yann.jpg - 2 reps.



    Baldy draws away from Euphoric while Lars secures his third spot.





    Final Round - Loading Race:

    The Sidekicks did what they do best: assist the superheroes. The task was to bring the deadly rocks of kryptonite away from the superheroes as quickly as possible and safely store them in shielded cabins.

    Read: carry a ~30kg rock for 15m, a ~55kg rock for 8m, and load them onto 150cm platform, then load a 75kg atlas stone on a 120cm platform.




    1. Baldy http://i118.photobucket.com/albums/o117/Kryptonite_V/VSGG%202008/Baldy3.jpg - 23,1 seconds.

    2. Euphoric http://i118.photobucket.com/albums/o117/Kryptonite_V/VSGG%202008/Euphoric.jpg - 33,0 seconds.

    3. Mellos http://i118.photobucket.com/albums/o117/Kryptonite_V/VSGG%202008/Mellos.jpg - 44,0 seconds.

    4. Lars http://i118.photobucket.com/albums/o117/Kryptonite_V/VSGG%202008/Lars.jpg - 48,1 seconds.

    5. Bo http://i118.photobucket.com/albums/o117/Kryptonite_V/VSGG%202008/Bo.jpg - 59,9 seconds.

    6. Pascal http://i118.photobucket.com/albums/o117/Kryptonite_V/VSGG%202008/Pascal.jpg - 62,5 seconds.

    7. Yann http://i118.photobucket.com/albums/o117/Kryptonite_V/VSGG%202008/Yann.jpg - 65sec for the rocks, Atlas stone not loaded.



    Baldy untouchable!

    Mellos gained some good points in this event.

    Everyone gave a good fight and almost everyone loaded the atlas stone!

    Yann had the disadvantage to go first, plus he had bruised, bleeding fingers from his fight with the tyre! Well done, Yann, proper HTFU!




    Final results:


    1. Baldy http://i118.photobucket.com/albums/o117/Kryptonite_V/VSGG%202008/Baldy3.jpg - 27 points.

    2. Euphoric http://i118.photobucket.com/albums/o117/Kryptonite_V/VSGG%202008/Euphoric.jpg - 24,5 points.

    3. Lars http://i118.photobucket.com/albums/o117/Kryptonite_V/VSGG%202008/Lars.jpg - 19,5 points.

    Joined 4. Mellos http://i118.photobucket.com/albums/o117/Kryptonite_V/VSGG%202008/Mellos.jpg - Bo http://i118.photobucket.com/albums/o117/Kryptonite_V/VSGG%202008/Bo.jpg - 13 points each.

    6. Yann http://i118.photobucket.com/albums/o117/Kryptonite_V/VSGG%202008/Yann.jpg - 8 points.

    7. Pascal http://i118.photobucket.com/albums/o117/Kryptonite_V/VSGG%202008/Pascal.jpg - 7 points.




    Congratulations to everyone!





    Sidekicks after comp: Lars, Pascal, Baldy, Bo, Yann, Euphoric, Mellos and some weak guy.

  8. http://i118.photobucket.com/albums/o117/Kryptonite_V/VSGG%202008/VeganStrengthGathering2008.jpg




    Introduction of the combatants






    Euphoric the Teutonic Psycho




    New to the forum but not to fitness and veganism, EUPHORIC has his eyes on victory and nothing less. Lean and mean 6 foot 3 inches, the tallest of all combatants.



    Mellos "Robin" T.O.B.I.




    The young padavan, 16 years of age, short but agile, light but determined, fit and fast. He is not going to give any points away easily!



    Baldy the South African Menace




    Baldy has not travelled that far to put up a poor show. He's secretly been spying on everyone's training logs for weaknesses and come up with a strategy to conquer the top today.



    Raw Powerman Lars




    The leader of the raw foodist team is here to make a point and prove raw vegan power!



    Yann "capital Y" cooking master




    He keeps fit with cycling and just wants to join in the fun today - WTF!



    B to the O cyclin' Bo




    Tall and fit, he could prove to be the dark horse today...



    Pascal the silent storm




    Not much is known about this quiet guy, better keep an eye on him...








    Spug "Gimli" Myers:




    "El_Flaco" on this board, the Scottish representative, the beardy threat to all teutonic, the ginger haired dwarf, the muscled trash talker - the one who needs no further introduction! Clearly the favourite of the day.



    Jakob "The Thing"




    Young, big, strong and fierce - if anybody can stop Gimli, he can!



    Devil's "Ghostrider" Plaything




    Drawing power from dead protein, this undead superhero grows stronger all the time. There will be no stopping this inexorable force of nature, one can only hope to gain some time before he will take the crown.



    Kryptonite V aka Daywalker




    Your friendly local superhero who faces all these fearsome foes for your entertainment.

  9. I think it's surprising that the chest looks almost equal and the difference isn't rediculously big.

    WTF are you talking about!!?

    Dennis' chest is three times bigger than Berend's, and the rest is four times bigger! The difference is CRAZY!


    And Berend is, according to the rules of his own natural BB federation, not natural - he was caught using ephedrine. And if he, the poster boy of German natural BB, uses that while claiming to be natural, who knows what else he took and wasn't caught. A pity

  10. The last guy looks clearly pumped up on roids.

    First, he looks awesome. Second, you can bet your ass that all the other guys on this page above him (so Christian Bale excluded) are on roids as well!


    If he can do it everybody can

    He can do me any time baby, woo

    So Richard, you're telling us that everybody can do you anytime?
  11. Hi Shawn!


    I suppose you're the same "Future" as the one on Intense Muscle?

    Great to have you here!

    Good luck with your show!


    I know you know your stuff, so i'll hold my tongue about tips for the transition and on how to avoid mass loss ... but if you're interested in exchanging vegan prep experiences, feel free to PM me




  12. Thanks everybody for the votes and the love vibes


    I voted for you too, and the singer Nena (loved 101 red balloons song of hers that made it over here to the states).

    99 it is


    DUDE!! I don't know what you look like!! Which one is you??



    You're hurting me

    This is a vegan BODYBUILDING forum, who do you think i am?

    Glad you figured it out with some help


    in the near future I'm going to go over to Germany to visit him and crush him in arm wrestling

    You know i love you, Thinthin, but you should really stop dead smoking crack, man!

    Back to reality: when you come over, better make sure you're in top shape 'cos i won't take no excuses from you!

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