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Posts posted by Daywalker

  1. Well done Kurtjs!


    Good conditioning, esp. for a first show. The guys next to you are bigger, but i'd rate them down for not being in competition shape. They look like me off season


    Looks like you got the posing nailed, too, although i'd say crunch in more in the ab poses - but that's hard to judge by two pics only.


    What is OCB? Is that a natural fed?


    You won't see me stepping on stage very soon, right now i'm enjoying weight and strength gains too much to destroy that with a pre-comp diet I'll compete in a novice strongman comp in two weeks tho

  2. Hello everyooooooone!

    ICh find Dortmund super!! Let's go! I AM IN! Ich würde den 29. bevorzugen.


    29.09. ist ein Samstag... *lautdenk*


    Ich freue mich schon


    Übrigens, kleine Ankündigung:


    Am 16.09. nehme ich in der Nähe von Leipzig an einem Strongman-Wettkampf teil. Ich werde in Vegan Fitnees Team Shirt antreten und mich über vegane Unterstützung freuen, wenn es jemand aus der Nähe gibt, der Zeit hat (oder jemandem das eine weite Fahrt wert ist ).


    Ansonsten bis bald! Ich freu mich schon sehr!

  3. Wow, some development here!


    Schwimmbad - VETO!!!

    Du hast kein Veto-Recht. Bei dreistelligem postcount kannst Du froh sein, dass Du ohne Konferenz eingeladen wirst


    Mal eben OT: kommt jemand zur 'Köln Pelzfrei'?





    Komissar Rex!?

    Und ich habe mich schon gefragt, wer so was guckt

    Die Antwort ist so einfach: das ist für Ausländer zum Deutsch lernen!



    Warum jetzt plötzlich so spät im Oktober?


    Flanders, danke für die Organisation! Der Plan sieht gut aus

    roid_rage, wäre Klasse, wenn Du das mit dem Gym abklären könntest


    Ich freu mich jetzt schon

  4. Ich wuerde gern das kochen uebernehmen, falls jemand dafuer gebraucht wird.

    Da sagt bestimmt keiner nein!

    Obwohl wir gerne helfen Das wäre doch was, gemeinsam kochen unter fachfrauischer Anleitung!


    Ich würde Dich auch gerne mal treffen, Patricia, Dein Ruf ist bereits bis zu mir gedrungen



    Also wo nun? Mehr Vorschläge und Meinungen bitte! (ja ich bin ungeduldig )

    Und imho sollte schon ein Fitnessstudio o.ä. Möglichkeit in der Nähe sein Schliesslich ist das ein Vegan BODYBUILDING Forumtreffen!

    Schwimmbad wäre aber auch okay... eigentlich alles, solange ich nicht Fussball spielen muss

  5. Do you need pointers on carb/sodium/water manipulation?


    Daywalker, can you give an outline of what your final week leading up to a show looks like?

    I'm on low sodium through the pre-comp diet. Load sodium and start high water intake in the last week. Deplete carbs a bit for two days. Then stop sodium a few days before the show, increase water intake and start carbing up.

  6. Grease the groove, i like it


    Didn't read the articles, but the basic idea should be to do the move often and in the comfort zone, and steadily increase the total amount of reps per day. But always stay in the comfort zone, at least have light days and some slightly harder days. Once you're doing a high number of reps, you can start adding weight if you wish.

    It works, i did it with push ups and with chin ups, but it takes a lot of training time.

  7. Hi Milochka,


    got to the point where I was consistently progressing with weights and doing really nice form-wise compound movements* by the end of july;

    That is good

    I think you're program is okay and you should stick to it as long as you can see progress!


    the program that i put up for your approval i designed just recently,

    It's a good program.

    How many sets do you do, how much rest between sets, what rep range, do you lift every set to muscle failure, how long is your workout in total? Those are factors you can start to alter if the progress slows.


    the problems that i'm having:

    am i lifting enough or should i add an extra day?

    how much cardio?

    Again, that depends on your goals. I'd not add cardio to the lifting sessions, but you can always do cardio on the other days if you like it and if fat loss and health and more important to you than muscle and strength gains. A moderate cardio session will be beneficient for most people, though, even for gains, as it helps recovery.


    should i do cardio as a separate session later on in the evening on the days i train or do it right after my training session? *feel that the former will be more effective but would like to know other people's opinions as well*

    should i not do cardio on training day and instead, do it once or even twice a day on non weight days?

    I agree with you. The best is to seperate cardio and weights, but if that's not possible, do cardio after weights.


    and last, but not least, WHAT SHOULD BE MY CALORIE INTAKE/REGIMEN?


    Gain or shed?

    I think you should focus on the quality of the food more than the quantity. Write a food log if you like for a couple of weeks and check your calories and your weight change in that time. Also look in the mirror, it might be that you're gaining muscles, and the scales won't tell you that!

    If you want to shed fat, subtract 15% from your average daily calory intake and have that as your new AVERAGE daily intake. Don't eat the same amount every day.


    as long as it does not involve consuming 100 grams of protein a day because i've tried that before and my body really didnt like that ... even though it was vegan

    I suspect that depends on the type of protein. My body doesn't like large amounts of processed protein like soy products, but i can handle protein in it's whole form pretty well (lentils!!).

  8. Cool. Odi kann Deutsch!

    Odi, bring Robert doch ENDLICH mal bei, wie man "fantastisch" richtig sagt und schreibt!


    Wenn jemand einen Ort weiß, der sich perfekt eignet, sind bestimmt viele bereit, eine weitere Anfahrt in Kauf zu nehmen!


    Was dann aber auch wieder etwas vom finanziellen abhängt...


    Ich finde, etwas mittig sollte der Ort schon liegen. Obwohl München natürlich auch Klasse wäre

    Ansonsten kriegt Dortmund meine Stimme!

  9. Roid_rage, i didn't forget you! I just wasn't sure if you're still active here, same goes for all other German members except Flanders! Plus i don't know some of the newer members yet!


    (and i don't want you at the meet-up because you're so much bigger than me )


    Great stuff, Flanders, i hope we can get this meet up going soon


    What about Gorilla? Is he still here in the forum and is he still in Bonn?


    Odi - verstehst Du denn dann noch ein Wort von dem was wir reden?

  10. Hahaha


    I put on weight and strength and muscles by NOT bodybuilding!

    I focused a lot on strength gains and ate as much as i could, throwing worries of getting fat overboard (didn't happen anyway ).

    I didn't do ANY isolation exercises (no curls! no triceps pushdowns! no leg extensions!) but instead paid due to the fact that my squat, deadlift and overhead press are pathetic!


    I'm still not nearly as strong as i want to be (i guess i never will ), but at least a bit stronger. I also did some strongman training while i was in Scotland


    I kept and keep my training log over on veganfitness:



    It's too much effort to keep it on both boards

  11. What is GTG?


    The idea of doing an exercise as often as possible is not new and i always preach it Few listen, most like the idea of HIT better.

    I can only recommend to train like this once in a while, the main negative points are 1.) it takes a lot of time and 2.) overdoing it is a danger (though that's true for most workout styles).

  12. Now i'm a bit confused.

    I want to put on some more muscle and shed that winter (and school) fat.
    I'm not trying to really bulk or lose.

    So if i get you right you just want to know what you can eat as a vegan athlete?


    "Thrive" is a good book to start with, agreed.

    And there are tons of other books on the vegan diet, and i don't believe an athlete needs to make many adjustments, just eat more of the same healthy food everyone should eat according to energy demands.


    Keep it simple. For example (am to pm):

    - fruits

    - cereals with soy- or other plant milk

    - snack, fruit again or nuts or crackers or...

    - lunch, depending on your work situation, some grains with veggies and/or beans/lentils/peas

    - snack, fruit or nuts or shake (or more on non training days)

    - on workout days, PWO

    - dinner, low carb, veggies with tofu, salads, some seeds... for me this is the main meal, and the one you can put most effort in to make it tasty and varied

    - if you want to gain: late night snack, like nuts again or soyghurt with seeds and jam, or protein shake, or potato chips


    That's how i try to do it, though it's hard to eat consistently at work. So i snack constantly and miss lunch often.

  13. Thank you all!


    So we'll see ya at VV'08?

    As sure as i can be at this point. Can't imagine what could keep me.... so yes, i'll be there!



    Steve, i never measured it, but usually decent competition shape is 5% and below. As i'm usually one of the lean guys on stage, i'd guess around 3%.

  14. Just calling out to all Germans in this forum so that no every thread in this sub-board is about Portland!


    Who's in Germany at the moment and up for a meet-up?

    Flanders77, me and who else?

  15. If you want to get lean, the diet is as important as the workout.


    As stated, it's a muscle and strength gain routine mainly. It won't be optimal for weight loss.

    In the long run, gained muscle will help you to burn fat, but initially it may well be that you gain weight and size and just look bigger.

    Don't exaggerate the food intake, if you want to lose weight, you will still benefit from the strength training if you don't eat extra calories.


    A full body workout 3/week is good also, if the exercises are similar ones. But a change between the two programs surely won't hurt.


    Adding cardio (like riding your bike) to this workout is a good idea to burn more calories.



    I suggest you try this workout for 6 weeks and note your progress. I also recommend to keep a food log to see what and how much you're actually eating.


    Good luck!

  16. You say you want to put on muscle and shed fat at the same time. While i believe it's possible, especially for beginners, i think it's hard to achieve for experienced athletes. In the off season you should have a priority.


    General rules of thumb are:

    - low carb after 6pm. (salads with seeds/oil, veggies, nuts, tofu, soyyghurt are ok).

    - More veggies to lose weight, more grains and beans to gain.

    - Calory intake depends on training volume, intensity and frequency.


    If you can, i'd recommend to train heavy, short and often in order to burn fat and build muscle, but it's a tough balance with the calory intake and i can't really guide you via the internet.


    So what is your diet and training like at the moment? It's always easier to give tips on how to improve an existing plan if it's not working.

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