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Wisdom Teeth


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Im getting mine out next week. 2 impacted 2 partial. I was supposed to have them out about 10 years ago, but never got around to it. Now they're causing me a world of pain.


Share your experience - Most of the people I've asked claim it was no big deal. Although, a small percent said it was pretty horrible.


I'm not worried about it. I just don't want it to interfere with training, and eating. If this puts me out more than 1 day I'm going to be pissed.


Also, how about the pain? I don't plan on taking the prescribed vicodin.

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I need mine out, but I can't afford it right now. It's hard to get time off work because 2 girls are on maternity leave.


That's the problem when you work in a place with women only. They go get knocked up and have to leave lol

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I did 'em one at a time over 4 months. I'd seen people who looked absolutely miserable who did all 4 at once, so I went the coward's way out and had them done with a month in between each one . But, mine weren't causing me any pain or having problems (yet), so I was able to take my time.

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I did 'em one at a time over 4 months. I'd seen people who looked absolutely miserable who did all 4 at once, so I went the coward's way out and had them done with a month in between each one . But, mine weren't causing me any pain or having problems (yet), so I was able to take my time.

I have 2 that have been giving me a lot of trouble. So if Im doin it I might as well just get them all out.

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all of mine were impacted and they were all cut out in one visit, the demerol or whatever injection they mainline into the iv was one of the coolest things i've ever experienced, everything fell apart in puzzle pieces. tip with the vicodin, you will want it, but probably not at the dose prescribed, you can crush up a tablet and mix it with icy cold water and let it sit in the fridge for 30 minutes or so then filter it through a coffee filter, it gets rid of the acetaminophen

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all of mine were impacted and they were all cut out in one visit, the demerol or whatever injection they mainline into the iv was one of the coolest things i've ever experienced, everything fell apart in puzzle pieces. tip with the vicodin, you will want it, but probably not at the dose prescribed, you can crush up a tablet and mix it with icy cold water and let it sit in the fridge for 30 minutes or so then filter it through a coffee filter, it gets rid of the acetaminophen

Thanks for the heads up on the vicodin. Im gonna give that a go.


I had all four removed at once and gave the vicodin to my grandma for her back. I used ibuprofen a couple times a day and it was plenty. I don't know if it is any better to use that than vicodin, though, but I tend to think so.

I was hoping ibuprofen would be enough. I've heard vicodin usually causes nausea.

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I had mine taken out by an oral surgeon, so I was out for most of it and it was nothing compared to the mandibular and maximillian surgery I had on my jaw at the same time with braces (I did not have a fun junior year in high school, but senior year was awesome with the final outcome done that prior summer). My parents said I had a $5,000 smile after that summer .


I just got done helping my daughter through the ordeal. She got it done by the dentist and had to be awake for the whole thing. I stayed down by her feet (massaging them because it was so cold in that room for her, and her circulation was not the greatest due to the anxiety that was building up in her) and made it through her first extraction when I started to get whoosey (they gave me a chair to sit in after that). She got both teeth out (on the top which I guess is the easiest to do) put in the pads of gauze, had two days of vicodin, and was fine (even went to the anime central convention in Chicago for those two days). She also tolerates pain very well though. I just don't tolerate blood very well (and it wasn't that much even!).

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I had all 4 of mine out at once and it really was not so bad. They gave me some kind of painkiller prescription and I didn't use it. Most of the time I was able to take nothing, but if I had some aching, I took a couple of ibuprofen.


The worst part was the inability to eat properly. When I first started eating again (it wasn't long, maybe a day) I had to chew really slowly and carefully and try not to get much food back in that area. Then you have to rinse really well after eating and gargle salt water all the time.


So basically, it's rather annoying and inconvenient, but not really so painful. The pulling out itself didn't hurt in the least, but I didn't have to have any cutting. And I healed very well and quickly--the oral surgeon was pretty impressed. (It was fortunate because I was moving to the UK 2 weeks after I had them out!)

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I had two impacted, two not. I got them out about four years ago, all at once. One thing you need to know about me is that I'm a HUGE wimp when it comes to doctors, dentists, etc. I am paralyzed with fear and just simply will not go to them. I will not allow them to inject me or take my blood. I have nightmares about being chased by doctors who are wielding syringes. I only got my wisdom teeth out because I was having massive headaches because of them.


That being said, it really wasn't that bad. I even stayed awake during the surgery (I chose that over being knocked out by having a needle put into my arm. That freaks me out.) I did, however, receive copious amounts of laughing gas, which was awesome. The procedure itself didn't hurt, and even the freezing needles in my gums were not that bad. I chose the dentist after going to four of them, and hating the first three. They took a break between my two sides, and during the break I became enamoured with something hanging from the roof... the kind of thing they hang over baby cribs... and I started laughing harder than I've ever laughed in my life. Tears were streaming down my face and I ended up sobbing. My stomach was killing me from the laughing. I really don't know why I thought it was funny, but let me tell you, if I ever have a chance to inhale laughing gas again I won't hesitate.


Anyway, I was on all liquids for nearly a week after, and the worst part was just being so hungry. I also used a baby toothbrush because my mouth couldn't handle an adult brush. It wasn't pleasant afterwards, but I've had worse periods than this pain.

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lol good luck man. getting my wisdom teeth pulled was one of the most painful experiences. Thankfully, it happened in the middle of a fast, so i didn't have to worry about eating solids. I def didn't want to. I still have two left but two were pulled. To make things worse, it happened the same string of days that i was getting my upper front 4 teeth reconstructed and rebuilt due to my bicycle accident.


Sides of my gums got very imflammed and swollen so i had to go in as an emergency to get them removed, couldn't wait


He had to take one out in 2 pieces, the other in 4 pieces. That stupid tool they use to eject it, smacks your jaw every time they can't pull it out and really hurts. Then it gets lodged in your throat and you have to cough it up.


Oh yea and to top it off, I had to get one hole sowed because it was so sore and messed up. Getting thread and needled through your gums after a painful extraction was like the icing on the cake.


I refused to take percocets/painkillers but the pain was severe afterwards. When I got home, I was crying and I simply laid down and shut my eyes and did not say a word for 14hours.


That was for the first one, the second one, I actually had to work that day and I went straight to work right afterwards with my gaping bleeding hole and did a 7hr shift. It still hurt like hell but I needed the money.


Good luck my friend, maybe i'm just exaggerating but it's defintely not a walk in the park. Some people were put under, maybe that's easier. Either way just grin and bear it, it's dooable...

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Good luck! I didn't have any problem when I had my wisdom teeth out. It was done on my 19th birthday (yeah, happy birthday to me) and there was no trouble at all. They did give me some prescription painkillers but ibuprophen did just fine for me. For several days afterwards I drank tomato soup for meals, but I was fine with that.


The annoying part was the couple of months of waiting for the tissue to grow over the new holes in my gums. Every time I ate food got in there and I'd have to use this weird looking syringe to hose the food out of there. That part was nasty.

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Hope all goes well! I may be too late for this bit of advice but I would put something like lip balm thickly on the corners of your mouth before the procedure, because after they had my mouth pried open for hours extracting the wisdom teeth the corners of my mouth cracked and tore! *cringe*

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yooo, I survived. All 4 gone. This isn't too much fun though - kinda hurts. I'm having the hardest time trying to drink this monstrous smoothie I just made. I've been sipping on it for 45 minutes now - my lip feels like a truck tire.



pumpkin seeds


chunk of banana


splash of orange juice





Thanks for the kind words all.

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They dug all 4 of mine out at one time, healed up in a week.

How long til you were back to training? I popped a few advil, and did some pushups, pullups, and other body weight stuff. I hate lying in bed, and my puny body can't afford to miss a day.

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When I was around 18 my wisdom teeth started to hurt a bit. But the pain went away, and hasn't come back so I still have them. But unfortunately I have a couple cracked teeth, and 1 rotten tooth that need to come out. But with no dental coverage at the moment I'll have to wait a bit before I can get it taken care of.

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When I was around 18 my wisdom teeth started to hurt a bit. But the pain went away, and hasn't come back so I still have them. But unfortunately I have a couple cracked teeth, and 1 rotten tooth that need to come out. But with no dental coverage at the moment I'll have to wait a bit before I can get it taken care of.

I hear ya. I don't have dental either. I finally got healthcare - after being employed by this place for 7 years Good thing cause I've been putting it to use.

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I don't know if I have any. Does everyone have wisdom teeth? I know I never got them removed but my teeth so far don't hurt or anything so I have no idea if I need them removed( If I even have them to begin with )


But I know( For the recovery process ) I would not take any pain killers. I'm sure there are natural ways to help. Like a good ice water flush? Maybe. Ice Cream? Well that works for getting your Tonsils removed. I'd probably go on a fast then too since it seems to me that eating anything solid would hurt.


I'm glad I don't need ne right now. As I have no idea on the naturality or even the vegan-ality of what the dentist's use. Is the gas they use to knock you out Vegan? Can you die/is it very painful to just go natural and deal with it all? I know women can do child birth( Which is quite possibly the most painful thing any human being experiences normally ) naturally so I'm sure I'd survive a wsidom pull natural.

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