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Creationist museum


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Oh boy, I love it! I only live a couple of hours from Kentucky.


My favorite quotes from the article:


The kids run past that and around a corner, where stands another, smaller dinosaur.


Which is wearing a saddle.


It is an English saddle, hornless and battered. Apparently, this was a dinosaur used for dressage competitions and stakes races.



Elsewhere in the museum, another Adam figure is full-size, if unpainted, and waiting to be installed. This Adam is reclining peacefully; eventually, if the plans stay true, he will be placed in a pool under a waterfall. As the figure depicts a prelapsarian Adam, he is completely naked. He also has no penis
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I would love to visit that place! Just for lulz.


However, I think it's kind of creepy that we're living in the 21th century and science is being attacked by political interest groups who use religion as a tool to drive their own agendas.

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While being somewhat-Religious myself I read the article and agree. Everything in there is purely idiotic! I'm very thankful that not all religious people are that stupid.


Like this quote for example.


As the figure depicts a prelapsarian Adam, he is completely naked. He also has no penis.


So Adam has no dick. Well then how does he impregnate Eve and start off the human race?


And Dinosaurs living amongst man? And on the Noah's ark no doubt? Holy Shit. How did Noah stay alive with all of those vicious Velocoraptors? They would have eaten his wife and kids.


This is what you get from Redneck Religious America.

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