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Hello! I'm new here.

Alejandro The Vegan

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Hi there! I been a vegetarian for a little over a year now and decided that in 2009 I will make the process towards becoming Vegan. So here you have me! An other thin I've done since the new year is eliminate alcohol consumption. I been going to the gym for about 3 months now and I want to continue getting stronger and gaining muscle on my vegan diet. For me! of course and also to shut all the people up that keep giving me crap about my health decision. I hope to meet good friends here and learn a thing or two!

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thanks everyone for the warm welcome! I forgot to mention that I'm also into Mixed Martial Arts, I want to find a gym. right now I just watch it on TV haha. I'm not sure If I will drink again. and if I do I'm sure it will be for a good damn reason. very very moderate of course. The money I saved this mont from buying my average 12 pack a week is being put aside for a vacation one day.

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