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Joel's training journal

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Thank you everyone


I seem to keep getting behind on updating my workouts, I haven't lifted weights for a couple of days and have just been doing a fair bit of aerobic work. Four days a week of weights is about as much as I can handle at the moment, I seem to be pulling up very sore after each workout.

My last session was a lighter leg and back workout.


Box squats - 60kg x 6

80kg x 3

110kg x 2 x 8 sets

150kg x 1

Kneeling squats - 110kg x 5 x 5 sets

Sumo deadlifts - 110kg x 5 x 3 sets

Pullups - 6 x 6 - Did one pretty poor muscleup - I'll get there again one day...

Trunk twists - 10 x 3 sets

Barbell calf raise - 70kg x 12 x 3 sets


My diet has been going well although this week I feel like my condition hasn't improved as much as I would have liked. I'm having a small refeed this weekend and hopefully that will help get the metabolism going again. I'm looking forward to having a couple of Clif bars which I got when my Vega order finally came yesterday


Meal 1 - Nitrofusion, soaked walnuts (I soak them overnight and them add crystal salt to them) - mixed into a custard consistency.

Meal 2 - Seaweed salad with tempeh and avocado

Meal 3 - Vega shake

Meal 4 - Tempeh, spinach, macadamia oil

Meal 5 - Same as meal 1

Had one less meal because I wasn't lifting weights, wasn't all that hungry anyway.

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Are the walnuts good like that? I've never tried anything like that. Interesting concept.


Yeah I love them. I generally buy some which have been dehydrated too but figured if I just soak them and add the salt they taste much the same.


Diet looks good and congrats on the muscle up


Thank you



Had a pretty good workout on the weekend, had a small refeed and ate a couple of Clif bars and had some juice which I don't normally have and I think it helped my workout.


Floor press - 40kg x 8

80kg x 4

100kg x 3

120kg x 3

130kg x 1

Incline bench - 90kg x 5 x 3 sets

Military press - 70kg x 3 x 5 sets

Throatcrushers - 60kg x 5 x 3 sets

Barbell curls - 45kg x 6 x 3 sets

Skullcrushers - 45kg x 8 x 3 sets

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Arms are fucking sick dude! Vegan fucking power


Haha, thanks mate!


like clif bars every once and awhile too. The blueberry one is great stuff.


I've never tried the blueberry one before, just the peanut butter one which is nice.


Trained legs and back yesterday, I tried to go for a max on the deadlift.


Deadlifts - 60kg x 8

100kg x 3

140kg x 3

180kg x 1

180kg x 1 - Did a second single because I didn't lock out the first properly.

Lunges - 80kg x 5 x 5 sets

Bentover rows on box - 80kg x 6 x 4 sets

Close grip chinups - 6 x 4 sets

Trunk twists - 10 x 3 sets

One leg calf raises - 10kg x 12 x 5 sets


Diet is still going ok, I'm going to have one more small refeed over the weekend and then get back to the depletion type of diet for the show. I'm not going to carb up or anything before the show next week because I have a few shows in a row and want to peak for the one on the 10th October.


Meal 1 - Protein cookie (Have taken out the chocolate coconut butter to lower calories, just using Sunwarrior, flax meal, almond butter and walnuts - doesn't bind very well)

Meal 2 - Tofu, broccoli, olive oil

Meal 3 - Seaweed salad with tempeh and avocado

Meal 4 - Vega shake

Meal 5 - Aminos, creatine, carnitine, espresso

Meal 6 - Sunwarrior and walnuts mixed into custard

Meal 7 - Tofu, broccoli, avocado

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Can't wait to hear how you do in the upcoming shows.


Yeah me too, I hope I do well.



I'm going to stop training legs on the weekend to give myself a week rest. I trained them about 4 days before my comp last year and they were still too smooth, so hopefully they will look leaner with the extra rest.

Had an upper body session yesterday.

Speed bench press - Bar x 12

60kg x 6

90kg x 3 x 6 sets

115kg x 2

Dumbell bench press - 40kg x 5 x 3 sets

Lateral raises - 17.5kg x 5 x 5 sets

Bentover lateral raise - 15kg x 8 x 3 sets

Dumbell curls - 17.5kg x 5 x 5 sets

Dumbell skullcrushers - 15kg x 10 x 6 sets



Meal 1 - Sunwarrior and almonds

Meal 2 - Tofu, spinach, olive oil

Meal 3 - Aminos, spirulina, chia seeds

Meal 4 - Tofu, broccoli, mushrooms, olive oil

Meal 5 - Aminos, creatine, carnitine, espresso

Meal 6 - Tofu, spinach, avocado

Meal 7 - Aminos, spirulina

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I'm sure you will. You ate a ton of tofu lately!


Yeah, I'm starting to enjoy it a bit more now.


Good luck! I love how you train mostly in the strength range, but obviously do quite well for hypertrophy and bodybuilding.


I've always had better results training this way, I didn't ever get much out of the typical bodybuilding 'pump' style training.


Once again I've fallen behind in keeping my journal updated but my memory isn't too bad so these are my last few workouts.

Last Friday, Back and legs.

Deadlifts - 60kg x 6

100kg x 3

140kg x 3

180kg x 1

Lunges - 80kg x 5 x 5 sets

Close grip pullups - 5 x 5 sets

Bentover rows on box - 80kg x 6 x 4 sets

Trunk twists - 10 x 3 sets

Barbell calf raises - 70kg x 12 x 5 sets


Saturday, Chest, shoulders and arms

Bench press - 60kg x 8

100kg x 3

120kg x 3

130kg x 1 - was pretty happy with that

Incline dumbell bench - 40kg x 5 x 3 sets

Dumbell shoulder press (no back support) - 25kg x 5 x 3 sets

Throatcrushers - 45kg x 6 x 4 sets

Barbell curls - 40kg x 6 x 4 sets

Skullcrushers - 40kg x 6 x 4 sets


Yesterday (Monday) legs and back

Sumo deadlifts - 60kg x 6

100kg x 3

140kg x 3

180kg x 1

195kg x 1 - it was a pb for sumo deadlifts, I might use that for my competition deadlifting from now on

Front squats - 100kg x 3 x 6 sets

130kg x 1

Bentover rows - 100kg x 6 x 4 sets

Trunk twists - 10 x 3 sets


I was happy with yesterday's workout, my numbers are still ok considering I feel under the weather for the most part. It should put me in good shape for the powerlifting stuff down the track.

I took a few photos yesterday and will post them when I get a chance.


Diet is still going ok, have cut out most of my shakes and am just eating tofu, broccoli and olive oil or avocado 4 times a day and just some aminos on top of that. I should look ok for the practice comp on Sunday.

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Yeah I cut the shakes out mostly as a way of reducing calories and because I'm pretty hungry most of the time, eating tofu and broccoli helps me enjoy what calories I'm having a little bit more. I cut out all my grains and things, like the quinoa, mostly because I find I react better to just fibrous vegetable based carbohydrates at this time when I need to make sure I'm not holding much fluid. I don't have the luxury of any diuretics and also I don't want to run the risk of potential bloating. At this point, the whole last week of preparation has just been tofu, broccoli and walnuts. I'm not going to do any carb ups or crazy water reductions or anything, I've tried risks like that in the past and it has never paid off. I would rather come in a bit flatter than carb up and get bloated or hold excess water.


I had my last workouts earlier this week

Chest, triceps, abs

Speed bench - 60kg x 6

90kg x 3 x 6 sets

120kg x 2 - felt pretty good, I'm looking forward to getting back to powerlifting after all this finishes

Dumbell bench press - 42.5kg x 5 x 3 sets

Throatcrushers - 50kg x 6 x 4 sets

Skullcrushers - 40kg x 6 x 4 sets

Trunk twists - 10 x 3 sets

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My last workout was just a little bit of shoulders, back, biceps, calves and abs.

Pullups - 6 x 6 sets

One arm rows - 45kg x 6 x 4 sets

Clean and press - 70kg x 3 x 6 sets

Dumbell curls - 17.5kg x 5 x 5 sets

Rollouts - 10 x 4 sets

Barbell calf raise - 70kg x 12 x 4 sets


Diet has been the same for most of the week, 4 meals of plain organic hard tofu, cut into very thin slices and fried in a tiny bit of coconut oil. I was adding crystal salt but as of yesterday and today I'm only seasoning with pepper. I have been eating it with steamed broccoli, which I've also been adding pepper to. My water has been about 4-5 litres per day, I've also been drinking about a litre of green tea. I won't reduce my fluids until about 12 hours before I go on stage.


Here are a couple of pictures from about a week ago. I've shaved and started tanning now, so I look a lot better. I'll have plenty more photos after this weekend.





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Looking awesome. Thanks for taking the time to answer my diet questions. I was wondering about the quinoa because technically it isn't relly a grain but more of a seed. Pics looks really awesome. I think your going to do really well!


Thank you MaryStella!

Yeah quinoa is a bit unique like that.


dude, you're an animal ... damn impressive


Thanks guys!!


I have just got home from the comp. I came third which I'm pretty happy about. It was a pretty good lineup and I feel confident now going into the next couple of shows with some momentum.

I'll post up some pics soon, I'm just going to enjoy my one night when I can eat up a little.

Thanks everyone for being so supportive, I'm really glad to be here.

Time to go eat some dark chocolate and hummus with bread and not just broccoli!!

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