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Ever read this article... Why Man is not vegetarian -hah aha


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here is an example of what he writes...


I asked my teacher, Vince Gironda, about vegetarianism for bodybuilders. He told me that there had never been a Mr. America, Mr. Universe, or Mr. "Anything" that was a vegetarian, because, as a bodybuilder, you want to get bigger and have your muscles grow. You won't get the "pump".


You won't grow, and if you continue being a total vegetarian, you will become lethargic. You won't even want to work out. I decided to run a test on myself. I would become a vegetarian for six months and see how I felt. I quit after three months. Everything I had been told was true. In addition, my muscles had started to atrophy. Animal protein is so superior to vegetable protein, it's almost a joke.

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It's not surprising to see an article like that on bodybuilding.com. It just makes me laugh is all.


To each their own. They can write all they want, but we're living proof they're wrong. Don't even have to write a counter argument. Just show 'em some pictures of Jimi, Robert and Giacomo and that'll shut 'em up.

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Bodybuilding.com is acctually quite nice to vegetarians and vegans, or used to be. They seem to sell stuff to a lot of vegans since everything that is vegan is clearly marked in their shop. But they have the most random authors and they get a lot of shit in there, very unscientific statements etc.

However BB.com should not be bad mouthed too much, vegans have written articles for them and in general they talk pretty posi about "us".

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yeah I saw they had a few people there who write like Mahler and others on vegan fitness.


It is just funny that this was under vegan when I hit search.


Independent writers all the time there. I even went to the crossfit site and went to their forum which is supper duper exclusive and you have to sign up with your official name and they try to verify if you really exist. I ran across a topic on vegetarian eating their and the forum members were poking fun at vegetarian eating like we must have meat. People are funny and it also show how much they really don't know about fitness and nutrition.

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I sure don't think humans are naturally vegetarians, but that seems to be viewpoint that shitty article is trying to disprove.


Some of his reasons are so flawed it's ridiculous, but did he seriously try to compare adapting to eating meat to adapting to smoking cigarettes as if it's a good thing??

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