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2006 GOALS

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bench: T&G - 155kg

Paused - 140kg

Shirted - 170kg (this is provisional - i may decide not to try shirted)

squat: 175kg with good form


deadlift: 225kg with good form


clean and push press: 120kg at least, 130kg ideally


rack lockout (3inch range of motion): 400kg as an inntial goal, but maybe 455kg (1000lb)


close the captains of crush number 3. maybe get certified.


increase my weight to at least 115kg by the end of the year. maybe even approaching 120kg.



its going to be a big year for me. i have a reasonably solid base of strength, i know how to perform the exercises with good form, and i hope to get big and strong.


i also would like to compete in my first competition this year. im not strong enough to do strongman yet but ill enter a PL comp. i know i wont win, as the guys in my weight class will be at least 8inches shorter than me with the same weight, but im going to do it for me



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bench: T&G - 155kg

Paused - 140kg

Shirted - 170kg (this is provisional - i may decide not to try shirted) jonathan


haha, thinking of going shirted on the bench? once you do you will never go back. if you want to get an idea of how much you could do with a shirt, do lockouts from 3-4" rom and hold the weight at the top for a 5 count without hurting yourself. basically if you're triceps and supporting shoulder muscles aren't strong enough, a bench shirt won't help you do much more than you already are. if you are terrible at the bottom like me, then they will help immensely. help you help yourself that is

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my goals are the following:


squat: 450 lbs

bench (shirted): 350

deadlift: 500 lbs (this will be hard)

18" deadlift: 600 lbs

shut the CoC #2: still can't believe i went all year and didn't make it although my spring got rusty so i'm crushing under protest.

gain some more weight then cut down to 181 for my first powerlifting competition.

Edited by wannalift
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bench: T&G - 155kg

Paused - 140kg

Shirted - 170kg (this is provisional - i may decide not to try shirted) jonathan


haha, thinking of going shirted on the bench? once you do you will never go back. if you want to get an idea of how much you could do with a shirt, do lockouts from 3-4" rom and hold the weight at the top for a 5 count without hurting yourself. basically if you're triceps and supporting shoulder muscles aren't strong enough, a bench shirt won't help you do much more than you already are. if you are terrible at the bottom like me, then they will help immensely. help you help yourself that is


well maybe. im not strong on the lockout though - the most that i have done (though this is about 2months ago) is 160kg (352lb) for 3x1 with a 3inch ROM. im still a bit dubious about it as im sure that i one day have a 200kg (440lb) raw bench in me. i think that shirted might screw that up a bit.


we'll see if my ego gets the better of me and makes me buy a shirt!



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once you do you will never go back. if you want to get an idea of how much you could do with a shirt, do lockouts from 3-4" rom and hold the weight at the top for a 5 count without hurting yourself.

I did 455 that way at a time when I was struggling to full ROM bench 245. I still don't plan on getting a silly bench shirt.

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  • 4 weeks later...

2006 goals -


1. 600 lb. raw squat

2. 350 raw bench

3. 600 raw deadlift

4. 340 overhead press (any way I can get it!)

5. 310 overhead log press

6. 1100 lb. quarter squat (I need is a bar that can hold enough weight!)

7. Flip a 1200 lb. tire at least twice in a row

8. Get a 400 lb. stone loaded to a 54" platform (probably will be the first goal met)

9. Yoke walk 900 lbs. for 75 feet without dropping it

10. Farmer's walk with 300 lbs. per hand for 100 feet without dropping it.


Just a few things, really

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Get stronger, and be able to do this with no problem: http://www.waspclub.com/pages/569959/index.htm (click on "protect the ball", sorry, I don't know how to make a direct link!!!)


I use resistance bands to numbers mean nothing.


Can I post my 2006 fitness WISH??? To grow 5 inches. Sound's like a lot, but then I would be at about "normal"!


Oh well, I save a lot of money on jeans being my height.

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I just want to get bigger and stronger...


to put a number to it, say 140kg squat for 20 reps is realistic.

Making 120kg on the bench my standard, easy working weight


Other exercises i will focus on are dips, pullups and chinups, overhead barbell press and barbell rows.

Maybe include push presses in my routine, and other squats than backsquats (overhead and front).

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  • 4 weeks later...

My goals are humble:


1. Beef up from my current weight (170lbs) to 190lbs.

2. Get that damned 6pack visible by burning the chub around it.

3. Have threesome with hot Japanese model.

4. Do my part to stop the annual Canadian Seal hunt. It's embarrasing, really.

5. Finish my degree so I can have the evenings to myself again, so I can take martial arts classes again.

6. Put together a new band. Make animals rights a part of the lyrical content for said band.


There are a few others, but lets start with that.

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