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Lowering blood pressure

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I have recently been battling with slightly elevated blood pressure and I don't see that topic really discussed around here.


About two months ago, my gym had a blood pressure and body composition (fat) screening where I learned my blood pressure was somewhere around 155/90. Not good. I made a cardiologist appointment and started to look around for ways to control my BP.


Before this, I was lifting fairly heavy 3 times a week for about an hour, two days a week was 30 mins lifting and 20 mins light cardio (stair stepper or slow incline treadmill), and I'd also do about an hour of moderate biking in the morning for about 45 minutes 2-3 times a week.


I've since made quite a few changes:

  • Half hour of moderate lifting 5/week
  • Intense cardio for ~30 minutes 5/week (running at 6mph for 20+ mins)
  • Significantly reduced sodium intake
  • Increased potassium intake
  • Taking 60mg CoQ10 before bed
  • No caffeine


At home, my BP readings have come down significantly. In the mornings I can still hit 125 systolic and diastolic is usually in the mid 70s. By the evening, I'm usually looking at 110s and mid-60s to mid-70s.


I've had bloodwork and an echocardiogram done and there's no signs of anything else wrong. When I went for a followup visit at the cardiologist who initially measured me at 144/90, but after talking with the Dr a bit he did it again and I was down to 113/80.


It's his belief that I've done well with controlling it, but there's still a whitecoat hypertension factor in play. He wanted to medicate me on my initial visit, but I refused, and at this followup he said that medication is no longer indicated. Good. I just need to monitor my BP going forward.


There seems to be a slight genetic component to this, as my younger brother often reads high with BP but it he's retested later in a visit it's not so bad.


I've also been under a bit of stress lately with a now 10 month old daughter who keeps me busy and keeps me from sleeping as much as I'd like.


Anyone else out there battling or won the fight with high blood pressure? The most frustrating part of all this is when I look into what to do about it, all the recommendations are for things I'm already doing. I've always ate lots of fruit and vegetables, I've been active for years, and so on. Some of the things I've doing, like the CoQ10, are long shots, but I still think it's a better option than calcium channel or beta blockers.


I do think my BP is acceptable now, but I'd love to get it comfortably lower.

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There are a few studies done on different antioxidants but they don't seem to show a long term effect on lowering blood pressure. It might still be worth trying. Cocoa and grape fruits are the two foods I remember reading about. Low vitamin D levels are also discussed as a risk factor so you might want to check your levels and think about supplements if needed.

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If i was you i'd competetly cut out all sodium except the natural sodium in the foods and allso lower fat to a max of 15 percent. Do that and see if that works, more then likely it will fix it if not then you can try something else. Read some of Dr. McDougall's writings

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Thanks I'll look into more about antioxidants. I've read that green tea has been shown to lower BP, which is almost contradictory as it contains caffeine. Pros may outweigh the cons there.


My cholesterol and triglycerides are normal, but I'll watch my fat intake a bit closer now. I completely agree about cutting the sodium further, at least to see if it makes any difference.

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I recently decided to add sodium to my daily calorie log so I could track it. I've been reading how it contributes to osteoporosis and an early death overall. The Mayo Clinic recommends that healthy people keep their sodium below a ceiling of 1500 mg a day. One thing I noticed from my diary is that if I eat more than one non-home made thing a day I easily push/surpass that limit.


Get yourself a small notebook and track your sodium intake. If you don't you are probably taking in more than you think.

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I think that heavier cardio you have been doing will give the best result. By helping in flexing of the vascular walls and helping to prevent things like hardeneing of the arteries. Taking your pulse with your finger on your jugular vein. Check the chart for you age.


I realise you probably know this. It is just that I think this approach will eliminate this problem for you.



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I never put salt on food (nor sugar). I took my blood pressure about 2 weeks ago and the results were 'Excellent'. Since almost 2 weeks I eat only fruits and raw vegetables, except about 5 times I ate a sandwich, 2 times I drank coffee. I noticed that since a few days ago my sweat is not salty and does not smell anything.

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Yep I'm hoping the heavier cardio does the trick. There really doesn't seem to be anything I've been doing particularly wrong, it's just that some people seem to naturally have higher blood pressure than others. What I don't accept is the notion that some people have naturally high blood pressure such that drugs are the only option. I just have to be very strict with some lifestyle things that others less disposed can be more lax with.

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HBP was me


I was already training, but was on the typical fish, chicken deal

I went vegan. - cholestrol and BP came down


After had a few incidences with HBP again.... nothing major though

Take Vitamins regularly

Increased my potassium

Raised the fiber in my diet

Rarely Salt food and then sea salt

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