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Vegan raw diet


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Hello everybody,

I just wondered about a vegan raw diet. I saw Giacomo Marchese is on a raw diet and have some good result por example. Can sombody tell me on what should be paid attention when planning a raw food diet? I recently started the high pro / calories diet but I am getting some trouble with my skin, donnot why...so I was thinking maybe with a raw food diet.


Can sombody tell me a bit please?

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A regular diet should be AT LEAST 10% fat, up to even 35%, so why should a raw diet be any different?


The big macronutrient to watch out for is protein. You MUST watch your daily protein intake to make sure you are getting enough. It's quite a bit of work to get enough protein in the diet without getting too much fat...

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A regular diet should be AT LEAST 10% fat, up to even 35%, so why should a raw diet be any different?


The big macronutrient to watch out for is protein. You MUST watch your daily protein intake to make sure you are getting enough. It's quite a bit of work to get enough protein in the diet without getting too much fat...



That's a matter of opinion about going up to 35 percent. I'd say 10-20 range is a good range and anything about that isn't good. I've never felt anything bad from not enough fat, but i can say when my diet is higher in fat i don't feel even close as good. But that whole thing is a endless debate.


The last statement you said is very true, that's why i agree most with the 811 diet compared to other raw routines is that if your getting the majority of your protein from seeds and nuts your getting a hell of alot more fat then protein and the diet becomes fat dominate instead of carb dominate like a healthy diet should be. Overall the raw diet is flawed imo, but who knows there might be a way to make it the best diet ever. But i've yet to be impressed

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Well, I was thinking to become for 90% raw vegan. Most of the nutrition would be fruit and vegetables. For the protein, there is not the need to switch into high fat because I am already using a protein shake from whole brown rice...plus some nuts for healthy fats and some more protein. One meal at the day will be probably oatmeal wich is great for carbohydrates...sometime I would go for a small cooked meal, if I crave it. Will try and let you know

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I am already using a protein shake from whole brown rice


It is my understanding that the whole point of a raw diet, for people who believe in it, is that there is *something* vital lost with cooking ( processing ). Wouldn't using a protein drink -- one of the most highly refined, processed foods -- go against that whole idea? Bananas and coconuts grow on trees. Protein powder doesn't. It is created in factories, probably as the result of a lot of heat or chemical solvents. Most are 80 - 9*% pure protein. Not a natural thing at all.

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3 best raw protein powders:

hemp, then rice, then pea.

hemp protein, while not a whole food at this point, still has a lot of phytonutrients and fiber.

sun warrior or NOW has rice protein from fermented sprouted brown rice. no fiber tho.

pea is an isolate, so it's the least whole food there.


if we were to raw it without powders, it'd be tougher and require sprouted grains, beans, nuts, seeds and grasses - juiced/blended/plain, and lots of algaes.

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