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Have you Pre-ordered my book yet?


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Have you Pre-ordered my book on http://www.veganbodybuildingbook.com yet? I am convinced my book will be life-changing for the people who read it. I put a lot of time and effort into it. One could say it was 10 years in the making since I've been bodybuilding for 10 years now, and put all of my experiences down on paper over the past year.


In my 300-page book Vegan Bodybuilding & Fitness – The Complete Guide to Building Your Body on a Plant-Based Diet which I worked on for about a year, I write in detail about:


-How I become a 2-time bodybuilding champion after being a 120-pound skinny kid in high school and after running NCAA collegiate cross country (basically how I went from a skinny endurance athlete to 195-pound 2-time bodybuilding champion and 4-time runner up)


-How I started my own business around Vegan Bodybuilding & Fitness and have run it for 8 years


-The exercise and nutrition programs that really allowed me to thrive on a plant-based diet


-How I got sponsored by Vega and how I started working for Bodybuilding.com


-How I turned my passion into my career and became the best activist I've ever been


......And everything else relevant to the Vegan Bodybuilding & Fitness lifestyle that I fit in this 300-page book including meal programs supporting different goals, training programs, supplements, supplies, products, communities, restaurants, and templates to send proposals to companies to help you get sponsored, training journal templates to help you achieve your goals and summaries at the end of every chapters with lists of the top 10 points to remember and apply.


I'm super excited about it and worked very hard on this book. Thanks for supporting my activism project.


Here is a copy of the table of contents:




1. Why Vegan?


2. Beginning Bodybuilding - How to get started in bodybuilding and achieve results


3. How to create a successful nutrition program


4. How to create a successful training program


5. The most important lessons to be learned and followed in bodybuilding


6. Where do you get your protein?


7. Choosing the exercises that yield the best results


8. Turning your bodybuilding success into a form of activism and outreach


9. How to market yourself to get sponsored


10. Supplementation – What to take and why


11. Turning your Passion into a career


12. Lists of vegan equipment, products, services, and supplies for bodybuilders


13. The best of vegan living in North America – Top cities and restaurants


14. Testimonials from those who have been inspired by Vegan Bodybuilding & Fitness


15. Final thoughts from the author




Here is what some people are saying about Vegan Bodybuilding & Fitness:


“Robert Cheeke is one heck of a vegan bodybuilder! I joined his website veganbodybuilding.com in late 2007. All I can say is wow! It totally changed my life.”


Hayley Suska

Friend, ISCA certified personal trainer, writer

Orlando, FL

“There is no one more qualified to write about being a vegan and a successful athlete. Robert lives it every day.”


Nick Martin

Software developer, Entrepreneur

Corvallis, OR


“Before I found VeganBodybuilding.com, I was working my way down from an obese weight and wanted to build a decent physique once I lost my weight. I came to the forum section of Robert’s website and found so much information and support there. Robert had some meal plans posted which I used to give myself an idea of what to eat when trying to build muscle on a vegan diet. The atmosphere there is generally very helpful, which I credit Robert for. He is a dynamic speaker, great motivator, positive person and great human being.”


Jacob Park

Writer, Personal Training Student

Framingham, MA

“Even though I live on the other side of the world I still find myself being inspired and motivated by Robert, and his ability to bring the best out of everyone he speaks to, which is a true testament of his character.”


Joel Kirkilis

Vegan bodybuilder and Power lifter

Melbourne, Australia

“As a friend who has known Robert since elementary school, I can attest to Robert‘s consistent ability over the years to motivate and inspire others through his actions. He has been, and is still known for his legendary enthusiasm and his ability to set goals and achieve them – often with stunning success. As long as I have known him, he has always been an enthusiastic, energizing and inspiring figure. Seeing Robert over the past ten years accomplish so much in terms of becoming a successful businessman and one of the most recognizable vegan icons on the planet has been remarkable.”


Jordan Baskerville

Long-time friend, Robert’s first bodybuilding training partner

Corvallis, OR


“Robert is all about a positive attitude and getting the most out of it, and I believe that if most people would act the same there would be a much better understanding between all human beings.”


Eran Blecher



“Not only has Robert been successful as a bodybuilder, but he has reached this point with out putting any toxins in his body; no steroids, no drugs or alcohol, not even any meat or dairy products. He is very influential because he leads by example and doesn’t compromise when it comes to what he stands for.”


Dylan Kasprzyk

Comedian, Radio Sales Representative, Long-time Friend

Portland, OR


“Robert doesn’t just lift weights; he lifts up the entire vegan athletic culture with his website as an inspirational resource. He presses viewers to reach their personal best in this positive community built around health and fitness. Robert fosters a society where support to reach goals is given, sharing of ideas enhances vegan culture, and networking of common interests is realized. Robert personally “spots” this community to achieve more than they could have on their own.”


Mary Stella Stabinsky

Crossfit Trainer/ Veganbodybuilding.com member

Wilkes-Barre, PA

“Through his unmatched enthusiasm, contagious positivity, motivational message, and always with a little help from some well-earned biceps, Robert Cheeke is the perfect exemplification that a healthy lifestyle is overflowing with rewards.”

Julie Morris

Writer, Graphic Designer, Vegan Chef


Los Angeles, CA

“Vegan and Bodybuilding.’ These are two words that seem to be completely contradictory, but Robert Cheeke has demonstrated that you can not only survive, but thrive as an athlete and bodybuilder on a 100% plant-based diet.”


Ravi Raman

Technology Executive, Yoga Instructor, Author


Seattle, WA

“Robert has proven time and time again that you can be successful in anything

you put your mind to. As one of the most prominent figures in vegan

bodybuilding, his experiences with diet, training, contest preparation and

other facets of the lifestyle make him a fantastic resource for beginners

and experienced athletes alike.”


Ryan Wilson

Owner, Vegan Essentials

Waukesha, WI


“Robert is the most amazing bundle of energy I have ever encountered in my life. He is astutely aware that each of us holds the key in taking charge of our own happiness and he gives us the tools necessary to not only change ourselves, but change the world. He has the skills, charm and humor necessary to convey to the masses that anything is possible, through work, dedication and thought process.”

Lara M. Bradley

VegNews Magazine

Portland, OR

“What I respect most about Robert is he’s a doer not a talker. And if you just look at him you can see that. He’s definitely someone who is going to have a huge impact on people, especially the youth because he’s a shining example of what clean living and vegan bodybuilding can do for someone.”


John Joseph – Lead singer of the Cro-Mags

Author of “The Evolution of a Cro-Magnon” & “Meat is for Pussies”

New York City, NY


Thank you for pre-ordering a copy of my book for $3 off at http://www.veganbodybuildingbook.com!!! It is because of you that I will achieve my vision of becoming a best-selling author by age 30. Pre-orders are coming in and with each one I take one step closer to adding one more great achievement to my list of important and meaningful accomplishments in my life. I am also very confident that this book will positively impact you and you’ll be able to achieve outstanding things in your life because you’ll have the tools to make them happen.


Thank you for your consistent support!


All the best,


Robert Cheeke


Vegan Bodybuilding & Fitness














ORDER NOW ON: http://www.veganbodybuildingbook.com


Thanks so much!


Together we'll change the world!

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I might by this only because John Joseph is somehow affiliated with this.


I lawld at el_flacos comment.


I don't get these:


-How I created and organized large-scale festivals without any background in event organizing


-How I became the #1 salesperson in the country for the company I work for without any background in sales


You've worked for vega a long time, right? I mean after 1 day at work you have background in sales. And after organizing on event you have a background in that too. It makes no sense to me.

Also, all the other stuff you wrote...You seem to be pretty full of yourself, in a non flattering way. You've done awesome stuff for the vegan community, I really mean that. Few people are so dedicated to the vegan lifestyle as you are but I think it's better if you step aside and let others talk for you. I hope you don't mind me saying this but it's been my opinion ever since I registered here.


Good luck with the sales. My friends have animal rights distros and shops and I will see if they are interested in selling your book.

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I thought it might be a little too much for some people


Just listing things as a result of the principles I write about in my book...........I've known all along not everyone is going to like me or how I do things, but I keep doing what I believe has the greatest impact on the industry I care the most about....so I just keep doing my thing.......


I don't sleep a lot these days, just super busy and made my list late at night.....I do appreciate feedback and I can make some changes to it anytime


Gotta go....another long day today traveling to a few cities.

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I don't sleep a lot these days, just super busy and made my list late at night

I really think you should try to get some sleep.


Lack of sleep coupled with the delusional* and paranoid** behaviour outlined above sounds quite worrying to me.


I think it's a shame that you've taken what should be a straightforward and positive message, how to build muscle on a vegan diet, and coated it in this snake oil insanity. Mathematical formulae for success, scamming flights and supplements and befriending celebrities



* delusional:

I know this because I created the success system and know exactly how to become the best in the world

** paranoid:

I've known all along not everyone is going to like me or how I do things
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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...

Rob, if your book really does show someone like me how to build a great body on a vegan diet, especially giving me a nutritional plan to follow and explaining things clearly then I will buy 10 copies when it is finally released. I don't want to pre-order it yet, but this is the type of book I have been longing for for several years now. If your plan works then I reckon you will be a millionaire within 12 months as I know there muct be literally thousands of frustrated vegans out there drowning in a cyber world of message board debate and lack of concrete information.


I do feel 'vegan bodybuilding' is still pretty mysterious and not very accessible to the novices out there who want a decent guuide to building their body, especially regarding nutrition and meal plans. There is so much conflicting information out there too, which makes it all the more frustrating. I'd love for all the big vegan guys to write a typical weekly meal plan and workout schedule on their profiles on the main site too, I know it would help a lot of people. There are a zillion omni books out there but no vegan ones too.



I really can't wait to read the book Rob and start training. I really hope it will give me the body I have been longing for for 3 years now.

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I'm sad to see the bitchy and negative comments directed towards Rob on this thread. He is the only guy to have bothered to write a book on vegan bodybuilding and share his obviously detailed knowledge of the subject. I wish more people would share their closely guarded secrets and maybe there would be more fit vegans out there to positively promote the lifestyle.

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Thanks man...I'm doing the best I can to make the book extremely effective and influential.


I wrote it all during 2009....including during times I trained for 6 months and didn't miss a workout and competed 5 times this year. I got bigger and stronger than ever before and compared all of my experiences with prior experiences and took notes on all of it and shared everything that I learned to make it easy for any to apply useful principles right away.


I'm going to have some sample chapters up on the website in the very near future. So you can read about it in greater detail soon.


The writing process took a lot of time, same with editing process and the marketing process and I do plan on having it being successful and accessible and in due time in bookstores all over the place.


Thanks for considering the book. It means a lot to me.

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I know there muct be literally thousands of frustrated vegans out there drowning in a cyber world of message board debate and lack of concrete information.


I'm sure you're probably the only one that has a total inability to research for themselves...


Once again, roberts book is not going to be the miracle you seek, and nobody is going to do things for you.

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I know there muct be literally thousands of frustrated vegans out there drowning in a cyber world of message board debate and lack of concrete information.


I'm sure you're probably the only one that has a total inability to research for themselves...


Once again, roberts book is not going to be the miracle you seek, and nobody is going to do things for you.


I'm really not interested in your nasty, unhelpful comments at all and I'm just glad there are people like Robert out there to lead the way. One of the problems I have had 'researching for myself' is the amount of contradictory, innane rubbish out there as well as the bitchiness. All I have ever wanted is a guide to building a good physique on a vegan diet, with all the correct information in one place. Finally a leading authority in the field has done it and I applaud Rob for his hard work and dedication. I really like his positivity too, which sadly seems to be rarity in the vegan bodybuilding and fitness world. I just wish there were more people like Rob out there, especially in the UK.

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All I have ever wanted is a guide to building a good physique on a vegan diet, with all the correct information in one place.


Good luck with that

I (and lot's of other people) have tried to help you in several threads. You're obviously a lost cause and most likely this book won't help you at all.

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All I have ever wanted is a guide to building a good physique on a vegan diet, with all the correct information in one place.


Good luck with that

I (and lot's of other people) have tried to help you in several threads. You're obviously a lost cause and most likely this book won't help you at all.


Get off my case, nobody has ever given me detailed advice, specifically meal plans. Saying 'eat lots of protein and calories' is about as helpful as a chocolate fireguard. There are a zillion books out there that can show me what exercises to do too. What I need is a compact, comprehensive guide to building my body on a vegan diet. There are so many omni books that could tell me exactly what to do by eating animal products that Rob's book is like a breath of fresh air.

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All I have ever wanted is a guide to building a good physique on a vegan diet


Lots of protein.


Lots of calories


bust your ass in the gym.



there's your guide.


Oh yeah, great. Thanks for telling me exactly what to eat, what not to eat and other vitally important pieces of info. You are a shining example of why I am so glad someone has finally written a comprehensive guide to vegan bodybuilding.

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Last time we had a conversation I gave pretty specific advice and told you to get into the weight room. You said you only wanted to do bodyweight excersise and that you were convinced that was enough to build your desired physqiue. I told you to estimate your daily caloric need with a simple online calculator that I provided a link for, I told you to add the amount of calories you spend on excersise and then take the total amount of calories, subtract with 500 and that's the amount of calories you should eat to loose weight. How can I get more specific really? Meal plans? If I write a meal plan with recipes containing certain amounts of different foods without knowing your caloric needs, how likely is it that you will eat the right amount of calories to loose weight in a good pace? I can tell you, the odds are very bad, But even if it was a 50/50 situation and there was actually a 50% chance of me/robert/someone else getting it right you would still have a much better chance doing the calculation on your own and creating your own meal plan. Let's say Robert has a 6 week meal plan in his book, what if you're allergic to something that he features in 5 of those recipes, and that you really hate the taste of something he features in 10 of them, what would you do? Roll around on the floor and try licking your balls at the same time?

You're a human being with a human brain. Use it. Fuck.

I have written in another thread were we've had a discussion what I think you should eat. But you don't listen. I don't think there are many people on this board that has ever followed a meal plan that they didn't come up with themselves. Why is it so hard for you to check the amount of calories on a freaking food package?

And I never told you to eat a lot of calories (I told you the opposite) so don't say I did.

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Get off my case, nobody has ever given me detailed advice, specifically meal plans.


People charge money for custom meal plans. I'm sure there's lots of people who you could pay to write you a vegan meal plan.


Or you could use my Open Source Vegan Meal Plan:




1 Lb Tofu

1 Lb Broccoli


Lots of nutritional yeast


Second Breakfast:


1 Loaf Vegan Bread

1 Lb Peanut Butter

1 Quart Soy Milk




1 Lb Tofu

1 Lb Broccoli


Lots of nutritional yeast


Second Lunch:


1 Lb Pasta

1 Lb Broccoli

1 Lb Tofu

Sauce as desired




1 Lb Tofu

1 Lb Broccoli


Lots of nutritional yeast




1 Quart Soy Milk

3 scoops Vegan Protein Powder

2 Bananas

2 spoonfuls Peanut Butter


Works great. Just make sure to eat lots of snacks in between the meals so you don't go into a caloric-deficit.

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More angry, aggressive rants it would seem! Vegans charging big bucks to make 'personal meal plans' for other vegans quite frankly stinks and is not how I feel vegans should treat other vegans, especially those struggling to build their body. Imagine how good it would be to have a page on this site comprising a six week vegan menu plan for bodybuilding? Can any of you understand how frustrating it is to open a men's fitness magazine and see an extensive meal plan and training routine yet not be able to fine the same information for vegans even on a website that purports to be a supportive community dedicated to vegan bodybuilding and fitness? This is a very sad state of affairs and discredits the vegan lifestlye in so many ways. Why do people not want to promote this lifestyle by making vegan fitness more accessible to the masses instead of hiding behind smart alec message board comments and vague advice?


Think of the omni books such as 'The Abs Diet' and 'Body for Life', they seemingly present a winning formula yet don't harp on about calorie calculators and suchlike. They present comprehensive guides to building a great physique with extensive meal plans, with no need to 'personalize' diet plans. A vegan version of such books is what is needed and will hopefully be provided once Rob's book is released.

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