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hi this is heather from georgia!


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  • 2 weeks later...

Thanks everyone! And yes coca cola was invented right here in Atlanta, LOL. The only real difficulties I have are giving up cheese, and I'm not real sure what kind of plan I should follow, I've found that I really love weight training and would also love to build a great deal of muscle but I also need to lose a great deal of body fat. So I Really recently started p90x... but I don't want to give up lifting weights because it makes me so happy... any ideas?

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especially since it makes you happy keep lifting weights for sure! P90x sounds good. It's all fixing on a goal, your body falls in line! You're on the right track because "great abs start in the kitchen"! Cheese.. it's what most people say. Like giving up a bad habit, just stay at it and eventually you stop wanting about it. I can't remember the last cheese craving I had!

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