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Ladies biceps causing trouble with jackets?


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Hey girls, this one's for you.

I have been working out seriously about 10 years now and am proud to say that I've lost a lot of weight and finally have some decent definition in my bis and tris. The trouble is that a lot of the time when I try on jackets or fitted shirts the bicep area is too snug. If I try the next biggest size, it's too big in the body. This is frustrating to say the least. Am I abnormal or is anyone else having this problem?? Thanks everyone.

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you're not alone, I have the same problem! If you really love something buy the larger size and take it to a tailor. I've always had this problem even before I started lifting (I don't think they thin k about women who have a chest, broad shoulders or wide back when they make these jackets)


Whenever I try on a jacket or blouse and it's tight in my arms or around my back and chest I feel the the incredible hulk! lol!

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Thanks everyone!! I feel a little better.....LOL about the incredible hulk.... Yeah I don'r think they think women have shoulders or a chest either!

maybe I should cool it a bit on isolating the bis and tris and just work them during chest, back and shoulders for a few weeks or so.

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For the past few years I can't find shirts that fit in the shoulders. I find cute T-shirts and just cut the sleeves off.. If I buy men's T-shirts I don't have a problem since they actually make the armholes big enough for people with muscles. I have wide lats for a girl too, which makes shirts even more snug. I wear a lot of strappy tank tops to say the least.. And hoodies in the winter!

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