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such bs eh?


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"The protein deficient vegan diet will blow your guts out, cause degenerative disk disease and kill you with cancer or a hemorrhagic stroke, guaranteed."


Hmmm...is "blow your guts out" a medical term?


What's sad is that, even though this is a bunch of BS, with unsubstatiated criticisms and outright ridiculous claims, some people must believe it!


Eating red meat and animal fats and restricting carbs will cure many diseases? Yeah. Right.



Though this actually makes sense:


"Advice to Vegetarians


Please don't be a liar and a hypocrite. Don't sneak around eating meat when others can't see you like other vegetarians. Don't eat fish and call yourself a vegetarian. Fish have a face and a mother. Don't eat eggs and call yourself a vegetarian. Half of the chickens born to become egg layers are male and must be killed to prevent being overrun by cock rosters. Don't support killing half of the chickens to support your egg diet and call yourself a vegetarian. Don't consume milk, cream and cheese while you call yourself a vegetarian. Cows must produce a calf each year to keep giving milk, otherwise they dry up. Half of those calves are male and must be killed to prevent being overrun by bulls. Drinking milk and eating cheese results in half of the animals being killed. Don't be a liar and a hypocrite by telling others not to eat meat while you eat fish, cheese and eggs."

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These bits are the best - apparently, being vegan almost guarantees that you will become homosexual.....:


The vegan diet wipes out the hormonal system in males. Their testosterone level plunges. The sperm count plunges, and the can't get it up, erectile dysfunction (ED). They become impotent sissies. This is the reason vegan males become submissive to females and become homosexual.


The vegan diet has a devastating effect on the hormones in the female as well. She soon looses her sex drive and fails to achieve an orgasm. She may drift into a lesbian relationship thinking her lack of arousal indicates she is gay when in reality it was caused by the deficient vegan diet.


I mean who actually believes this shit??



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Another thing that gets me is the insults and the very agressive tone used against vegans....on a supposedly Christian site. Is this guy a beef farmer who just happens to be religious? Bizarre.


From seeing all the photos of the guys on here, I can tell you're all a bunch of sissies!


Interesting, though, that there is a pro-veg/anti-veg conversation later on down the page (after all the ranting against veg*insm).

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the premise is equally insulting, that if you're homosexual, that there is something wrong with it (makes you inferior); so we don't want to do anything that will make us look like a homosexual or effeminate...sad. This is exactly the type of sexism associated with meat and patriarchy. Again, I recommend all to read, "The Pornography of Meat" and "The Sexual Politics of Meat," both by Carol J. Adams, and your eyes will be opened to it all around you. It takes various forms, many of which do not reach your consciousness until you are made aware, even if you have subconsciously known it all along.


Sounds about like the ultra-rightwing, extremists, though: homophobic and hatefilled. Fortunately, there are some rightwingers who aren't hateful, they just aren't as visible, it seems.

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"The protein deficient vegan diet will blow your guts out, cause degenerative disk disease and kill you with cancer or a hemorrhagic stroke, guaranteed."

Sad.....and stupid.


These bits are the best - apparently, being vegan almost guarantees that you will become homosexual.....:
The vegan diet wipes out the hormonal system in males. Their testosterone level plunges. The sperm count plunges, and the can't get it up, erectile dysfunction (ED). They become impotent sissies. This is the reason vegan males become submissive to females and become homosexual.


The vegan diet has a devastating effect on the hormones in the female as well. She soon looses her sex drive and fails to achieve an orgasm. She may drift into a lesbian relationship thinking her lack of arousal indicates she is gay when in reality it was caused by the deficient vegan diet.

I'm sorry, but I guess this dude was dropped on his head alot as a baby or as the saying goes --- If ignorance is bliss, this guy must be ecstatic ! Using this idiot's logic, I feel compelled to state that an omni diet, at least in this guy's case, wipes out your brain cells and ups your stupid cell count.

Sounds about like the ultra-rightwing, extremists, though: homophobic and hatefilled. Fortunately, there are some rightwingers who aren't hateful, they just aren't as visible, it seems.

Agreed -- too bad the ramblings of sane people rarely hit the public in general.

Edited by Crash
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Mwahahahaha.... I hereby challenge the writer of that bullshit to a one-on-one fight and I'll show him what a wuss I am!


Seriously, why do people get so annoyed by vegans? If someone wants to eat meat, go ahead, I will politely you inform him about the suffering of his dinner but I would never be this abusive to someone because he eats meat. Why on earth would this person spread ridiculous stories about veganism? Get a life...



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"They become impotent sissies. This is the reason vegan males become submissive to females and become homosexual. "

I dont know about any one else here but i sure as hell havent gotten any signs of impotency. But it must be true. It is on the internet...The funny part about some of those articles is they were written in 1980. Its kinda sad what some people come up with.

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That's some funny stuff! If you follow the links it gets even better...


I had a similar discussion with a guy at the local farmers market about soy making men get boobs, be impotent, lose our aggressiveness (like that would be such a bad thing...), etc.


I let him know that after having been almost exclusively vegan for over 13 years, with lots of soy for most of that time, I can say that I definitely have not experienced any of that. On the links that site provides, they also make it seem like being vegan through pregnancy, etc is a horrible idea - wait, I thought vegans were impotent???


Anyway, I ended up getting a vasectomy after our third very healthy, smart & strong baby was born! All of our kids have been fully vegan since before birth and the oldest just turned 8 - never any signifigant health or developmental issues. If anything, our kids tend to be healthier than most of the kids around them who have mainstream diets...


But it is scary that those shits are spreading their lies and dangerous misinformation...

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I have posted this site before and still find it humorous. I remember in one part, he posted that if you follow a vegetarian diet, you will die within two weeks, therefore all vegetarians are liars because they secretly eat meat (or they would be dead.)


This guy's intellect is patterned after normal religious circular logic. He writes premise A, with no support, then later writes premise B and uses A to support B then later writes premise C using B to support C, then says C proves A. (complete circle of reasoning.) He just seems to entertain the pattern in days or minutes, whereas organized churches took decades and centuries to form their patterns.


Note: I am in Texas, and I run across fundamental Christians opposed to vegetarianism on religious grounds. Also, I have read (but never confirmed) that the Catholic Church views vegetarianism as a church violation and there is an official edict against vegetarianism. Anyone know if that is true?

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I have posted this site before and still find it humorous. I remember in one part, he posted that if you follow a vegetarian diet, you will die within two weeks, therefore all vegetarians are liars because they secretly eat meat (or they would be dead.)



Zombie here...I've been dead since 1976. Bwa ha ha!!!

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Hmm.. brings to my mind... a religiously fanatic meat factory owner who likes going to strip clubs, prostitution but likes to be called the prime "patron" of the local worship place who is against publicly against promiscuity but is involved in it every day n night.

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