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Do You Ever Get Razzed About Getting A Cold And Being Vegan?


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What do you say when someone suggests that "you need some chicken soup!"?


Thats easy, I tell them I don't need to drink the water a dead chicken has been in because, it's just ing, it tastes like crap, and I also don't need the antibiotics or other stuff they use. I also say it's more healthy to eat vegetables. If they don't agree I ask them if they want to arm wrestle and maybe to sit outside in the cold with a T-shirt for a while and see who is sick next day.


I would just phrase it a little different..

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Why is someone being thin/lean often seen as unhealthy by overweight omni/carnivores??

i think it's sort of a defense mechanism. after all, they have a mirror at home, they can see the are overweight. and they know that eating better would help them and their health. but they don't or won't, so they ridicule the people who are doing it. makes them feel a little better about themselves, to put down the "weird vegan guy". because deep inside, they know you have a point.


What do you say when someone suggests that "you need some chicken soup!"?

i usually challenge them on it. people are conditioned to believe since birth that meat is necessary for health. but they never bother to question it. so when they say something like that, i question it, and they find out they have no answers. they have just been believing what they have been told their whole lives. the conversation usually goes something like this:


you should eat some chicken soup. it'll help you.

how will it help me?

it has vitamins that you need to feel better.

what vitamins does chicken have that i cannot get from a better vegetable source?

umm... i don't know.

there is none. i can get more vitamins and nutrients from a plant based food, and i eliminate the fat and cholestorol that comes along with chicken.

umm.... really.

yes. not to mention the fact that you are eating a rotting carcass. and have you seen where these chickens come from. have you seen the conditons they are kept in these slaughterhouses and factory farms?

umm.... no... is it bad?

it's terrible. really ing. but don't take my word on it. you should do some research.

well, i still think chicken soup is better.

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Why is someone being thin/lean often seen as unhealthy by overweight omni/carnivores??

i think it's sort of a defense mechanism. after all, they have a mirror at home, they can see the are overweight. and they know that eating better would help them and their health. but they don't or won't, so they ridicule the people who are doing it. makes them feel a little better about themselves, to put down the "weird vegan guy". because deep inside, they know you have a point.

It's one of the worst characteristics of humans - not wanting others to be better - the lazyness of not wanting to climb up to their level but just dragging others down to theirs...


What do you say when someone suggests that "you need some chicken soup!"?

i usually challenge them on it. people are conditioned to believe since birth that meat is necessary for health. but they never bother to question it. so when they say something like that, i question it, and they find out they have no answers. they have just been believing what they have been told their whole lives. the conversation usually goes something like this:


you should eat some chicken soup. it'll help you.

how will it help me?

it has vitamins that you need to feel better.

what vitamins does chicken have that i cannot get from a better vegetable source?

umm... i don't know.

there is none. i can get more vitamins and nutrients from a plant based food, and i eliminate the fat and cholestorol that comes along with chicken.

umm.... really.

yes. not to mention the fact that you are eating a rotting carcass. and have you seen where these chickens come from. have you seen the conditons they are kept in these slaughterhouses and factory farms?

umm.... no... is it bad?

it's terrible. really ing. but don't take my word on it. you should do some research.

well, i still think chicken soup is better.

I (and I guess many of you) have found it pointless to argue/have a discussion over the topic of veganism with carnivoures. It's nothing more than a waste of time because they do not want to know anything from you and develop new ideas, they just want everybody to be like them. Being different scares them.
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Why is someone being thin/lean often seen as unhealthy by overweight omni/carnivores??


I think part of it is just what one is used to seeing. If most of what you see are technically overweight or even obese people, then people of a healthy slim build look 'too thin." Back in the 70's (which I know you remember, as I do!) there were a lot of slim people, some heavier people, but not the scores of really overweight people there are today. And slim people didn't get razed for being 'too thin' (of course, the press given to eating disorders and such may make some more apt to see any deviation from the norm as the sign of a disorder).


I'll tell you, even on a 'feeling bloaty' day, when I go to my local Walmart, I feel sleek and slim and buff (from the contrast with the average customer).

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I'll tell you, even on a 'feeling bloaty' day, when I go to my local Walmart, I feel sleek and slim and buff (from the contrast with the average customer).


Yes, Kathryn, sometimes I entertain myself by going to COSTCO in Bend (the Big City) to observe the products that have been placed before the public AND the people going there. I have noticed (I think) a gradual growing in girth of the people who shop at COSTCO in the past 2 years. This is a generalization and ,yes, there are also muscular and lean shoppers there too. But most seem obese, and there is a definite correlation between what I see in their carts and the size of the bodies.


And these BIG BOX stores are not yet greatly supportive of a healthy lifestyle. (Like DUH!) Not unless there is a perceived chance of making money from it! I still do almost all of my shopping at a locally owned health food store even though sometimes the prices are higher. They take better care of their products (refrigerate seeds, oils, etc.) and the folks who work there are knowledgeable about those products.

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I noticed since I have been eating more raw fruits and vegetables after being exposed to sickness I will just get minimal symptoms. A slight runny nose and it goes away. Or I just feel like crap or a little tired without all the other nasty symptoms that come along with the virus. Sometimes I would wonder why I felt tired because I didn't know I had a virus because the lack cough, fever and other symptoms that others were experiencing.


Silly that people would make rude comments about being vegan and getting sick. I mean they get sick even though they eat meat.

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Way to go Loveliberate! Man, I wish I had been able to beat the one I had back! I did the same things you have done. Merde!


Have you ever taken Echinacea in the liquid form? I sometimes put drops of it right under my tongue if I feel something coming on, and it usually works.


I think garlic is very good also!


Stay healthy!

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