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What to do in Portland?


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Well, we've got the first 4 days of Vegan Vacation planned out with our Vacation Homes on the Beach.


We have 6 days in Portland after that.


What do you want to do? We're keeping it pretty relaxed this year with very few organized events, but I'd like to have a couple of them.


Feel free to share ideas of places you want to see, things you want to do, etc. while in Portland.

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I'd like to spend a lot of time outdoors - particularly hiking and camping. There are virtually endless options in the region & there are even some great options right in & around Portland. For example:

Forest Park: http://www.portlandonline.com/parks/finder/index.cfm?PropertyID=127&action=ViewPark

Oxbow Park: http://www.metro-region.org/article.cfm?ArticleID=150

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I will have been there for a few months so I hope to have a daily early morning ride with interested forum members...also we need to be at the track for the Wed Track intro course. It'll all be at a fun pace and it'll keep things safe. It'd be nice to show up to the track with the vegan crew and keep it to ourselves for a bit too.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Robert, as you may have heard, I'm working to get our family on the "official" list. But we'll probably stay in our own place. Question is: Is there a better area to be located in Portland based on the events taking place during VV07? We would like to be as close to everyone as possible.



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Great Matt!


I'll get back to you on this. We'll be in Lincoln City for 4 days and then Portland for 6 days. We'll be staying all over Portland and we don't have Portland activities lined up yet so I'm not sure "where" in the city we'll be but we'll find some good options for you.

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Cool! My wife and I are totally on board. We really want to check out Portland as a possible living option as well...


I'll keep checking the boards, but if you can point me to exact details as they come up, that would be great!

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Oh, here it is...see you all when you get to Portland! Maybe VV08 we can do in Santa Cruz. You folks would love it here. Lots of traffic in the summer, though. Very vegan friendly and tons to do around the area. Except skiing and whitewater rafting.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Group training at the YMCA.


We can go there and:


Play Basketball

Lift weights



Play frisbee or soccer on the field

Play table tennis


Lots of other sports stuff and then sit in the steamroom, sauna, and hot-tub

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  • 4 weeks later...

Anymore thoughts? I'm getting excited about this and the buzz is starting to go around Portland as people are starting to learn about this event (we do a few community events in addition to our forum member gatherings). There will be some public events when we're in Portland, after our forum-member retreat on the coast.


Any ideas for events in Portland that can involve the community?


We did a TON of things last year (www.veganvacations.net)


Thanks for any feedback or suggestions.

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Lotus is very excited to check that exhibit out - when are you considering checking it out? We are OMSI members so we can take 1 or 2 guests in to the museum. Sadly, this does not include this particular exibit but there is tons of other cool stuff to check out.

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I'm up for going any time after the next 2 weeks. I'll be in touch. We can then review whether it would be a good exhibit to suggest to those on vacation (I'm sure it will be).

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  • 4 weeks later...

I want to start putting the intinerary together for www.veganvacations.net


Let's get some ideas for what we'd like to do in Portland. These events will be open to the community (we have a 300+ member Vegan organization out here and many of them like to come to our events which is cool becasue we meet tons more people).


Any ideas for What to do in Portland that our visitors from the forum and the community locally would be in to?



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  • 3 weeks later...

All you have to do is ask me if you want to know what to do in Portland!


I know if 3 places to play frizbee golf or frolf as I like to call it. The closest one to downtown portland is in nw st johns area. I'll get an address for ya'll its a great course!


Besides that: The Timbers soccer team is killing it this season. Beavers baseball can be fun. Rose city rollers roller derby is rad. Oaksbottom Nature reserve in SE is a fun hike spot not far from downtown. There is lots of great comedy going on in Portland and Robert and I are planning to bring some of it directly to vegan vacation.


And on a side note: Robert, give me a call I want to go to YMCA and play table tennis w/ya and maybe lift and or shoot some hoops.


-Dylan aka CO

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