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Vote for oregonisaac as America's Sexiest Vegetarian!!!


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Hey Everyone,


Go to www.goveg.com and vote for oregonisaac as America's Sexiest Vegetarian!


A bunch of us tried out and didn't make it, but oregonisaac made it in the top 10 and we have a feeling he'll end up winning a trip to Hawaii !!!


Of course I would have loved to have been in that line-up but as soon as oregonisaac told me he was a finalist many weeks ago, I helped him take photos (up until 2AM) and gave him shirts to wear and I will be his campaign manager and help him win this thing!


He is seriously an awesome guy and I'm really happy he has this opportunity to share his lifestyle with tens of thousands of people.


oregonisaac, congratulations and you know I will support you as much as I can with this contest and I hope to have a great experience, no matter what the outcome.


I think you are the sexiest for sure!


oregonisaac is also in touch with one of the women he'd like some of us to vote for. Her name is Jessica and she's in red. So if you can't decide which female to vote for...vote for her!


Thanks and support our forum member on www.goveg.com and help him become America's Sexiest Vegetarian (Vegan)!!!!



Edited by robert
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Hey oregonisaac, who is the other person you'd like us to vote for too? I'll update my initial post and of course I'll spread the word all over the internet.


I've love to have someone from this community win the title, the trip and get the recognition. You're also one of my top buddies these days so I want to help out as much as possible.


I still think you look the best and are the coolest anyway


Let us know which female is the cool girl you're in touch with. I love to support friends and friends of friends.

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oregonisaac informed me his friend is the girl named Jessica who is in red.


So if you can't decide which lovely female to vote for, you can vote for Jessica.


Make sure you get your votes out there for oregonisaac, he's one of my best buddies and I'd love to see him win. And he's a member of our community!


Vote on www.goveg.com



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I still am the actual winner but I'm taking Jamie with me. Of course the generous sponsors are still going to give Isaac a trip too

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Thanks for voting everyone! There are still two weeks left.


Please pass the message on to friends an family. I would love to see a member of our forum represent the vegan community through media opportunities this will provide.


I had dinner with Isaac last night. He's excited about the possibility to speak to groups, answer questions, do interviews, etc.


Let's help him get that opportunity!




Voe for Isaac Hart!



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  • 1 month later...

Last week to vote!


Please get your votes in and support our own forum member! It would be great to have a very active member of Vegan Bodybuilding & Fitness as the winner!




Portlander Could Be Sexiest Vegetarian Alive


PORTLAND - A Portland man is in the running to become North America's "Sexiest Vegetarian Alive."


HartPETA, People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals, previously held a contest in which visitors log on to the Web site GoVeg.com and vote for their favorite vegetarian or vegan celebrities. They have now expanded the contest to include a boy and girl next door.


Portland resident Isaac Hart, 27, beat out hundreds of contestants from the U.S. and Canada to become one of the 10 male finalists. Hart is training to be a firefighter with the Portland Fire Bureau.


Since going vegan, Hart says, "I have gained muscle and lost fat. My diastolic blood pressure has dropped from 115 to 65 .... My energy level is as high as it was when I was a kid. I can snowboard or do other physical activities all day and almost never get sore or overly tired like I used to. I even recover from injuries faster and get sick less too."


The winners, who will each spend seven nights in Maui, will be announced in mid-April. For more information on the contest or becoming a vegetarian, click HERE.




www.GoVeg.com to vote for Isaac Hart

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I still am the actual winner but I'm taking Jamie with me. Of course the generous sponsors are still going to give Isaac a trip too


My close friends still call me Jamie

I'll have to clear it with my wife first vp

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My close friends still call me Jamie

I'll have to clear it with my wife first vp


You don't have friends closer than me do you Jamie...I thought you loved my more than your wife

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