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Is Robert Cheeke 'the bodybuilder' back?

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I haven't looked like a "bodybuilder" in the past year. I just got skinny, lazy, busy, and didn't look much like a typical bodybuilder.


I'm starting to think that I'm on the return and that I'm almost back!


To be honest, it feels really good and I'm starting to flex and pose a lot and eat and train a lot too.


Some recent photos seem to indicate I'm back on the right track!








The thickness seems to be returning, even through my chest and stomach and other areas, including arms, which are always a weak spot for me.


Anyway, I feel like I'm coming back and I'm happy about it!



I'll drink to that! lemonade from Good Karma.......






And....for good measure....one from Seattle 2 weeks after L.A.



Edited by robert
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Thanks. I feel like I'm starting to get back into the swing of things. Life has been pretty busy the past year or so and I haven't done much with bodybuilding.


But when I'm with Brendan I just get motivated. He is a Pro Athlete and trains all the time, eats all the time, manages time well, prioritizes, and is very dedicated. When I'm around him, I have to train and I like it. He makes it fun, we take photos, push it hard, etc.


I'm starting to get back and have some pretty good photos already and people are again starting to say, "whoa!" when I flex for them. That hasn't happened much over the past year.


Of course I'm still small, but doing what I can to not be "skinny" anymore. I have a long way to go, I still feel little, but at times, I feel very full, dense, and hard. I am getting good pumps in the gym and I'm lifting heavy weights for some exercises.


Lately I've also been inspired by VeganEssentials. I saw him again in L.A. and he is just massive, just huge, busting out of t-shirts.


I hope to make some good progress this summer, and of course photos will help everyone track my gains.


Thanks for reading, time for me to eat!

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To be honest, it feels really good and I'm starting to flex and pose a lot and eat and train a lot too.


I noticed something off since you didn't do any flexing at all during the VV

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I think I'm back!


Another reason why........I had 4 1/2 hours of meetings tonight and didn't get done until 10:15PM. Although I was sleepy, I had someone drop me off at the gym down the road and I trained until they closed at 11PM. Then I ran a mile home in the rain. When I got home I had a Vega bar with coconut oil and some Vega Meal Replacement with L-Glutamine powder.


I also took a photo of myself but I was much more pumped before the run home.


It's hard to see much because I just stretched my arm out and took it, but you can get a slight glimpse that perhaps..............I'm back!



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Arms and delts look great! Keep training hard and eating plenty, but don't forget the essential third element either: SLEEP! I know you've been real busy with promoting the lifestyle, which is fantastic, but I think you'd turn even more heads with some continued bulk. At your height, a bodybuilder should easily top 200 lbs, at least in the off season. I want to see a huge huge vegan him in the coming months!!!

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You got it! Tigress is also expecting to meet a muscular me in a couple of months so that is extra motivation.


It really feels good to be back on track. I do need to sleep more, or at least get on some sort of sleep/nap schedule.


I'm also going to focus more on bulking foods, goal setting, mental clarity and overall relaxation. I burn out easiy, get distracted easily and lose focus easily. A few years ago I wasn't like that. I was in total control of my goals and focus.


Time to get back on track!


Thanks for the comments. I'll get better photos soon and I'll start to thicken up and add some weight!

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Maybe another part of my motivation is not being in the GoVeg top 10 for the Sexiest Vegetarian when it seems like my photos and bio should have made it


So, if I can't be 'sexy' according to a certain authority, I'm going to be bigger than all of those guys


I know it's silly, and I'm usually fueled by intrinsic motivation but sometimes it's good to have external sources fo motivation that help keep you going.


For years I had that, "how do you like me now" attitude and haven't had that over the past 2 years. I've just been quietly doing my thing. My visit to L.A. was kind of a wake-up call. People wanted their photo with me, recognized me, and all of those things I remember experiencing at the "height of my popularity." 2007 has been a very 'quiet' year for me but now I think it's time to get bigger and make some noise again.


We'll see how it goes.

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I know, I just made the "part in the middle" so I can see properly as the hair grows out again. Some like my hair long, others like it short. I'm kinda in the middle right now.


I hope the forearms grow. They may not be quite as big as they once were, but I'll hammer them soon!


I think I'm back!

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I have the same thing with not making it into the sexiest vegetarian contest, haha. It has given me a bit of drive and finally given me the push I need to start bulking after losing all of my fat. I haven't had the guts to actually eat since I have lost.

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I was there last night. They place the order as they see me walking up to the counter


But recently I corrected him. As he yelled to the back, "two vegan burritos to go" I held up my fingers to show "three"


It was great. Last night I just got 2 of them but I also had Vega, fruits, and other things post-workout.


I've been training hard lately. 1 hour 20 min leg workout yesterday and walking will be difficult, no doubt. Back still feels sore too so that is great.


I just ate a monster bowl of oats and now I feel the urge to run to the restroom. Of course I risk losing a couple of pounds but my stomach will thank me!

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Thanks, and I lost a couple of pounds. It must have been those burritos.


Oh well. I'll keep eating more and more....which reminds me, I need to go do that now!


It is awesome being back into it. Maybe bodybuilding posters will get put back on my walls soon

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I was there last night. They place the order as they see me walking up to the counter


But recently I corrected him. As he yelled to the back, "two vegan burritos to go" I held up my fingers to show "three"


It was great. Last night I just got 2 of them but I also had Vega, fruits, and other things post-workout.


I've been training hard lately. 1 hour 20 min leg workout yesterday and walking will be difficult, no doubt. Back still feels sore too so that is great.


I just ate a monster bowl of oats and now I feel the urge to run to the restroom. Of course I risk losing a couple of pounds but my stomach will thank me!


When I make it out to Oregon we'll have to go to said Burrito place.


That's awesome that you corrected him though, that made me laugh.

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