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If you can handle any more............(tired of us yet?)


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Here are more photos of LizWorld and I. We have lots and lots, so these are just some of the better ones, the funny ones, the classic ones, and the assum ones.



Just starting the day, about to head out to the forest:





With Professor Peter Cheeke out on the farm:




More on the farm:







I found a flower at my Mom's house that I thought she would like:





Some Swedish form of Tree-Hugging:




My experience on the farm:





Eating at Blossoming Lotus:











Always stopping to smell the flowers:







Video games!





Hanging out with my sister:





Probably reading a sweet message:





Always eating!









At Coach's house:




Driving back from Coach's house and the car overheating:





In the gym:











In Canada:











Liz's First Durian!:









Special Party Invite:







The Portland Culinary Crew!:



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Hahahaha, I remember them photos.. especially the one of my mouth that Coach's son took hee hee. But Robert...why so many pics of me?? There are all the pics of you?? (the poopy one is a classic though, I almost killed myself laughing)


Mr Nanas - I love trees and I think we have at least 5 pics of me hugging trees. Not only trees, I just like hugs and sometimes trees need them also


Octopussoir - at least 500! Well, Robert is a lot better with the camera than I am. HE uses it a lot, not only on me, but on anything and everything.


Ed - I'll kick your butt playing paperboy (yet I have proven my mouth is bigger than...anything else tha tI have). Robert has a lot of the old, classic games. WE'll bring it for VV! Which mean,s I know which section I'll be hanging out in! (either the video games one, or the ND one hee hee)


Bigbwii - are you coming for VV?


Potter - it took a LOT of groveling to actually have Robert's boss' wife get me a durian. I have to say.. I don't know what to think of it. Im still undecided. But when I said I wanted to bring it with me in the car as a road snack, Robert almost made me walk home. When we reached Seattle, I couldn't handle the smell, so we gave it away to Loveliberate - who seem to have as good of an apetite as you, Potter becaus ehe finished it off (And that was a LOT of fruit) and 15 minutes later he was stuffing himself with asian food. Respect!!!

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Don't worry about that. I look forward to getting sick from eating...the same way I look forward to pain from training. I just don't wanna get sick from eating durian.

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Potter I think we should have everyone willing try to comepete with you in a banana eating contest or something. Let's make it raw so I can participate. I'm sure a lot of people would put in the effort to win. Maybe rob can have a tshirt as the prize if anyone can beat you. haha

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Hey Liz,


I've been in more photos and nearly any vegan anywhere So I don't mind being behind the camera, and in fact, I really like it. I want to get into more photography.


Thanks for letting everyone know I take photos of other things, people, events, etc. not just you I just share some of those ones. I still have lots of group photos to share too. I need to make time to do that soon.


We took a few hundred, not too many, but just documenting our travels and experiences, which is a lot of fun and great to look back on.


I'll look for more interesting photos to post as well.



Zach, I'm going to need more clicks on banners before I can keep giving away all kinds of t-shirts. I lose hundreds of dollars a year in giving away shirts, but I don't mind too much because I like seeing people wear them all over the world and it helps us build community. I'm just learning how to avoid being totally broke and there has to be some 'give and take' not just "give" which is what I have done year after year and I just run out of energy, money and slowly lose enthusiasm. That being said, I have a basement full of shirts and they'll all be 50% off during Vegan Vacation so I hope to get rid of dozens of them!!!!

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Hahahaha, I remember them photos.. especially the one of my mouth that Coach's son took hee hee. But Robert...why so many pics of me?? There are all the pics of you?? (the poopy one is a classic though, I almost killed myself laughing)


Mr Nanas - I love trees and I think we have at least 5 pics of me hugging trees. Not only trees, I just like hugs and sometimes trees need them also


Octopussoir - at least 500! Well, Robert is a lot better with the camera than I am. HE uses it a lot, not only on me, but on anything and everything.


Ed - I'll kick your butt playing paperboy (yet I have proven my mouth is bigger than...anything else tha tI have). Robert has a lot of the old, classic games. WE'll bring it for VV! Which mean,s I know which section I'll be hanging out in! (either the video games one, or the ND one hee hee)


Bigbwii - are you coming for VV?


Potter - it took a LOT of groveling to actually have Robert's boss' wife get me a durian. I have to say.. I don't know what to think of it. Im still undecided. But when I said I wanted to bring it with me in the car as a road snack, Robert almost made me walk home. When we reached Seattle, I couldn't handle the smell, so we gave it away to Loveliberate - who seem to have as good of an apetite as you, Potter becaus ehe finished it off (And that was a LOT of fruit) and 15 minutes later he was stuffing himself with asian food. Respect!!!


Nah...money is too tight to mention and we just came back from going to Utah for my wife to finish her final exam, but I'm vowing to get out and meet up with you guys/Robert at some point, Flanders77 doesn't believe me but it's going to happen, I promise!!!

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