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What to eat before bed?


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I try not to eat before bed as I've heard its easier to get a better nights sleep when your body is not continueing to use energy to digest food. Whether that is true or not i dunno. If I eat anything before bed, I try to keep it a few hours before I sleep.

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It all depends on what you want out of training. If what you want is to get as big as possible or you want to recover from really hard training or prep for a long hard day the next morning go to sleep with a full stomach. If you want to lose fat I suggest eating just enough to get you through the night.

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You're not supposed to eat anything before bed. Try a few hours before. It just sits there undigested. I always consume dinner by either 4 or 5PM. Sometimes 6PM. But as for right befroe bed I would not reccommend.


Food does digest while you're sleeping. Your body doesn't simply "Turn off" when you sleep. Studies have shown that you burn as many calories while sleeping as you do at rest while awake.


Something that's very slow burning is good though if you're looking to bulk though. I used to eat oatmeal with peanut butter before bed.

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This makes sense since most people that aren't terribly stressed out all the time have resting heart rates that are only a bit higher then their sleeping heart rates....thus its no different for these people in terms of calorie burning assuming they were awake sitting on their butts or sleeping. People that are always stressed out may have as much as 20bpm or more of a differential between their resting HR and sleeping HR. I know when I was younger taking part in sleep studies my resting HR was always in the upper 50s to lower 60s but when I was sleeping it didn't go much under 58.

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Studies have shown that you burn as many calories while sleeping as you do at rest while awake.


Do share.


I found a site that said it's only 15 less calories than "at rest" (though that included reading, or some sort of brain working activity). But on the logic of "Everything sits there undigested" you'd wake up as stuffed as you were going to bed.

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I have also heard / read that you should not eat before bed. From what I've heard, the body engages in a restorative process during deep sleep. So while we sleep the body repairs and rebuilds organ tissue, ligaments, tendons and lean muscle. The body requires a lot of energy to digest food, which takes away from the energy required in the repair process. So in theory you should go to bed on an empty stomach - which allows the body to use its natural fat reserves for metabolic fuel during the deep restorative sleep cycle.


I wish I knew if there were any truth to this...

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I don' t think there's a one-size fits all answer to this question. You need to listen to your body and determine what it's asking from you before bed.


Personally, I have a very fast metabolism, and I have to eat a *lot* even to maintain weight on my current exercise regimen. If I want to put on weight, I have to pretty much eat constantly. So eating before bed is very important to me, it's a great way to load up on calories.


I believe that it is better to eat something high-protein, high-fat at night, rather than high-carb. Too many carbs right before bed, I believe, disrupt your sleep somewhat. But I will eat carbs before bed, just usually not a whole lot, or a slow-burning carb, like agave nectar.


I also think there's something to the theory that since your muscles repair themselves from your training while you sleep, protein before bed helps that process a little.


But if I don't feel like cooking something before bed, I'll wolf down an organic food bar (which, btw, are the absolute best vegan energy/protein bar I've ever seen - they freakin' rock - http://www.organicfoodbar.com/). And I feel better in the morning and can maintain/gain weight easier.

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I try not to eat anything before bed.

Your body probably is in fatigue or isn't hydrated.

Try drinking lots of water. Or have a nice big green drink


I don't know about the lots of water thing... I'd be up all night peein'.


Try drinking lots of it through the day.

I was giving an example of how I don't eat anything before bed. If I'm in that state in thinking about food not clearly. It usually means that my mind is tired. And water or a green drink is something else to preoccupied my mind.

But yeah it could mean peeing through the whole night, just make sure you get out of bed

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I think too, that eating before go to bed is unhealthy but i guess it depends on the person. When i eat late at night, afterwards i cannot sleep well. i feel a burning in my stomach and when i get up in the morning i feel the last night's food still in me undigested whith i feeling of vomiting or something

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I think too, that eating before go to bed is unhealthy but i guess it depends on the person. When i eat late at night, afterwards i cannot sleep well. i feel a burning in my stomach and when i get up in the morning i feel the last night's food still in me undigested whith i feeling of vomiting or something


If I usually eat something before bed, I'll get this burst of energy and want to do something in the middle of the night. I could give up my day job and fight as a super hero. Anyone want to be my sidekick?




oh brother

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