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Just got finished watching Misery for the first time. My God. I was on the edge of my seat the whole time. I don't scare easily but this film made me uneasy and flinchy.


( Oh FYI this topic is for everyone to post what they recently watched....just in case you didn't know...lol )

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Thats one of Stephen King's best movies by far. As for new things I've watched...I saw the Spiderwick Chronicles with my mom. Didn't blow me away or anything but it was decent for a kid's movie...worth watching but wait to rent it.

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I watch quite a few movies... in the last month I have seen...


Viva Las Vegas (Blu-Ray) - Young Elvis sings and races cars.


Fast Food Nation (DVD) - Liked this movie alot, I was gonna get the book, but hit up the movie instead.


Planet Earth: The Complete Collection Disc 4 (Blu-Ray) - Fascinating, yes... fascinating.


I Am an Animal: The Story of Ingrid Newkirk and PETA (DVD) -OK, good insight to Ingrid, learned some.


Resident Evil: Extinction (Blu-Ray) I played alot of Resident Evil when the first one came out so I am partial to these movies. I liked how the majority of the action took place during daylight where as zombie movies usually take place at night. This added a different perspective and it was enjoyable.


Ratatouille (Blu-Ray) - Fantastic work of art. Must buy for all ages.


Old Boy (Blu-Ray) - Korean movie, dubbed over in English. Unique and original.


3:10 to Yuma (Blu_Ray) - Good Westerns rock... so does Bale and Crowe.


Definitely, Maybe - Too long, too many twists, end the movie already.


Fool's Gold - If there is any celebrity I would wanna fight it would be McConaughey. A matter a fact I'm making a thread, "if you could fight a celebrity who would it be?" Go to the entertainment Topic. I think it would be a good battle. Regardless, I like his movies for some reason.


Jumper - High expectations... weak presentation. Who put this together, some high school kids? Very weak plot, maybe a sequel be better, written, produced and directed by other people.


Juno - I liked it alot...Overall entertaining to watch.


National Treasure: Book of Secrets - I really liked the first one, it was a good adventure movie. This one however didn't bring much new to the table for me. More of the same, but the second time around it wasn't that great.


Step Up 2 The Streets - I'm partial to hip hop dance movies. I personally liked the movie and thought the final dance scene was one of the best I have seen in a long time, the cinematics of it made it all the better.


There Will Be Blood - Long and.... long. I don't know what to really say about this movie. I had a very uneasy feeling throughout its entirety... I mean, I felt like I was sitting on the edge of my seat waiting for something evil or wicked to happen and nothing major really did... alot of tension throughout this movie made it worth sitting through.

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I'm not a big fan of zombie movies but I definitely like the Resident Evil flicks. Milla seems to be one of only two women(the other being Uma Thurman) that are actually fighters on the screen...the others have all looked pretty out of place from what I've seen.

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Was Step up 2 better than the first one? I found the first one kind of boring, and I usually like dance movies.


It was alot better without Channing Tatum as the star. He's a good lookin guy and the girlies like him but bottom line is that his dancing skills are weak for a feature film like this. These new sets of dancers are on point.

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Bourne Ultimatum: Was pretty good, I am not a huge fan of the series, but he does hit someone in the neck with a book


Hitman: As a fan of the game, I found this film to be insultingly shit, his character was all wrong


Johnny Rambo: Pretty good. I think there could have been more fighting, I wanted to see more stealth kills and less shooting

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Last night was watching reruns of Lost season one. This is a crazy show, and I always get more out of it every time I watch.


Also rewatched episode of Eli Stone, this is a new show,on sfter Lost, and quite funny too!


Lost is just soooo addicting!

Are you watching this season's episodes too?

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Donnie Darko




Last night...


Planet Earth (Blu-Ray Disc 2) - Made it half way through the Caves episode and got sleepy, not because it wasn't good, just tired. Unbelievable series, must watch for everyone that breathes oxygen.

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Flags of Our Fathers (Blu-Ray) I liked Letters of Iwo Jima better.


Close Encounters of the Third Kind (Blu-Ray) I had never seen, and I thought it was a fantastic movie for its time, final scene was jaw dropping.


Remember the Titans (Blu-Ray) Great, great movie... almost a tear jerker.


Ocean's Thirteen (Blu-Ray) I'm a big fan of the Ocean movies, this was better than the second but not as good as the first.


Blade Runner: The Final Cut (Blu-Ray) Didn't appreciate it. I like sci fi, and I thought this was "ok", just felt too slow for me.


The Simpsons Movie (Blu-Ray) Entertaining but nothing to talk about it.


The Machinist (DVD) Loved it, great story, great job by toothpick man, I mean, Bale.


What the #$*! Do We Know!? (DVD) - Must see, one of my favorite docs.


The Ruins - Singing and flesh eating cursed plants... cool, I want one.


Shrooms (DVD) Thought it was gonna be cheesy, but actually pretty scary, got the adrenaline pumping and the story was good too.

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I'm working in a rental video store since a few weeks so I bring movies home everyday, watching about 15/week.


Those I liked :


Giant : the classic with James Dean, already saw it before of course


Klimt: Ruiz film about the painter, for people who love arts and unconventional filmmaking.


Strings: animation movie with puppets. Didn't really like it but it's different from most movies.


Manufactured Landscapes: awesome documentary. "Photographer Edward Burtynsky travels the world observing changes in landscapes due to industrial work and manufacturing".


Edmond : wow, this is an incredible movie. Violent, crazy, but lots to think about and wonderful actors. Written by David Mamet.


The Host: Korean movie about a monster in a river. I liked it, good action scenes and funny moments, and even a subtile critique/metaphor about USA!


La Brunante : French-Canadian movie, I doubt you can find this one distributed near you, but good actresses, it was a good drama about life, friendship, death.


Vitus: movie from Switzerland. The first part, it's just another movie about a kid who's a genius. But then, a surprising twist. Really good.


Once: incredible music ! 2 scenes espescially. Won an Oscar for best song. Eventhough I'm not really into music creation, I liked it very much. Well done with low budget. It feels real.


Before sunrise: I prefered this one than it's sequel Before Sunset. Eventhough I don't really like Ethan Hawke, especially in Before Sunrise, Julie Delpy is so amazing, samething with the screenplay, long shots, etc...

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I've just spent a couple of jolly days watching both series of the IT Crowd via Youtube. Holy shit, i laughed so much that peas came out of my nose ! And I haven't even eaten any peas, lately ! it was good !


I'm also watching Walking with Dinosaurs, which is really interesting - and seems like a series which would also be excellent to use as a reference for artwork *bonus*.


And, I'm watching an assortment of Louis Theroux documentaries - all of which are top stuff.


And, as for anime - right now I'm watching Noein, and Devil May Cry


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