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Progress Pics - updated June 25th 2010

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"a muscled skeleton", I like that. On some pics I may seem shredded, skinny or whatever other words, but it's just pics that advantage me, and also the fact that I always have very low bodyfat on forearms, but I still don't see my abs, so obviously I'm not that far in fasting. Although I know that if I deshydrate for a day or two I'll look ripped.

It's funny some mention about Bruce Lee. He's a model of courage and perseverance for me. But I'm nowhere near his physique. He had supernatural force, ultra tight muscles super defined. I think he was a bit obsessed by being skinny too because I heard he was often deshydrating himself while making his movies like if it was bodybuilding competitions. But movies takes months to shoot, so it's not safe like if it was only for 1 day.


During the juice fasting, after I saw I lost 10 pounds in just 7 days, I knew I had to do something, but not stop this experiment, so I started drinking the maximum I could and more caloric drinks with avocados, commercial soy milk, bananas, etc, so then it was ok (lost 2 lbs/week).


Judging by the comments, maybe I'm a guy who look better with more bodyfat. Anyway, my closets are full of junk food and peanut butter waiting to be eaten next week. I'll just take some pics next week-end before I get obese Lol.

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dude i think you still look awesome. i love shredded physiques. but you should build some more mass


I agree. Perhaps I did lose some lean mass due to insufiicient food, but also due to insufficient training from not lifting heavy enough.

I can't wait to go back in the gym and gain some mass for the first time. I've always been working out with light weights and long series, affraid of getting too big. But now I would love to get bigger!

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I can't wait to go back in the gym and gain some mass for the first time. I've always been working out with light weights and long series, affraid of getting too big. But now I would love to get bigger!


sweet! gaining is the fun part and since you are health consious I'm sure you will "bulk" in a healthy matter.

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I think you should just aim for whatever you personally want, so long as you are happy that's what is important. Everyone has a different goal. I think you look like you're on track for your goal for the type of physique that you want, I don't think you've overdone it at all

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  • 1 month later...

120 lbs? that is shockingly light unless you are about 5'2" ??


But I do agree, amazing arms.


You say you want to lose more weight to see abs -- I might suggest that your abs might not be developed enough to show, or genetics could be at play - not everyone can have six packs (life is cruel)....


Please reconsider getting any leaner!!

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120 lbs? that is shockingly light unless you are about 5'2" ??


But I do agree, amazing arms.


You say you want to lose more weight to see abs -- I might suggest that your abs might not be developed enough to show, or genetics could be at play - not everyone can have six packs (life is cruel)....


Please reconsider getting any leaner!!

Thank you for the comments. Actually after the diet I found out the balance I used is not totally accurate and was always telling 5 pounds underweight, so in fact I was at 125 lbs on my lowest, not 120. But I still had fat/poor definition on my lowerbody (lower abs, but especially thighs and calves), compared to other people I've seen, but each person is different, with different metabolism and ideal weight. I do believe I could have gone thinner, because yes everybody got 6-packs (some may be more developped than others though). Doesn't matter, It's been a month now and I ate so much that I must have gained around 20 pounds of pure fat, not sure how much exactly, I eat so much and don't pay attention to calories and weight.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...

I'm not back to the gym yet, but I did a couple of sets of push-ups and took these I had to photoshop the colors a bit, damn I hate my camera. I did some vertical push-ups (head down, feets in the air), I can do about 20 now. I shall practice more and take better pics soon, with the new tees from VBB & Fitness and organicathlete that I should receive this week




http://i257.photobucket.com/albums/hh240/organicspiral/muscles/IMG_6021copy.jpg http://i257.photobucket.com/albums/hh240/organicspiral/muscles/IMG_6079copy.jpg

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Hey Guillame,


Your pics show you are in great shape, well done mate.Also you have achieved a very good bruce lee build.


On your first pic, when you were heaviest, I actually didnt think it was you!


The reason I say that is because your face changes alot! I think you look far more handsome when you are lower in weight, just my opinion!


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You could be right, Dan ! But I look better in real, because these are low resolution photos, from an old camera very far from the quality of million megapx... On these 2 pics, my chest was bigger than what it appear, and my bicep veins were big ! We don't even see this at all.

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Jaleel, I'm not really bulking right now, and not even training. :) I'm just doing bodyweight exercises or with the small weights I have at home, when I got some energy to spend. And I'm just eating; actually I try to finish the rice and other stuff that I got and needs to be cooked, for after I plan on eating a 100% raw diet.


I'm moving back to Montreal in December, I'm finally going back to the gym, and then I'm be training, and bulking :D My diet will consist only of fruits, nuts, fruit-veggies. And maybe some hemp protein powder; but since it will be so disgusting to drink compared to eating fruits or nuts, I doubt I will take a lot of this.

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