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Welcome to VBB&F. My family are all pretty much from Shediac area so I kinda call NB a 2nd home.


What martial art did you used to do? And what kind of bodybuilding program do you use?


Again, welcome.


Thanks for the welcome! I used to do wushu, now I'm still doing it but all by myself, I'm lots of miles away from the team. My bodybuilding program is (in short):


1st+2nd week- volume training

3rd week- strength & explosivity

4th week- vascularization with cardiovascular resistance


I train every other day and the bb rest days I run. Do you have any suggestions? That'd be very helpful.


Jonah thanks to you too

Edited by Lena01
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Welcome Lena01! A very interesting story; I enjoyed it and learning a little bit about yourself.


As far as the description of your training regimen...






Wow. I have never used these word to describe my routines. Explosivity is common but vascularization, man that is so cool the way you worded it. If you start a movement, I want in!

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As far as the description of your training regimen...






Wow. I have never used these word to describe my routines. Explosivity is common but vascularization, man that is so cool the way you worded it. If you start a movement, I want in!


lol!! I don't even know how to say it in English perhaps! In Spanish some people (me and my brother lol) use the equivalent of vascularization and it's a short way to say leaner+more resistant muscles. For explosivity... what am I going to do with nice muscles if they can't work fast and strong as I want them to??


You made me laugh though... I am going to try what you just told me about the avatar, hope it works! Thanx!!

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no no no you couldn't have said it any better. I am from now on going to refer to that word on many occasions.


Vascularity = veiny looking


Vascularization = Movement started by Lena01 in which a cult like following trains specifically with the desire to be as veiny/freaky looking as possible.


It's recognized as a word here.



My new favorite word in the english language. You're the BEST!

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Vascularization = Movement started by Lena01 in which a cult like following trains specifically with the desire to be as veiny/freaky looking as possible.


My new favorite word in the english language. You're the BEST!


lol you really really made me laugh!!! I don't wan to look veiny though!

The avatar suggestions, they worked as you can see, I'm posting before/after pics right now from that site. Thanks!

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Very cool. Pleasure to put a face to the name so quickly. Whether or not you want to look veiny, you still have introduced me to the coolest word in english, by far. Though I have just met you, you will be remembered forever for that post in my book.


Looking forward to the progress shots.

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