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Posts posted by sinisterkungfu

  1. So you're not only a racist, and a homophobe, you're also a hypocrite? Fantastic.
    going through your posts you seem kind of upset about things like immigration, a the prospect of a black president, homosexual marriage, children learning about homosexual relationships, a strong anti-war sentiment among younger people.

    Apparently some people have trouble reading.

    1, I voted for Bush the last 2 elections as did most Americans. So now because I am not voting for a Democrate this make me a racist. No, what this does do is prove that, anyone who claims these actions to be racist, has serious personal issues.

    2, Read what my views are on gays, and what I wish for them. Apparently you can only comprehend what you want. I don't condone their lifestlye, but I don't hate them for their choice, this is my right.

    But there is no talking with you. You believe that everyone must think as you do and if they don't that you are somehow better than they are.

    Guess I should have told you to clean your mirror first.

    I'm done talking to people who just want ot call me names, use foul language, make false assumptions, and don't want to debate the facts of this subject.




    I never said you had to think like I do. However I am well within my rights, and as I see it, have a very good reason to think you are a bad person because of the extremist viewpoints which you have expressed.

    And by the way you act, your ridiculous persecution complex (let me guess. you're an evangelical Christian, aren't you?) and your paranoia, there is not the slightest doubt in my mind that you are nothing more than a troll, and as such not worth the time it would take to completely wipe the floor with you in an actual debate.

  2. Robert the problem is that if I wasn't online right now I'd be out on the streets of America sexually assaulting women with the immigrants and costing Vegan Joe precious tax dollars.
    Don't bother responing to me.

    I don't need to hear anything you have to say on the subject.



    Ooooh, I get it. You're a troll. For a minute I thought you actually seriously believed the garbage you're posting.

  3. Hey Joe, is there anyone you don't hate? You sound like a brainwashed Fox News / Hannity sheep. Lots of dumb rants whose sole intent is to piss people off, with nothing of any actual substance to back them up. Typical Neocon.
    You just came here to hate. You add nothing of substance to the argument. You only came here to call me names. Your more liberal, I'm more conservative. So you think that this make you better person.



    You're delusional.

  4. The people who oppose gay marriage now are the same type of people who would have opposed black people voting 60 years ago. Regardless of whatever ridiculous excuses you have to use to justify your stance, you are on the wrong side of the issue, and in 20 years you will be written into history as the bad guys.

  5. I still haven't figured out what credit crisis their talking about? I still get offers for endless credit cards, and my bank makes it clear to me regularly that they'd be happy to lend me money to buy a house. If a working stiff like me can get abundant credit, it's hard to believe big, profitable companies can't get credit. Sellers of money (lenders) are like any other sellers trying to make a profit; they'll sell in a moment to any qualified buyer. Too bad for the potential buyer if their financial shenanigans disqualify them.


    Hell, I just closed on a house 2 weeks ago, and my credit is only decent at best and i've got virtually no savings.

  6. Great pic.

    What bands are you into right now, on wednesday Street dogs are playing here, for this I am happy.


    I saw the Street Dogs open for Social Distortion a few years ago. I hope they've improved since then. Their set was pretty bad. Social D tore it up though, so it was worth it.

  7. I've never identified myself as a punk, and I've been a dirty long haired hippie since I was like 14, but I've been listening to the music for somewhere around 22 years or so now. I've always found the stuff that evolved out of punk (post-punk, goth etc) to be more interesting than punk itself though.

  8. Both of them said a whole lot of nothing.

    I'm afraid the best we can expect from Obama is another Jimmy Carter.

    McCain would essentially be a third Bush term.

    Regardless of which one ends up winning, America loses.




    What is a "Jimmy Carter"?


    Can you list 5 things President Carter did to make him "a Jimmy Carter"?

    Can you list that Senator Obama has done those same 5 specific things too?


    I'm talking about specific actions and specific policy stances, not generalizations.



    I wasn't referring to specific policy stances. More along the lines of being a one term president, who will be seen as almost completely ineffectual at best.


    Whoever wins is going to be stuck cleaning up the enormous mess the Bush regime is leaving us with, and I seriously doubt Obama's got the capability to do that.

  9. another challenge has been issued to Kimbo Slice, this time from Abu Dhabi champion and a Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu black belt,


    i don't think there is any way Slice can hang with Monson on the ground. so i don't think Gary Shaw will let Slice fight Monson anytime soon.



    War Snowman!

  10. I am hearinbg something about a announcement from dana coming up on thursday that he clains will effect the UFC for the next five years. Lots of talking about it on the boards. I wonder what it could be.


    all I see on the UFC site is the addition of one of the owners. Nothing all that earth shattering. Am I missing something.



    It was nothing but hype. The "big" announcement was that one of the Fertittas is resigning from his other job to take a more active role in heading up the UFC alongside Dana.

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