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Everything posted by xCx

  1. Ok, 5-10 pounds might be a bit excessive, but you get my drift. Taking his lifestyle into consideration he's probably not going to die from obesity or go blind from diabetes any time soon
  2. Teh abz? Not too sure what that is. I am very healthy already. But I'm injured, so I won't be doing any lifting at all. That's kinda the point. And if I don't adjust my diet, I'll be taking in nearly 1000 extra cals a day. I'd be gaining pounds by the week. I'm not OCD about BF, but I'm not about to eat like like I'm kicking my ass in the gym when I'm just sitting on it I'm sorry if I came off as rude, it's just that I'm annoyed with people who for some reason are afraid to eat because that'll make them gain some weight. What I'm trying say is just, what's another 5-10 pounds? Wouldn't you rather minimize your strength lose and gain some BF? You'll shed the extra pounds quickly once you're injury free anyways
  3. Eat like you normally do. I don't really see any need to adjust your eating, well maybe if you're worried about teh abz, but who cares about BF, right? Just get healthy and lift heavy!
  4. Tuesday 06/12-09 Front squat Warm up sets: 5x20 - 5x40 - 3x60 - 2x70 - 2x90 - 2x100 3x5 122,5kg OH press Warm up sets: 5x20kg - 5x30kg - 5x40kg - 3x50kg - 2x60kg 1x5 - 1x4 - 1x4 73kg Power cleans and push jerk Warm up sets: 5x50kg - 3x60 - 2x70 3x5 80kg Chin-ups 1x6 - 1x5 - 1x4 ---------------------------------------------- I woke up today with some serious back pain. I could hardly get out of bed, let alone put on clothes.. Don't really know what I did, but something is not right. The weird thing is i felt no pain what so ever in my workout or afterwards... Anyways, I'm going to see a chiropractor tomorrow (Hooray for universal health care) so let's see how that turns out.
  5. Friday 04/12-09 fail day! I've been swamped this week, so eating and sleeping have been horrible. Hopefully I'll get to stuff my face and sleep long hours all weekend.. Front squat Warm up sets: 5x20 - 5x40 - 3x60 - 3x70 - 3x90 - 2x100 1x4 - 1x4 - 1x3 122.5kg Bench press Warm up sets: 5x20kg - 5x30kg - 5x40kg - 3x50kg - 2x65kg 3x5 80kg Deadlift Warm up sets: 5x60kg - 5x80kg - 3x100kg - 3x120kg - 3x130kg - 3x140 - 2x150kg 1x4 160kg Chin-ups 3x4
  6. Just got mine today. Love the note with the kitten on it, haha! Thansk rob!
  7. Wednesday 02/12-09 Complex B The complex is done in sets of 4@40kg with 120 seconds of rest between complexes Power Clean – 6 reps Push Press – 6 reps Front Squat – 6 reps Kettlebell swings 3x10 @ 32kg
  8. Tuesday 01/12-09 Front squat Warm up sets: 5x20 - 5x40 - 3x60 - 2x70 - 2x90 - 2x100 3x5 122,5kg OH press Warm up sets: 5x20kg - 5x30kg - 5x40kg - 3x50kg - 2x60kg 3x4 73kg (Failed on the last rep on every set...) Power cleans and push jerk Warm up sets: 5x50kg - 3x60 - 2x70 3x5 78kg Chin-ups 1x7 - 1x5 - 1x4
  9. Saturday 28/11-09 Front squat Warm up sets: 5x20 - 5x40 - 3x60 - 3x70 - 3x90 - 2x100 5x3 120kg Bench press Warm up sets: 5x20kg - 5x30kg - 5x40kg - 3x50kg - 2x65kg 1x4 - 1x3 - 1x3 85kg (might have to do a deload next time..) Deadlift Warm up sets: 5x60kg - 5x80kg - 3x100kg - 3x120kg - 3x130kg - 3x140 - 2x150kg 1x4 160kg (Deloaded and still failed, not my day) Chin-ups 3x5
  10. Cool Sosso! I see we both weigh a 100kg, so that puts us somewhat even, although you're stronger than me
  11. I was gonna do my complexes today, but a friend of mine lured me into biking some 50km in rainy weather. Might sound really shitty, but fun was had and pictures was taken, so I might upload some as soon as I get em onto a USB-stick..
  12. There's an overwhelming amount of very specific nutricional information to be found on this very site.. http://www.veganbodybuilding.com/?page=menu_nutrition
  13. Thursday 25/11-09 Front squat Warm up sets: 5x20 - 5x40 - 3x60 - 2x70 - 2x90 - 2x100 3x5 120kg OH press Warm up sets: 5x20kg - 5x30kg - 5x40kg - 3x50kg - 2x60kg 3x5 72kg Power cleans and push jerk Warm up sets: 5x50kg - 3x60 - 2x70 3x5 77,5kg (The battle is on to get those 100kgs over my head!) Chin-ups 1x8 - 1x6 - 1x5
  14. The rules are simple: The bar starts on the floor and ends locked out over your head. How you get it overhead is pretty much up to you, but any kind of clean and jerk or press is probably your best bet. Any takers?
  15. Tuesday 23/11-09 Front squat Warm up sets: 5x20 - 5x40 - 3x60 - 3x70 - 3x90 - 2x100 5x3 120kg Bench press Warm up sets: 5x20kg - 5x30kg - 5x40kg - 3x50kg - 2x65kg 3x5 84kg Deadlift Warm up sets: 5x60kg - 5x80kg - 3x100kg - 3x120kg - 3x130kg - 3x140 - 2x150kg 1x3 162,5kg Chin-ups 3x7
  16. 90 degrees and the bar starts & ends on the floor on each rep
  17. God I love lazy saturdays, haha! You're the man Robert! Thanks!
  18. It is quite uncomfortable at first and it just feels weird, but you'll get used to it
  19. The low bar squat will put more emphasis on the posterior chain, this means More hips, less quads, whereas the high bar squat will emphasize the hips & quads more evenly. If you're into oly style training the high bar squat is preferable since it has greater transfer to the clean and snatch, but if you're after big numbers then the low bar squat is what you want since it allows for greater maximal weight.
  20. You're spot on chewy, those are high bar squats. http://images4.wikia.nocookie.net/startingstrength/images/thumb/8/8b/Squat_Bar_Placement.jpg/800px-Squat_Bar_Placement.jpg
  21. Yeah, I've neglected them for some time due to the really crappy pull/chin-up bar at the gym. It was loose and all bent out of shape, but now they finally bought some good old fashioned straight pull-up bars, so now there's nothing to it but to do it
  22. Thursday 19/11-09 Front squat Warm up sets: 5x20 - 5x40 - 3x60 - 2x70 - 2x90 - 2x100 3x5 118kg OH press Warm up sets: 5x20kg - 5x30kg - 5x40kg - 3x50kg - 2x60kg 3x5 71kg Power cleans Warm up sets: 5x50kg - 3x60 - 2x70 3x5 75kg (Form has gotten a lot better. I'll start adding weight next time) Push jerk 3x2 80kg (I've been wanting to try these out, just to see how much weight I can get up. I probably could have put on another 10kg, but I'd like to get the technique down first) Pull-ups 3x7
  23. Wednesday 18/11-09 Skipped the KB swings at the end of the complex but added another set instead. Complex B The complex is done in sets of 4@40kg with 120 seconds of rest between complexes Power Clean – 6 reps Push Press – 6 reps Front Squat – 6 reps Kettlebell swings 3x10 @ 32kg
  24. Just as I though nothing could get any more annoying than the medicin ball craze, lord and behold a new fad hits my gym. Apparently the medicin ball isn't enough, no! now you have to perform every exercise in a sloth-like manner. Imagine walking into your gym only to notice everyone moving in slow motion.. Scared the crap out of me as I thought I was having a stroke
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