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Everything posted by aluck

  1. 3/13 Friday - Another Friday the thirteenth 5:30 am - 8 oz rice crispies dry 6:15 am - 16 oz oatmeal plain
  2. RC - What does you diet look like when you get ubber close?
  3. 3/12 Thursday 5 am - 8 oz grits with pepper 1.25 mile run to YMCA, LEG DAY.... Squats, with bar and body weight... all kinds of Pilates for legs and core.... 20 minutes hard on elliptical, 1.25 mile run back to the hellhole 9:30 am - 16 oz oatmeal plain 1 pm - 2 plums 7:15 pm - 16 oz oatmeal plain, collared greens raw with apple vinegar
  4. Itll be this fall maybe earliest end of July... Next section of classes end july 22nd... but probably august or september if I do another session after that. It depend on where I transfer to and when their classes start, and of course when parole lets me leave.. I absolutely love Venice. RC - What do you think of Atlanta I cant decide just yet.. I think Im going to start job scouting now... If I go to DC, itll be to move to Atlanta by the very end of 09 at the latest. If I go anywhere else beside Orlando itll be all about me... No ththat thats a bad thing, but its always strange moving somewhere knowing no one... Done it before though..
  5. So as of June I will be free to move about or go where I want to. Obviously, nothign in Wyoming! My sister wants me to move to DC, then eventually to Atlanta with her. My parents want me to move to Florida, Orlando area with them. I'm seriously reconsidering San Diego, Portland, and Atlanta or Miami. Any thoughts??? Only a few months to decide... Mostly depends where I can get a good job I guess... Anyone know places needing trainers?
  6. Wednesday - 3/11 9:45 am - 2 tortillas 5 mile bike ride to school ... 12:30 pm - 1 bananna 2 - 3pm 1/2 bag of pretzels 110 cal. 7 pm - salad with rapsberry vinegarette, lettuce, tomato, avacado, and pecans 11 pm - collard greens raw with apple vinegar and 16 oz of oatmeal plain
  7. Yuck. There was a fish farm at the prison I was in but I refused to work there I would take part in that cruelty.
  8. Tuesday - 3/10 4 am - 16 oz soymilk 1.25 mile run to YMCA, Upper body workout with Becca (shoulder extensions with 8lbs, bench - 1 x 20 @45, 1x 20 @55, 1x10 @75, lower back extensions, decline bench crunchs, curl bar - 2 X30 @ 40, 1x 10 @60, lat row 1x10 @ 65, 1x 10 @ 100, 1x 10 @ 140, Cable pulldown 1 x 10 @ 50, 1 x 10 @ 80, 1 x 10 @90, Bitch crunch set one time thru), Yoga for an hour then 1.25 mile run back to the hellhole. Oh by the way 4 degrees F. Yuck! 7:45 am - 1 bowl dry cheerios 12-1pm - a bunch of grapes 1pm - 1/2 bag of pretzels 110 cal. 4:30 pm - salad with lemon - lettuce, tomato, carrot, snap peas 5 - 6 pm - 2 english muffins with 6 oz peanut butter 7pm - 2oranges 9 -10pm- 1 apple with hot sauce, 3 bags of peanuts (600-700 cal)
  9. Just like to say.. Have yall noticed what a good lookign group of people us vegans are?
  10. Seriously thinking I might move to Portland this summer.... Getting really tired of all you vegans having each other there in Portland and my closest friend being any cows that havent been slaughtered yet here in Wyoming... Seriously though Im slowly just making anyone I associate with become vegan...its the only way I can function. Other than that welcome! You came to the right place!
  11. Know the feeling. Still lucky enough to have two jobs, down from my three.. Apparently in this state you can fire someone for not wanting to scrump... Lovely right... Anyways, do have two jobs which keeps me working just over full time anywhere from 50 - 70 hours a week.... However, it definately doesnt mean Im not completely broke!!! And Im not longer working in my profession of choice... So yeah the economy sucks!
  12. I really should take a pic of my mowhawk today... Because even if I say so myself, dude its pretty sweet..
  13. Thanks babe! 3/9 Monday 6 am - soymilk and rice crispies sipped on hot water all am in Reiki class 11:30 am - Naked drink cherry pomegranate (280 cal, 4 g protein), bag of mixed nuts (510 cal, 18 g protein) 1pm - Trail mix (840 cal, 18 g protein) 2pm - Naked drink blueberry (280 cal, 4 g protein) Evening - Collard greens raw with apple vinegar, cooked plain, Bag of Peanuts Hot (600 -800 cal) Ran 1.5 miles to meeting, zigzagged looking for hills, Ran 1.5 mile back ran 10 on each leg up downs on bus benches... Lot od damn benches in town!!! Then 50 pushups, squats, crunches, 20 pushups, back lunges, leg lifts, 50 pushups, speed skates, twisting leg throws, 20 pushups, line jumps, and situps.
  14. I totally am always giving the address here out too and my email to random vegans and anyone who isnt or challenges me, or just asks questions... or pretty much anyone who gets on the topic with me..
  15. 3/8/09 Sunday I was at work all day yesterday so I snacked trhoughout the day on rye bread, peanut butter, and fruits and veggies, not too bad... Plus I biked like 6 miles spread thruought the day, to work, back to check in, back to work, then home... Besides running ariound cooking and waitressing!! Today - Walked 2 miles, to church and back.. I never count my .5 mile bike n back to the library - figure thats just movement... Going to work on core tonight....and maybe some yoga. 7 am - soymilk 8am - soymilk and oatmeal plain and a swig of powerade 9 am - bagel and peanut butter, soy chai tea 11:30 am - baby carrots and green tea 12:30pm- green beans 5pm - lettuce, croutons, vinegar, apples, and walnuts 7pm - rolls, sweet potato, brocolli, mushrooms, lettuce, tomato, croutons, vinegar
  16. I wish.. Wont even have a chance of being allowed until after June11th... Keep me updated though on stuff for this summer!
  17. 3/6 Friday 2 tortillas, cheerios, 8 oz soymilk 4.5 mile run easy, 48 minutes.. lazy i know!
  18. yes im delaying doing homework.. just wanted to say yeah buddy.. k now time to buckle down.
  19. 3-5-09 Thursday 8 oz soymilk, cheerios 4 red apples, 1 green apple, 1 orange, 4 strawberries(allergic but love them... survived hehe ) 1 bag or pretzels - 220 cal. 1.5 bag pretzels - 330 cal. 2 green apples, with 2 oz peanut butter 1 orange 5 mile walk 2.5 potatoes with tomato n lettuce, bbq n mustard
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