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Everything posted by after4ever

  1. This is sponsored by meat companies. I can eat like "paleo" using nuts and fruits,like gorilla,our ancestor. Nuts and sprouts have a lot of proteins. The problems are infiammations eating too much nuts,but eating only meat I have intoxications. We are weaks anche we must have a big part of boiled foods (like beans) or starch. I can wrong,I like eat much raw food as I can but is not much for me...
  2. I tried it 10 years ago.,but I need 2 or more sets because I am not good with intensity.I could wrong. One set or two, the book heavy duty II is a must,we must understand bodybuilder is a white fiber athlete not a 20 km runner I did a topic in the wrong section (I wrong) about heavy duty.I asked what is real intensity. viewtopic.php?f=6&t=18316 Heavy Duty is low volume,because IF you train anaerobic for real THEN you have not energies for other sets, ALSO is better because you have more energies for recover and build muscle. For this,Mike Mentzer says a lt of bodybuilders trainig with high volume and low intensity does not build mass because they are overtrained and not stimulated. Instead you must stimulate with intensity the muscle, then recover. Mentzer says train to failure,and only one set. The problem is,a lot of people does a single set to "failure", then says "I did heavy duty", and after says "heavy duty does not work" Wrong. A lot of people does not know what is REAL failure. Watch this guy doing the leg press: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZhWfz6HHCWM What many people think,they can wrong or not, is heavy duty is good for advanced. I think I must train anaerobic and recover enough, but with my needs in mind. Dorian yates does 2 sets,low volume,more similar to heavy duty than others. An italian bodybuilder,Leo Caminotto,alternated GVT to heavy duty,he likes high volume but also heavy duty. Mentzer trained champions,like David Paul or a matial arts champion. I think I must start with a common 3X10 3 times a week for muscle,or similar,when I am an advanced,then I can train heaavy duyt. I can wrong... Example of Heavy DutyII WORKOUT 1 Chest and Back WOKROUT 2 Legs WORKOUT 3 Now arms recoverd from WO1 and you can do Arms and Delts WORKOUT 4 repeat WORKOUT 2,LEGS,in one week recovered REPEAT WORKOUT 1 You do the bench and back every 2 weeks days about because you have you must recover triceps and biceps. There is an other heavy duty training in the book,all based on compounds, you train every muscle a little more because you train all with the compounds only.
  3. Thanks for the complete reply. Of course,I am agree,a 10% in 6 weeks,"many rounds", is not realisticbecause in 60 weeks,a weak guy transform into a beast.And is not realistic. I have not illusions in my head,I don't think to do this for more times. Also,I know a personalized training is better than a generic one. Is true,a generic training also can put barriers into mind. But I dont know,probabily was all in my mind,GVT3 worked,and I like try something similar. What you suggest?
  4. In my opinion this is a body,better than ronnie coleman or superman! I like more! Post others please
  5. Evertyhintg you said about trainnig-strenght-mass in my opinion is true I am agree with you of course a personalized training is better than a generic. for this,I specified in my post, I know everyone is different. BUT I dont know why,probably "was psicologic" the third part of GVT worked great for me, and I like try something specific and programmed like gvt. The only thing you say,in my opinion,I am not agree, about the two weeks for recover,for me is not a problem,and I think for many because I hava not a great DNA. And is not ridicoulous,works for many people (many not) but I gained exactly that. Placebo or not,it worked. 10% more weight in the 10 reptetions. Someone have something all specified like gvt?Thanks.
  6. I know everyone have pariticular needs, and results,lower or higher. I like also low volume...but.. but the GVT3 worked for me great 10 years ao. GVT3 specify when and how much % increase weights,and worked. All is specified. One month gives 10%more strenght in the 12-10 repetitions (Two weeks more for recover are required) Someone can link me others building program specify everthing?
  7. What I mean is,Serge nubret the morning wake up and begin squat,at 65 years old of course he have more health than many others at 40 or 30. Of course the abuse of steroids is not good for health but is an other question.
  8. I dont know if all will like my favourite music. I hope. I begin with this i add this I had problems with links http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G2gIVk-ASEw
  9. Steroids,or not,weightlifting gave him health.
  10. Ok,I did a lot of post in this topic,I dont want be boring. I say only,I agree with you at 90%, the 10% about nutrition,everyone is different,and I think more carbo in diet helped a lot of people,and other things. For training,90% I agree,yes,I think he trained with more intensity than many others bodybuilders. Also,3 Sets for exercises are not much...others use more... Thanks to all for complete answers, I like talk about Mike Mentzer. I think both Mentzer and Arnold had great bodies and mind's strenght.
  11. Hello also I am new on this forum.
  12. I think weightlifting,diet,vitamins enanched his shape and his health,his longevity. If he is natural or not is not important for me.
  13. I don't think that it's true that Mentzer somehow achieved perfect potential while Arnold had room to spare. Again, Mentzer had a great physique, but he wasn't leaps and bounds beyond the rest of the competition. He took parts of other people's works (ala Arthur Jones) and used them to create his own HIT system and claimed it was the "best" way to train. However, many people say that Mentzer actually built most of his physique using traditional training methods and did not develop the bulk of his physique via HIT, rather, it was more of a selling point to counter the overly-long training that most people were pushing at the time (making it more accessible to the average lifter vs. those who were genetically gifted, could handle extreme volume, or weren't using steroids to aid in recovery). So, while Mentzer claims his best work was done on HIT principles, there are a lot of contradictions to say otherwise. Mentzer was a great bodybuilder, but compared to a lot of the others of his time, he truthfully didn't outshine everyone else to where he could be verified to have had better eating, training or other systems that put him at an advantage. Thanks for the complete answer.Ok,I can wrong. Arnold was a fury,he was famous for his terribles trainings and "no pain no gain religion", but I think he wrong objectives or something teorical, because I think Arnold have more potential in legs and abs. Arnold is a freak of DNA and have a lot mind strenght and performance in training. Mentzer of course have no used heavy duty,because he created heavy duty n in the late 90's. But mentzer was influenced by arthur jones,he trained with more attention on intensity and recover.A little more. I can wrong. But I see mentzer with mass in chest and legs and definition,I cannot think he wrong diet and workouts.I can wrong. Of course,Arnold is very impressive for his freaky chest and biceps,here Arnold at 20 Im watching this video a lot! I suggest all you download it with keepvids because is a beautiful video. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HryZtZZvYh8 EDIT:I add this mentzer have good mass,definition,abs.Both mentzer and arnold was great
  14. And how I can say if a nutrition is good watching the meals?He only know his body. And how I can know if is right for him do 1 or 2 sets? He only know his body. I can say he trains great and eat great,from results mass and definition and because teach about a complete nutrition all days. Of course he tryed to eat more balanced than many others.Not ALL others,but many others. He used volume,intenisty and recover balanced for HIS body better than others did,because he have mass and proportions. Arnold is more impressive,but mentzer more complete. EDIT:I see mentzer training videos on youtube,I find more impressive than others.
  15. what I mean is,mentzer had a "total package" mass chest and legs,definition,abs. Mentzer trained and eated super. I think Arnold was more impressive,pectorals and bicpes greats, but Arnold can be better,mentzer reached his maxinum thanks to balanced nutrition,intensive training and recover... Mentzer completed his body and his DNA, 100% Arnold not. Arnold has dna like the modern bodybuilders.
  16. This has impressive shape.Robby Robinson http://www.csencorsi.it/bodybuilders_file/image035.jpg And this is Mike Mentzer a complete body, BIG MASS,both in chest and legs, more definition flat stomach not big like others,great abs, shape, artistic posing. His body is the product of his mind and of his intensity more than DNA and this make him great (I dont find bigger picuters.If someone has..) http://i8.tinypic.com/6jwj6g3.jpg http://farm3.static.flickr.com/2105/1582668205_31eaf4a61a.jpg?v=0 CASEY VIATOR great mass in arms... http://www.oldtimestrongman.com/images13/casey_viator.gif
  17. Of course a good weightlifting program is good for health. I seen serge nubret 65 years old on the web.Better than me at 20 from this web page http://www.wannabebig.com/forums/showthread.php?t=75554 this picture at this link http://body.builder.hu/imagebank/pictures/1071552478.jpg http://body.builder.hu/imagebank/pictures/1071552478.jpg The number of years is not important.This man at 65 is younger than many others at 30. Thanks to his DNA,but also thanks to weightlifting. This why,at 30 years old I want back to train and eat.
  18. Dr Shelton said about the need of forget the obsession for meat taste. This is the solution. I used sometimes "veganmeat" for proteins instead of tofu, but now,I have doubts.I want understand more what there is in vegan meat. thanks,very important,interesting and complete
  19. Mike Tyson is great! The first time he benched he used 70kg or similar,like nasser el sonbaty. Now he bench press 240kg, and he lived for boxe,not for bodybuilding 100% Some years ago he became more muscular and ripped than ever . Mike Tyson reigns in boxe,but also in bodybuilding if he wants. He could be a new Ronnie Coleman or a powerlifting record man,I am sure! Mike Tyson is a freak of DNA!
  20. I am agree,there is a lot of good people in religions. When I say in my opinion bible is bad, I mean about the book only. The problem are the big political leaders,the big books, and their doctrine,all based on constrinctions about life for me,in my opinion strange meanings about good and evil, justice versus charity (!) then redemption, law of material world and law of spiritual world, there is something brainwashing. I believe in not damage others and harmony,this is good. If I damage others is bad. There is only one law. Pleasure is good ever.Pain is wrong ever.
  21. This is why I believe,in my opinion,in my mind Bible is not a good book,is bad. Also,in "Bible culture" woman is not important like man. In Israel there was also death for love relations not approved by religion. DAN: I am agree with you, there is a part of religion bad, and instead an other can be good. The problem in my opinion is,all famous religion and books are bad.I think is 99% bad / 1% good. I can wrong. I have an idea of karma,but different from general teachings about it. About sins for me there is only one: damage others lifes is wrong.No others. I do not think there is a big god watching the earth and a judge after death,I think we are alone.
  22. Pollen is produced slaving bees? Is a product of bees biology like honey? If yes is not vegan. Is possible take it from flowers by humans? Produced this way is vegan.Is possible?
  23. thanks for the links! Creapure is the same in all products?If yes,is vegan?
  24. Thanks! A shake?How do a very digestable and proteic shake? Someone have suggestions?
  25. thanks for the answer. Now I search. My idea is understand if is possible know which sources are vegan . If I know a brand sells kiowa creatine, and I know kiowa creatine is not vegan, then I know the brand sells not vegan creatine.
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