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Everything posted by Jay

  1. I"m glad it's working for you but you know, plenty of very healthy intelligent people occasionally drink alcohol with no ill effects. People who live to 100, people who are cut, people who can squat over 500 pounds (VeganEssentials on this board for example). It's not for everyone, but it's no big deal for many people. But I'm glad it's working for you.
  2. Friday Light GTG on pullups, presses, etc Saturday Squat 153x20 After 8 months of pain from the herniated disc, I've been OK for probably the last month. Feeling good on this. Hopefully will improve every week until 230x20 or so as I'm back to using a middle to narrow stance which I squatted 400 to parallel with before. Ankle ligs feel OK so far. Hopefully they'll be OK. Will Peavy style volume on dips and one arm presses. bwx6 every two minutes for 10 sets and 40#x6 for 5 or so. I've been overdoing it with upper body stuff. Feeling worn down as a result. I had great success before with just doing chins once a week. Need to rest more. (Good meals) mushrooms, carrots, kidney beans, tomatoes, olive oil, green peppers, and onions blueberries, coconut milk, rice milk, pineapples hummus and broccoli spinach, kidney beans, and mushrooms with dressing flaxseed oil
  3. I wish to write books that are as popular as Narnia, LoTR, Potter that will get people primarily while they are young and make them really think about this. Standard D&D with an emphasis on vegan elves versus meat eating ogres maybe. I'm not a natural writer though so it's been a very slow process. For it to be popular the vegan message would have to be not quite too obvious. But then even Narnia's pretty obvious christian message I don't think had anything to do with anyone becoming christian.
  4. Jay


    Well last I checked 2.8 billion people were living on the US purchasing power equivalent of less then 2 dollars per day. Perhaps living on the edge of starvation better explains why they aren't fat then this idea that Americans are just natural pigs or whatever. As far as "living in a society where excess=success" usually in very poor areas where starvation is common, the fatter you are, the more beautiful you are considered to be. Also I doubt that 4 billion people on this planet have access to processed things like MSG. I doubt most asians have access to it at all.
  5. Gynmastics. A lot of them look better than bodybuilders. There are some sites online that go into some of their training. Like beastskills.com http://beastskills.com/tutorials.htm It takes phenomenal strength to do things like a planck, iron cross, dips on rings, front levers, reverse levers, maltese.... handstand pushups, http://www.dragondoor.com/articler/mode3/152 muscle ups http://www.powerathletesmag.com/pages/muscleup.htm one arm chin/pullups http://www.dragondoor.com/jallstadt.html (I have a lot of links on one arm chins.) Also you can do pistols for legs, etc.
  6. Jay


    What do you base thinking that on?
  7. Homeless.... Topher, You really worry me. If things get bad, I'm happy to help. I'm 6 hours away. I hope though that things get settled down for you quickly.
  8. How about power rings? http://ringtraining.com/shopsite_sc/store/html/index.html Would be harder than regular dips which would be a good thing for Bigbwi as I'm sure he can handle it. Could instead just get a couple of ropes and a tree. (Well maybe.) I'm thinking about buying those though so I can do muscle ups and practice iron crosses, plancks (sp) (along with front levers, dips and chins.)
  9. Toronto has got to be better than Pennsylvania. I don't know about Oregon or Scotland. It's all better than an artificial isolated community full of conservative arrogant boring assholes who's work is their life, that only exists so that nuclear bombs could be built.
  10. Violet, I'm sorry that you were not welcome at veganfreaks, veganfitness and christian forums. You are welcome here.
  11. I had some improvement towards this, this week. Before I could only do a one arm assisted chin by using the middle finger of my other hand. Now I can use any single finger except the thumb. Also I did the same with a one arm assisted pullup except I haven't tried it for the pinkie. I also did a two arm chinup with just using my middle fingers. And best of all I can now hold myself stationary with either arm for 4 or 5 seconds at any position in the chin except at the very top. I'm at 215 and it's very rare for people over 200 pounds to do one arm chins, so this will be cool when I get it unassisted.
  12. Economic Left/Right: -10.00 Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: -7.13 What's up with all you economic right wingers? Tsk, tsk.
  13. Yes, I already understood it. OK, well I can. We're just different. Sorry but, no they do not. Not even close. Less then 10% for certain. Probably less than 5%. They eat meat, they don't want to know about these things. You'd have to tie more than 50% down and hold their eyelids open to get them to watch the videos of what is done.
  14. Violet, so what is the best way to perform vegan activism? Some think that in order to reach omni's you have to be very respectful and not scare them away. Then hopefully they will want to learn more. If you get in their face, they will just run the other way as fast as they can. If you show anger towards them, they will just get angry back and refuse to listen to anything you have to say. But it depends. I think getting angry would work best on some people. So I don't know.
  15. So in hitting 24 straight did you just primarily do 5 rep sets? I remember a while ago you did 18 I think. Since then were you just doing 5 rep sets? Sorry to hear about the bicep. If there was a sharp pain and now numbness I'd recommend a minimum of 2 weeks of rest. Then see how it feels at that point. You'll probably need longer than 2 weeks of rest.
  16. But in the thread you're not speaking strongly against people who wear fur coats without shame. You are speaking strongly against other vegans who happen to be related to someone who wears a fur coat without shame whom apparently isn't as filled with hatred towards their relation as you think they should be. I'd say it's OK to be angry at fur lovers. But there weren't any fur lovers there. Every single person there was against fur. Maybe you are trying to say you just don't think they're against fur quite as much as they should be. It's not enough for that girl to be against fur and tell her mom it's wrong, etc. She has to hate her mom. Is that what you are trying to say? It's obvious english is not your first language. Maybe there is just some kind of miscommunication. You almost seem to think you're talking to someone who wears fur, when there isn't anyone there who wears fur.
  17. Will, in the US the religious outnumber the non-religious almost 10 to 1 (depending on exactly how you define the two.). But of the people that there's a snowball's chance in hell that they might become vegan I think non-religious probably way outnumber religious. At least for now.
  18. I used to use the corner of the kitchen counter. It forces you to keep your elbows out which is harder but really hits the chest hard.
  19. I did 455 that way at a time when I was struggling to full ROM bench 245. I still don't plan on getting a silly bench shirt.
  20. I do see CG's point. And I don't think that for expressing it she should be called "psychotic" nor she it be suggested that she must have some sort of mental disorder (not that OCD is really such a bad thing, lots of impressive accomplishments have probably been helped out by a bit of it). I don't think the pope thing was meant as anything other than humor but the comments that followed became general religious bashing and my picture was obviously meant to needlessly antagonize. I don't want to needlessly antagonize and I apologize for "Smoking Jesus".
  21. I haven't bothered much at it. 10 years ago I did 200lbsx3 for multiple sets of clean and press, this combined with basketball gave me a great vertical. Last year messing around I cleaned 200 once. I also really hurt my back once when doing reps with 185 after already tired a few years ago.
  22. I've sort of changed here recently. I've quit stressing out. I'm going to continue to not stress out. Even though impending doom is near, heck, it's always near anyway, one way or the other. Also if I ever get a job again, I'm going to invest some money into some synths, etc and start recording music again.
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