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Everything posted by Jay

  1. Huh? How do you figure that? You prefer for people who feel offended to just let the feelings permanently simmer? This is the ideology of giving up. "It's all hopeless, we can never get along. Best we just shut up about certain issues. We'll all be dead soon enough anyway, so why bother." If it really bothers you that much, you don't have to read it you know? I mean I certainly don't read every thread on every board I go to. It's not like you're stuck in a car on a long road trip with us forced to listen to this.
  2. CG, I'd rather not post here than act like that. Do you want to drive me away?
  3. Sunday Damm it gets old quick doing the same thing everyday! Maybe that's just not going to happen. Would like to maybe work on some of these though: http://beastskills.com/tutorials.htm Also despite past injuries I'm going to try squats again, stopping when/if problems arise. This time will do easier workout than I've ever done, based on this: http://www.marunde-muscle.com/sarge98repsquat.html Today suatted 112x20 Also last two days did some one arm pushups, they were a little easier today. Got 7 or so in three sets on left and 2 plus, negatives/partials on right. Set two pr's today. Did one arm assisted chin with a ring finger assist and then with a index finger assist. Also knocked out couple sets of 3 with middle finger assist. Monday More pr's Did one arm pullup with middle finger assist, then index finger assist. Then did one arm chinup with pinkie finger assist on my right arm and got 3/4ths of the way up on left arm. That's very interesting in that I had hurt my right arm and completely rested it for a week or two while I still lifted on the left. At first the right was a little weaker as a result, now two weeks later its a little stronger. Maybe it doesn't mean anything, I'm not sure. Maybe it's related to being stronger on the left on one arm pushups. I've always been a little unbalanced. Tricep on one side a couple reps stronger. Bicep a couple reps stronger on other side. But then I was able just now to lift a 30 pound dumbbell with my left pinkie but not with my right, so whatever. My weight from fasting is still down at 215ish. Ten pounds lower with about the same bodyfat%. I think because I did no exercise for my legs while fasting and they got pretty thin. Tuesday So I don't expect to continously set chin pr's. I think instead I'll rest them for a couple weeks then hopefully eventually come back stronger. Today did pullovers (63x10) and rows 140x5ish with grip giving out. On rows noticed my left bicep was hurting. Apparently it didn't quite heal from that damm Armstrong program. That is most likely why I missed the left OAC w/ pinkie assist. So I'll try to totally rest my biceps. Wednesday One arm pushups off knees with 20lb pack. 12 reps on right, 15 reps on left LOL. I just can't help myself. Read that beastskills page and he was talking about just taking a day off inbetween heavy workouts. It seems that maybe I should not follow any strict plan and instead do what I feel up to doing. So I messed around with right arm chins. Threw rope over chin bar holding weights. 40lbs assist was easy, 30lbs got it, 20lbs didn't quite finish it. Then did a few negatives. If I stop my body from swinging by putting my foot against the door I can hold still in the middle and almost at the top. Then one arm presses including a couple negatives at 70lbs. Thursday I really should rest. Today messed around some more with trying front levers, handstand pushups, maltese/planche thing. Also did one arm dead hangs with a 30# dumbell added for about 5 seconds each. And a single one arm assisted pullup with middle finger on each side. This is surely too much. Got to rest. And this looked good: http://www.powerathletesmag.com/pages/monkeymaker.htm
  4. Hey this isn't Iran is it? I'm allowed to not be a christian? And to not hold the pope "sacred" or "holy" right? He does look pretty damm evil and my wife (who is a catholic) thought it was pretty funny. http://www.english-atheist.co.uk/cd.jpg Lots of great pics in this old thread at infidels.org http://www.iidb.org/vbb/showthread.php?t=34816&page=13&highlight=smoking+jesus+pic My favorite is bicycle seat Jesus. Couldn't find it though.
  5. There are two reasons to hide something: 1. You're doing something wrong. 2. Someone else with power over you is doing something wrong. Number 2 applies here. They have been targeting political opponents/peace activists/etc. It was only 50 years ago that people were blacklisted for holding socialists/communists views. 30 years ago peace groups were infiltrated/spied upon. 4 months ago I was suddenly escorted from the building I worked at. I am thinking about filing an FOA. Maybe they got rid of me because I was vegan? Currently the ACLU is filing a lawsuit concerning some people who were targeted by DHS apparently for being vegan. Maybe they found out about my socialist views? My job did require a top secret clearance and was funded by DHS. The idea of not having privacy in order to increase security sounds good in theory, but reality has clearly indicated that the US government will abuse such power. I don't have a problem with it being called collectivist.
  6. Will did not say anything remotely racist. You strawmaned him. That wasn't a very nice thing to do.
  7. http://www.marunde-muscle.com/sarge98repsquat.html I thought this was interesting. This guy increased his squat from 220 to 550 in 3 years. And increased his bench from 285 (past best of 330) to 405 without even training it. (Did inclines though.) In the video at the bottom he squats his bodyweight (218) for 98 reps. Anyway, what really interested me was contrary to what Marunde was saying (Marunde is a world class strongman by the way) this guy's workout looks really easy to me. He's only squatting once a week and he's only going heavy like 40 to 45% of the time.
  8. Yes the problem is that they are spying in a way that we have no idea who they are spying on. Usually at a later date you can find out what suspected terrorist was being spying on, here we won't necessarily have any idea who exactly was being syped upon because they didn't use the proper court procedure. The only gain by not using court procedure is that they can hide who they are spying on and/or basically just spy on everyone. Furthermore we do know that they have been spying here and there on peace organizations/peace activists. They have even been performing surveilance on vegan activists. The US government also has a long sordid history of spying on peace organizations. It is likely that as opposed to spying on potential terrorists they are once again keeping tabs on political opponents/peace activists types. But we don't know. Because they aren't going through the courts like they are supposed to. In the past the Freedom of Information act could be used to eventually find out years later, but lately they've been taking a number of steps to permanently conceal their activities. It is the opinion of many political "experts" that this has been the most secretive presidency certainly within the last 50 years.
  9. Jay

    hi all

    I've never heard that about beans. Never heard they should be soaked to get rid of acidity. I have heard soaking them gets rid of the undigestible stuff thus getting rid of gas when you eat them. I doubt it would affect the protein. Don't know much about gout except I've never heard of it being a problem for a vegan. Generally eating lots of meat is a problem that I've heard.
  10. About 3 seconds, I don't know what the bar is made out of.
  11. I like the guys with very good strength to body weight ratios. Marvin Eder- at 190 could do 7 chins with 200 additional pounds. Did a dip with 460 pounds hanging from him (plus his BW). One of the first guys to bench 500 pounds. http://www128.pair.com/r3d4k7/MarvinEder.jpg Jasper Benincasa-possibly the best one arm chinner in history. Only guy I've ever seen do this: http://www128.pair.com/r3d4k7/JasperBenincasa2b.jpg (He's not swinging around, he's holding that positin.) John Grimek- a 200 pounder world class bodybuilder who could knock out 7 one arm chins. The bodybuilders nowadays often have a hard time even doing chins at all. Of course I wouldn't be too bad to look like this: http://www.marunde-muscle.com/forum/showpost.php?p=390&postcount=17 But really I don't care for the dehydrated steriod look even when it's combined with very little muscle as with Zane.
  12. There are animals that can talk and animals that can't talk in Narnia. Those that can't are killed, eaten, etc.
  13. Make sure to get adequate fat. Avocados are good (but expensive) Maybe get a handful or two of nuts/seeds. Flax seed oil to balance out omega 3/6 ratio. It's look like you're getting almost all your protein from soy. I don't know if that's so great. Might be good to replace some of the soy with other things like lentil soups, beans, quinoa, etc. Also protein is an overrated concern. Look around some, use the site search function to learn more.
  14. one arm pullups eventually military press 225
  15. Jay


    flowerdale, Veg sources of omega 3's are pretty much only in walnuts, hemp seed and flax seed. And only flax seed really has enough to balance out all the omega 6's people get in other foods. I try to take a couple spoonfuls of flax seed oil twice a day. If you buy some make sure it's refrigerated whereever you buy it, and if it tastes horrible that means it still went bad somehow. It should have a neutral taste. Maybe I don't know what I'm talking about but I don't think rice is good for diabetics. I think the glycemic index is too high? (It digests too fast, makes too great an insulin rush??) I know three lifelong vegetarians who ate quite healthy and yet have developed diabetes who also have eaten rice almost every day of their life. You might want to look into the glycemic index of foods and try to select foods on that basis. (I could be wrong, not a doctor, been a long time since I looked into this.) Also please know that vegans need a B-12 supplement. I'd recommend a liquid supplement, although without it, it can take a few years) or many decades) for problems to develop. Detox is for real and it does cause headaches, body aches, etc. I didn't get any when becoming vegan but when I fasted for a week I got a headache for the first time in many years.
  16. Yeah, MS and BS in mechanical. The classes weren't too bad. Actually the last part of calculus I thought was the hardest. Statics was easy. Thermodynamics isn't too bad. I've just hated the jobs (Toyota, LA National Lab) and have had some horrible advisors in my MS and PhD. Maybe just bad luck. Twilight Zone bad luck. I don't know. I've applied to become a fireman which about sums it up for me.
  17. My GTG variation is coming along very fast so far. Made slight adjustment to it though. Going close to failure repeatedly with reps above 10 is very very tough. Instead I will try to keep the heavy day reps from 6 to 10 and the light day maybe 5 or 4 reps less. This morning knocked out 10 chins with 20 lbs added without much strain. Upped it to bw+30x8. Same improvement on military presses/benches.
  18. I think "metals" can have some strength, they just don't get much out of conventional training styles. I've made all my gains doing one set per exercise training. With multiple sets all I've ever done was improve my ability to recuperate inbetween sets while usually losing some of my max strength. BTW, this spring I did basically what you are doing with pullups getting up to over 200 on some days. Didn't improve my max at all, as usual. The avatar is a pic of John Gill doing a one arm pullup with 20 pounds in his left hand. http://www128.pair.com/r3d4k7/HomePage1.html
  19. Congrats! That's pretty good money. Are you sure about engineering though? Biggest mistake I ever made. You're not me of course.
  20. Loki and Paddington while still kittens http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v507/JaySherman/lokiandpaddington.jpg Here's some cute ones of Loki a bit older. He spent a week or two talking to the mirror, etc. Looking behind it, etc. Trying to figure it out. http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v507/JaySherman/lokimirror.jpg http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v507/JaySherman/lokibedmirror.jpg http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v507/JaySherman/lokibehindmirror.jpg
  21. Today, we have many people becoming vegetarians for one or more of the following reasons: -The greatest occurence of cancer cases and other chronic diseases in history. -A growing concern over the health of our ecosystem. -A significant number of people are seeking spiritual grounding in response to a rising fear of Armageddon stimulated by an almost constant, worldwide coverage of war and conflict. I don't think someone should become vegetarian primarily for health reasons. It is possible to eat some meat and still be very healthy. The question is if vegetarianism is unhealthy. He suggests it is but doesn't attempt to prove it at all. The "spiritual grounding" thing is kind of strange..... I don't even know what the heck that's supposed to mean. The health of the ecosystem is a good reason and he doesn't refute that very well at all.
  22. http://www.t-nation.com/readTopic.do?id=584534&pageNo=0
  23. Will, concerning record chinup performances, these links might interest you. In the first that guy did over 200 nonstop in his 60's. http://www.aafla.org/SportsLibrary/IGH/IGH0101/IGH0101f.pdf http://www128.pair.com/r3d4k7/Chinups.html
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