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Everything posted by Jay

  1. We can't assume Jesus would just do whatever everyone else around him did. But I think it's safe to say he wasn't a vegan when young. He didn't seem very compassionate in his young age. http://www.gospels.net/translations/infancythomastranslation.html (1) The son of Annas the scribe was standing there with Jesus. Taking a branch from a willow tree, he dispersed the waters which Jesus had gathered. (2) When Jesus saw what had happened, he became angry and said to him, "You godless, brainless moron, what did the ponds and waters do to you? Watch this now: you are going to dry up like a tree and you will never produce leaves or roots or fruit." (3) And immediately, this child withered up completely. ------ (1) Next, he was going through the village again and a running child bumped his shoulder. Becoming bitter, Jesus said to him, "You will not complete your journey." (2) Immediately, he fell down and died. ------ (3) Then, Jesus said to him, "If you are really a teacher and if you know the letters so well, tell me the meaning of the alpha and I will tell you the meaning of the beta." (4) As he was growing frustrated, the teacher struck him on the head. Then, Jesus became angry and cursed him. Immediately, he fainted and fell on his face. (5) Then, Jesus turned back to Joseph's house, but Joseph was distressed. He instructed the boy's mother, "Do not let him out the door because the people who anger him will die."
  2. That doesn't sound like a front lever. A front lever is really tough on the back/lat muscles. Grip/wrist strength isn't a problem. Here's a pic. http://www128.pair.com/r3d4k7/FrontLever%281962%29a.jpg That guy could also do a one arm front lever. http://www128.pair.com/r3d4k7/Onearmlevera.jpg
  3. Ever hear of a front lever? You straighten your legs out so your body is parallel to the ground. I'm working on doing one. I can straighten out one leg so far. There's also a reverse lever. You might like this site. http://beastskills.com/tutorials.htm
  4. Yeah that's what I told him earlier in this thread. They're all valid but all biased. They all have agendas. They are all getting paid by someone. There is no such thing as objectivity. Expose yourself to multiple biased sources and come to your own conclusion. I wish people could understand that there is no such thing as objectivity. It drives me nuts that the MSM news pretends some kind of magical objectivity and people actually believe it and think they don't need to look at any other source. To "twist" your research would be to lie. Which they are not doing. If it's not the truth, then it's a lie. But they aren't lying. Yes, they do studies with the hopes of finding provegan findings, the same as studies funded by the meat industry hope to have promeat/antivegan findings. So again, you take it all with a "pinch of salt" and put it together and come to your own conclusion. With all this said, it's OK to point out the agenda of each group. That just doesn't mean what they say is a lie or only worth totally dismissing out of hand.
  5. I attempt to eat two cans of dark red kidney beans (30% total RDA) and one can of spinach (30% RDA) and 15 carrots (30% total RDA) in a stew along with olive oil, onions and tomato sauce (about 12% RDA), maybe some green peppers. That's a total of 102%. On top of that I always have a fruit smoothie with enriched rice milk (not natural but at least 30% RDA, probably more like 50%). Then various soups that have another 5/10%. A nice snack is raw broccoli with hummus which ought to have pretty good calcium as tahini is very high in calcium and broccoli is always mentioned as a high calcium food.
  6. I have a theory that eating meat is a signal to your body that the environmental situation is dire and the body responds by trying harder to reproduce thus passing the genes on. I have read somewhere that vegan women hit puberty later and menopause sooner. As far as plastic causing it, the average number of sperm in male ejaculate is less than half of what it was 50 years ago. It is theorized all the plastic might be a main cause.
  7. Yes, the do have an agenda and it's good to be aware of that. But this does not mean they are lying. All research has to get funding. The diary industry etc, funds studies also. As with politics, expose yourself to different viewpoints (each of which is biased despite journalists on the MSM pretending otherwise) and come to your own conclusion.
  8. Something with coconut milk that is very filling and satisfying. I'd guess the thai recipe Jonathan mentioned has coconut milk in it.
  9. I did it. Make sure to eat some nuts and stuff to feel satisfied.
  10. Sorry bout that football game. I think the lose of Chris Henry was also a factor. (I'm a Steelers fan.) OK, well a vegan diet can be very healthy. It's a good diet to get a person in the habit of eating more vegetables. I found it really lowered my blood pressure. (Actually took my body a while to adjust to the lower blood pressure.) Lots of people have great cholesterol levels on it. Cancer, etc risks seem to definitely be lower. Make sure to take some flax seed oil for the proper omega 3/6 balance and B-12 and fruits, vegetables and don't try to reduce your fat intake to 0% and it will work good for your health. You can still be overweight on a vegan diet of course. But that fattening cinci spaghetti chili stuff is out.
  11. Of course all one has to do to get really big strong muscles is to eat a ton of food. I could have a diet consisting of peanut butter, corn chips and OJ and eat myself to a 400 pound bench press. Of course I might have to get really really fat. The thing is to somehow get the muscle without the fat. It's pretty hard to prove we're not all just lying. FWIW I have lifted 17 years and have only been vegan the last two and it hasn't made a difference. There are some guys so big and cut that it's natural to wonder about steriods. But I know my brother-in-law has never taken steriods and he was benching close to 400 when he had a six pack. (Not vegan though, just a nonsteriod example.) There are people out there that I've seen and been certain they must be taking something but no one on the main page of this site looks like that. One guy is close, but I understand that some people just have excellent genetics. Now if someone who looks like Marius Pudnowski (sp) or Ronnie Coleman gets on the main page, I'm going to assume steriods but still be impressed.
  12. Just what I've found online. He never mentions anything about veganism (that I've found) other than health aspects. http://www.vegsource.com/articles2/tofu123.htm (Video of him saying he was vegan while training.) http://www.earthsave.org/lifestyle/carllewis.htm http://www.carllewis.com/
  13. http://www.voiceyourself.com/article.php?section=12&more=1&id=1317 We immediately made a connection to Matthew's symptoms, which included clouded thinking, bent fingers, acid reflux, lethargy, apathy, lack of coordination with his hands and feet, as well as a tingling and pain in his extremities. Children often find a favorite food, and Matthew loved tuna fish. He always wanted a tuna fish sandwich for meals and we indulged him, wrongly believing that we were providing him with healthy and nutritious food. The day we read that article we immediately removed tuna from his diet. Matthew's doctor told us to have him tested for mercury, and then we received the shocking results: Matthew had more than 12 times the level considered safe by the Food and Drug Administration, according to his pediatrician. This was two months after he stopped eating tuna completely. Based on the rate at which mercury is eliminated from the human body, Matthew's levels were likely 25 times the safe level when he stopped eating tuna 60 days earlier! Almost immediately after banning tuna we noticed a change in Matthew's health. Improvements continued and, over a period of nine months, his intelligence tests (as administered by a private tutor center) nearly tripled. Now 12, he can function at the appropriate grade level and has all of his dexterity back.
  14. You know the running back for the Miami Dolphins, Ricky Williams, is either vegetarian or vegan. He had a pretty good year too. He wasn't on either of the lists. There's a lot of these lists online that aren't very trustworthy though. Carl Lewis is no longer vegan for example, although he was for a few years while competing. He said it was great for his training but he doesn't train now and has no interest in the ethics apparently.
  15. Yeah animals that live in/near water have evolved to store a lot of fat and except for the mercury, etc contamination fish is very healthy. But is there any way to even know that it's not contaminated? I think when adding in the potential for contamination, the good of the omega 3's and EPA/DHA?? in fish are outweighed by flax seed oil.
  16. The complete protein thing is way over emphasized by some. Just get some small amount of variety in your diet. You don't have to carefully plan meals based on amino acid content or anything silly like that. I got allergic to soy for a while when I over did it. It's not big deal to never eat soy as a vegan although it is annoying the way so many vegan processed foods contain soy. But still there are plenty of plant foods other than soy. I might have a vegan processed meal once every two weeks otherwise I don't eat soy. What do you mean by "essential cholestorol'? The body produces some on it's own. If you want vegan saturated fat you can eat coconut/coconut milk....
  17. Monday One arm overhead press 40, 70x1 left and right (70 was harder on right side than it's been) static hold with 70 at weak point One arm "tripod" pushups right arm-bw, +9,+19x1, negative with 29lbs Left arm-bw, +9x1. Tricep overhead extentions right arm 30, 40x1 left arm 30x1. Left arm doesn't hurt but isn't all the way healed so took it easy. Then did 2 sets each of bench press, triceps pullovers and military presses with 20 to 50 reps fast at less than 50% intensity. (63lbs and 33 pounds.) Tuesday Couple speed pullups, left arm felt fine. OAP attempt on right, went backwards at bottom to get some momentum and got maybe 15/20% up. OAP negative on right starting halfway up with 10lb pack. Took close to 10 seconds to descend all the way. Used left hand ring finger assist for OAP right lockout. Ring finger gives out first. Then did 40 lbs assist for OAP lockout on right. 2 front lever attempts. Closer to completely extending one leg. The first attempt made my left elbow hurt a little though. Deadlifts- 123, 173, 223x1 Wednesday Maybe I wimped out today. Didn't do one arm overhead presses and only did a couple bodyweight one arm pushups. Did shoulder front raises (63lbs) and tricep presses (concentric at 83, eccentric with 93). Then the usual high rep things. Thursday Forget high reps. Put me in a bad mood. Make me restless. DLs, OACs, levers/gymnastic moves, front raises, tricep press, and something for chest (I guess one arm pushups as I don't have a power rack) everyday if I want. 1 rep sets. 1 to 5 total reps. Take days off if I feel like doing so. More likely just go lighter somedays. DLs-122, 172, 222, 257 OACs, front raises- light Front levers-one leg perfectly extended for a few seconds (improvement but was fresher as didn't do OACs hard) 93lb tricep press, haven't done any OApushups. Maybe just log highlights from now on.
  18. That really sucks. Interesting that it happened in Florida. That's where they mistakenly identified 90,000 voters as felons who shouldn't be allowed to vote.
  19. A few expert rock climbers can do one arm chins, etc but I've read a ton of threads on a serious climbing forum and plenty of extremely good rock climbers have trouble doing 10 regular chinups. Finger strength and using the legs in climbing seems to be the most important thing. Some climbers just do additional pullup training just in case it might help out a little. I have never done any rock climbing. I have though saved a bunch of training articles for one arm chin/pullups if you want them.
  20. http://atheism.about.com/od/cslewisnarnia/a/chroniclenarnia.htm C.S. Lewis didn’t think of his Narnia books as being an allegory, strictly speaking. Instead, he though of them as exploring the nature of Christianity and God’s relationship with man in a parallel universe: "I did not say to myself ‘Let us represent Jesus as He really is in our world by a Lion in Narnia’; I said, ‘Let us suppose that there were a land like Narnia and that the Son of God, as he became a Man in our world, became a Lion there, and then imagine what would happen.'" In a letter, Lewis outlined how the Narnia books compare with Christianity: The Magician’s Nephew tells the Creation and how evil entered Narnia, The Lion etc. - the Crucifixion and Resurrection, Prince Caspian - restoration of the true religion after a corruption, The Horse and His Boy - the calling and conversion of the heathen, The Voyage of the Dawn Treader - the spiritual life (especially in Reepicheep), The Silver Chair - the continuing war against the powers of darkness, The Last Battle - the coming of Antichrist (the ape). The end of the world and the last judgement. It's just semantics by Lewis to call it something other than an allegory. I really liked his one book that had Merlin in it. I think that was That Hideous Strength.
  21. Debatable. CS Lewis always denied the Christian links. I'm seem to recall him saying he was trying to introduce children to christian ideas to make them more receptive to the real thing later. Aslan was Jesus/god. He died and rose again, etc. There's really no doubt of this. I'd like to see a link to the contrary. I think you're just kidding though, cus I'm positive that is what he was doing. It wasn't a secret. I've read the whole series numerous times plus his Perelandra, Hideous Strength, etc thing. His writing is good. The movie was not. The movie was horrible. The BBC version was better. Except the BBC beavers were horrendous. Drove me nuts.
  22. Will, do you got a source for that? I know that the US spends the smallest percentage of money of any industrialized nation on aid. (I don't have a source.) And that most of their aid is given to countries who turn around and buy military hardware from the US. I know Africa has fallen victim to the snake oil of the IMF/WB (loans with the stipulation of adopting right wing economic policies.) And they've economically gone way downhill since 1960. I wrote up a big report on it but lost it when my old computer died. No less than the former chief economist of the world bank (WB) Joseph Stiglitz has written extensively about this. (He got fired for daring to criticize despite being a Nobel Prize Winner.) The idea that Africa is doing bad just because of corruption still begs the question, Why do they have corruption? Is it something in the water? Monumental bad luck? Or could it be related to that link I asked offense to read earlier? Along with the actions of the IMF/WB. (Hint: Imperialism) The logical result of capitalistm, whether it's the CIA or the British, or the French, or 200 years ago the Dutch. That's just how it works. Anyway I'll eventually reply to the other stuff
  23. Be careful! That almost looks like what one of the spammers says. I thought for a second you were one and how ironic it was that you posted in this thread. But then there's no gambling link in your sig. Look at Ruby17 search.php?search_author=Ruby17 Really annoys me.
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