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Everything posted by Jay

  1. 3 or 4 times a day might be annoying in some respects but it is really much healthier for you. When I first became vegan I also went 3 or 4 times a day and first thing in the morning I would just about shit myself getting to the bathroom. Now two years later I'm kind of constipated and only go once a day and.. let's just say my health has suffered. The only thing I changed was I quit running, I guess I'll start that back up.
  2. He's not really doing much about it.... A few little things positive. Not enough. Then also attacking Iraq and trying to open up Alaska to drilling. Do they? I would hazard the majority are clueless. This issue is pretty much not mentioned on corporate news whom decide what Americans will know anything about. Corporations make short term profit. That is their goal. They couldn't care less about what happens 50 years from now. As an aside, the world can't support the industrialization of China. The planet cannot support the Chinese ever consuming like Americans. Something will have to give. But "forcing" isn't capitalism. "Forcing" is adding socialistic aspects into capitalism. Practically half of US citizens will argue against this point you've made, dismissing it as socialism and one step away from "stalinism." But I agree with you of course. There is actually a right wing argument called the Couse (sp) theorem that won a nobel prize in economics that simply ignored the fact that pollution produced on one person's land will runoff to anothers. With managing to ignore something so obvious it attempted to argue it was against a person's interest to pollute their own land thus there was no need to regulate against pollution. You know, in the US Bush came up with a wonderful Orwellian term called "voluntary laws" as in you only have to follow them if you want to. They were applied to many pollution regulation laws. I agree with everything except the last sentence. I would change that to say a capitalist system that at least had many, many more socialistic aspects than the current US system would not be contradictory with a green planet. I talk about the US mainly because along with that being what I know, they're the ones doing the majority of the polluting. We don't disagree as much as maybe you'd think Offense. Things are very different here in the US and when people talk about how they're a "capitalist" they mean they are REALLY a capitalist. They want close to no government, or literally no government. Except a huge army to attack 4th world countries apparently.
  3. You're morphing into one of those powerlifting guys. No hair, thick neck, where's the goatee? Looking strong though.
  4. Yeah I agree with this. I liked Thom Hartmann's book The Last Hours of Ancient Sunlight on this issue. http://thomhartmann.com/last.shtml
  5. Thanks guys. If I could use the bathroom 3 to 5 times a day that might be a good thing, I think. Constipation/hard bowel movements are the worst thing. Lack of exercise increases such things. But I wonder if it's more jogging than lifting weights which would be good. But then I've seen even serious runners have this problem too. Supposedly it's pretty common but people just don't talk about it. I've seen two doctors already and read extensively about this and no one says to not exercise. They say nothing or the opposite. Maybe I'll give it up anyway, I'll have to think about it. And yes I use some kind of wet wipes with aloe vera.
  6. Thanks, but I took a week off mutlple times in October/November and it did nothing. If anything I've been better when getting some exercise. This is an anal fissure not a bad lower back. It doesn't heal because you use the bathroom everyday and rip it back open. It's not a matter of healing faster, it's a matter of not ripping it back open every day. It is unfortunately common for these things to not heal and to require surgery.
  7. Well the wide squats were a big mistake Phoenix. (sigh) I've been sick for 3 months or so now and I haven't mentioned what my ailment is. It's embarrassing. But more than that. I'm very honest. I'm just not mentioning it to fit in/not embarrass others. Anyway wide squats caused me some serious pain a few hours later. Even worse the next day. I'm seeing a surgeon on the the 15th. Saturday Military presses w/ 73lbs circuited with chins-ups and dips. 22 sets of each in about 3 hours. 8 reps each set of chins. Took my time. Did some band benches instead of dips but think I'll just do dips in the future. Tried some bodyweight wide squats..... Sunday Increasing pain from anal fissure Saturday night. Extreme pain Sunday. Finally took 2 hydrocodone (sp) and 5 (1000mg) of an anti-inflammatory. Finally pain eased off. Monday Same circuit. 40 sets of usually 5 reps sometimes 6 on dips in about 2 hours and 45 minutes. Easy boring workout. Haven't #2ed yet thanks to probably constipation from pain killers. Expect when I do, I then can look forward to intense pain the rest of the day. I really eat pretty healthy and I think this wonderful illness was caused by forgetting to drink water and only eating oatmeal for a few days back in early October. (Maybe already weakened from who knows what? I'm not gay or anything, haha. Certainly get plenty of fiber. But maybe not enough water or dietary fat. Stress of ruined career maybe played a role.) It has just refused to heal since then which is often the case with this. There are people who have had this for decades. Every now and then it seems like it's healing then, bam, right back where I started. Maybe 3 times things have gotten so bad I've taken pain killers for it. But I've spent many days laying in bed as the pain gets bad enough that standing is difficult. Looks like it's ass surgery for me. The gods hate me. It hasn't been a good year. If anyone's reading this, please excuse my honesty. This is my log though. I want to remember how much this sucked so that if I ever get better I'll hopefully not take good health for granted. I've also had shingles and a herniated disc in the last year. But I've never had a cold or flu since becoming vegan. LOL.
  8. veganbodybuilders ?? I see adds for the Atkins diet there. It looks like some generic site in case people mistype some actual vegan site.
  9. I can't point to any articles/studies that will tell you to only eat three meals. But I think a lot of the articles/magazines would run out of things to say if they didn't stress some pretty small things. I think eating 6 meals a day is good but it's a pretty small thing. I don't worry about it. I think it reduces quality of life to eat 6 times a day. I really don't think it's going to make or break your goals.
  10. On ESPN (Cold Pizza) they were talking about how good Mick Jagger was looking and some guy mentioned it was because he's a vegan. Yeah Roethlisberger had a bad game but the Steelers still have a great defense, some good qb's at wide receiver and one of the fastest running backs in the league. They pick players really well. Randle El, Parker and Ward were not exactly highly coveted players coming out of college.
  11. There's different ways. The one I use is to get a photobucket (photobucket.com I think it is) account. (It's a couple bucks for a year I think.) Then it lets you load pics on to the internet. Then just copy and paste the link and put it between tags. There's other ways/other sites and might be something free. I'm not sure.
  12. Oh, you're not a wimp. As long as it was just a single solitary tear. No sobbing. I tear up at silly movies all the time.
  13. Roethlisberger was 9-21 for only 123 yards and with 2 interceptions.... You really don't expect that to get it done. Steelers got a little lucky but I wanted them to win so that's fine with me.
  14. 2 minutes left in 3rd quarter. This still is not good. Roethlisberger has (is) not playing good. And still no pressure on Hasselbech. I think the Steelers are going to lose even though they're up by 4.
  15. Not really looking that good for the Steelers here at halftime. No pressure on Hasselbeck and too conservative with passing.
  16. Good name. Anything self depreciating is good.
  17. Back when I mistakenly thought protein stuffing was necessary I tried some. I forget what brand. I didn't care for it at all. The fiber overload kind of upset my stomach. Anyway except for pea protein, protein powders go good with rice milk, frozen fruits and a little coconut milk.
  18. Thinking about sex is a good way to stay awake when driving. I never nap. I wish I could as I think it would be good for me but I just can't do it. I saw during the veganfitness week that Topher napped like crazy and that wasn't surprising at all as it always seems that people with good strength to weight ratios nap a lot.
  19. Does maybe the lack of affluence make pets too much of a luxury for most (in Asian countries) and so they view dogs just as they would pigs, cows, chickens, etc? Maybe having pets (despite the hardcore vegan anti-pet rhetoric) is very useful in making people think of animals as something with feelings, intelligence, etc. I don't guess any culture eats animals that are also generally kept as pets?
  20. Regular pushups are too light. One arm pushups are really hard on the shoulders especially for the high volume I want to do. Also with one armers it's really hard to gauge progress as if you do them slightly different from day to day it really changes the difficulty. I think I will do dips. Maybe just a couple of band bench presses at the end. I don't see doing dips or military presses with bands because I usually fail at lockout already on these two exercises (more so with doing really high volume) so if I add bands I'd have to really reduce the weight for the rest of the movement which I don't want to do.
  21. I read something about the best time to workout but the differences are negligible. Too late might make it hard to sleep.
  22. Why are you limited to the two routines you've mentioned? I guess the latter of the two is better. But if you aren't happy with either I think you should try out different things. And there's endless different things you can try. I have no idea which would be right for you. Much higher volume (instead of 3 sets, 5, 10, 15, 30??) Higher reps? Lower reps? varying the intensity and/or volume with each workout. Just maxing out once a week? Etc, etc, etc. There's really just endless stuff out there. The most generic thing would be 3 sets of 5 to 8 reps, each set about 1 rep less than you are capable of, twice a week.
  23. Just depends on the chiropractor. I went to one about my back and he was useless. No real diagnosis. Just did some useless back cracking. Potentially dangerous back cracking considering I had a herniated disc at the time. (Not that I knew this at the time.)
  24. BTW, I'm mostly color blind also.
  25. Maybe there's a lot of crossover anyway? I mean if I get really strong at dips and military press maybe I'll improve a lot at bench without even doing it. But I really want to mess around with the new bands I got.
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