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Everything posted by Jay

  1. Yeah, like I said if you can knock out 35 reps in a set or 15 for multiple sets you probably aren't building any strength by doing it. So you could do 100 pushups straight. I bet you could do more than 35 dips in a set. Probably could still get something out of chins. t-nation.com is loaded with 17 year olds. And in general unhappy people who feel better when they put others down.
  2. http://us.news3.yimg.com/us.i2.yimg.com/p/ap/20060212/capt.13e316d126974192a699bf8b1bb19ab7.cheney_hunting_accident_ny112.jpg?x=180&y=241&sig=A0223U7tfSlxOP6luYhGGA-- It's just too funny. Bush is just there because he seems too dumb to have any evil intentions. Cheney looks like the bad guy in a cartoon. I bet the guy pissed him off and he shot him on purpose. It's not like I was looking for a bad picture of him either that's just the first one I came across.
  3. Thanks again. It's been about 48 hours since surgery. The first 24 hours I was so swollen I couldn't even fart. This morning I had that oh so scary first BM and I don't feel too bad. There's a possibility that I still won't heal or that I'll end up incontinent but I'll probably be OK and never have such problems again. I quit taking pain killers within the first 24 hours. They didn't really do anything for me. Supposedly a vegan should never have had this problem in the first place so I guess I'm just lucky.
  4. This isn't a part of GM foods though...? Anyway, no. That is definitely not true about it being like 20 chest x-rays. There is NO radiation left over in radiated foods. A radioactive source gives off particles, either alpha, beta, gamma, or x-rays. These particles when they hit something will "mess it up." But the actual particles don't leave any radiation behind. They just "mess the thing up." So they put food near a radiation source which gives off whatever kind of radiation. The food has no radiation as a result of being near the radiation source. It just gets damaged from the radiation. Maybe the damage that results isn't actually so good for a person to then be eating it? Maybe. But it appears that it's safe. Eh, I don't know what is emitted from a cell phone and screen. Is there any radiation? I don't know. Radiation also has a separate meaning in that heat can "radiate." I guess the testing will mean killing some fish? I don't beyond the testing it will kill any fish. I guess it's a concern. Yeah it is maybe kinda fucked up. Please, you're embarrassing me. You don't have to be a "scientist" to know about this stuff.
  5. Rumor has it that Devo grew red pyramids on top of their heads because they ate too many GMO's I bet Mothersbaugh isn't a fan of GMOs. He was all anti-corporate power way back then before the internet age.
  6. The GMO ends up spread all over the place and that combined with inadequate testing could have be potentially very bad. Also related to that farmers not producing the GMO end up in trouble because the wind spread the seeds on to their land and they are accused of stealing it. They don't have the right to be growing it. Monsanto is making GMOs that don't produce seeds so they can make greater profits and really fuck those third world farmers even harder. Then when the farmers commit suicide they can buy up the land. A lot of the GMO stuff is actually designed solely to increase profits because well that's how capitalism works. This means increasing yields on a total mass basis and if the GMO has less nutrients, etc big fucking whoop. That's just too fucking bad. As long as profits are maximized the health problems that may creep up are not a concern. With all this said, yes, of course GMO's could potentially be a very good thing. Being against them isn't knee jerk luddism. But the reality is that the technology is being used in harmful ways as is often the case with technology.
  7. Totally agree. This was certainly my personal experience Jay. My cats made me vegan (and meetyourmeat, and rob cheeke). Yeah, it makes sense. That's why I was curious about pets in Asian culture. Is there anyone with knowledge of this who isn't going to start screaming at me to stop torturing animals who knows anything about this?
  8. OK, well so we disagree. The capital letters makes it look like you're screaming. It's rude. And you're wrong. Well we disagree. What words did I put in your mouth? I have no idea what it is that only I misinterpreted that "everyone else" didn't. I simply asked you a question and you responded by screaming at me as if I was torturing animals. You still haven't explained why you did that.
  9. They were published quite a while ago and a Danish Muslim group tried to make a big deal but no one really cared. So finally they added three additional pictures that were far more offensive. The original pictures had muhammed with a bomb turban and one with him holding a knife. The new pictures had some pigs involved. The pig pictures the Danish Muslim group added were enough to successfully incite Muslims to riot. Eh, I forget. It was something rather innocent. The paper didn't have some big goal of portraying Islam as violent I don't think. The details are spread about out there online. They aren't as powerful.
  10. I used to catch colds and flus at least a few times per year. I've been vegan 2 years and I've caught a cold once when on travel I drank cow milk. That was 16 months ago. (Haven't had any milk since then.) Course I have gotten "sick" since being vegan but seems to be just freak bad luck stuff. Everything I've read about the illness I have right now says the number one way to avoid it is to eat lots of fiber and not eat meat and diary. Some even say that apparently vegans can never get the illness I currently have, so I'm just being my usual lucky self I guess.
  11. He's doing it the wrong way. Instead of putting more government funding into research of new energy sources (and bombing Iraq) he could penalize the ones who pollute our environment. It's the same thing as an individual dumping garbage on your lawn and not cleaning it up or paying you to do it. This way there would be more incentives for corporations to find greener solutions both for themselves and their customers and the taxpayers wouldn't have to pay for others destroying their environment (which they own). Sounds good to me. If you don't know about these things it's simply because you don't want to know. On the other hand I saw (I think it was on Jay Leno) a show where Americans were supposed to point at different countries of the world. When asked where USA were located one guy pointed at Gree.nland . But, hey you can't blame a guy for trying . Well the majority of Americans believe in this mythical thing called "objective" news. And they will watch one or two TV channels and figure everything they need to know will be reported there. So they actually have no idea that they don't know anything. If they knew how ignorant they were, maybe they'd do something about it. But they generally think US corporate media is telling them what they need to know. A corporations social responsibility is to make profit for it's owners. But, again I have to say that if they desroy something that is yours they should pay for it. If someone smashed your car with a hammer they would have to compensate the damage. I don't see the difference with destroying your air. I can't see any problem with that. Unfortunately corporations are too powerful compared to government and government is unable to control their behavior (regulate pollution levels.) Making someone pay for smashing your car is not against capitalism. Owners rights is a strong part of it. I like this argument of yours. I'll try to remember to use it on US rightwingers in the future. Good . I believe in government. It shouldn't run companies and it should be separated from the market (this goes both ways). But the greatest economic growth in history occurred in the USSR from 1928 to 1940. No capitalist country has even come close to what they did. If not for their communist revolution, it is highly likely Germany would have defeated them during WW2 and who knows what would have happened then. Meanwhile since 1960 I don't believe there has bee on a single third world country that has successfully industrialized. (Well, South Korea with very substantial help from the US to be a strong bulwark against communism and maybe one or two others for similar reasons.) If anything most of these countries are even worse off. And they've been following the economic stipulations of the IMF and WB. Stipulations which are very far right. Considering what the USSR did, it's hard to look at all these third world countries going nowhere without noting the obvious.
  12. Yes, "they" is a huge word. I'm not talking about a few extremists I'm talking about the laws in a number of countries. We're talking about the persecution of tens of millions of women.
  13. OK so had the surgery. (Sphincerotomy) (sp). Feel OK so far. The guy said my cut was a centimeter long which is pretty small but that I had the strongest internal sphincter muscles he'd ever seen. LOL. And with being knocked out, they were still spasming out of control. Well not anymore! Anyway that was what was causing the increasing pain. He told my wife I had huge guns and that she had to make sure I did no exercise for a month. And that's that. Nothing else worth mentioning. I got some Darvocet to go along with the Lortab. The Lortab didn't seem to do much. Hopefully the Darv will keep the pain under control. So far so good.
  14. Lots of training routines ideas use this concept. Like train 3 weeks than take a week off. Or 6 weeks and week or two off, etc. I couldn't but notice that Ryan and Sensless who've done the best of the vegan bunch both have this habit of always getting sick and having to take a week or two off. Personally I've never ever done it. Looks like I will be the next month though.
  15. I agree with your point that there are cartoons that could be explained as worse.. your second point is not so strong.. the cut of the clitoris is not commen under muslims.. it's only done in some countries.. it's not populair under middleleastern muslims.. more under somalian.. not in the places where the riots are I'm well aware that FGM isn't universal. The point was they mistreat women. Their treatment of women should be considered a crime against humanity and I think people most certainly should be allowed to express their opinions on this. The fact that people cause harm and then hide behind their religion as an excuse and then claim no one can dare criticize their religion really makes me angry.
  16. Yeah, as I said earlier the few women who achieve great strength without drugs are just as attractive as any average women. Here's an example of an average woman who's is extremely strong and has lifted heavy for years but does not take drugs. http://www.t-nation.com/img/photos/06-024-training/P1010323.jpg She benches about 300, squats and dls about 475. She doesn't look freakish. And women should NOT think lifting heavy weights will every make them look like the OP picture. It will make them just have bigger muscles like the lady here. All those big jawed steriod using women I think are mainly responsible for scaring women away from lifting heavy weights.
  17. Anyone know what happened to Kollision? Is he dead?
  18. Have you guys actually seen the pictures? I've said far worse of Christianity here on this forum than these cartoons say of Islam. And as a matter of fact, as bad as Christianty is, Islam is far worse. Look what they do to women. They even cut their clitorises off. Their treatment of women is intolerance that requires intolerance in return. The idea that people in Denmark are expected to obey Muslim law and not express their opinion on Islam is just as abhorent as the idea that I could go to jail for daring to express my opinion of christianity. And in case you guys didn't know, some of the Imans are lying to their followers by telling them certain pictures were published that were not actually published. For some reason they're trying to get muslims as angry as possible. I'm really surprised at the opinions expressed here. You might as well be disapproving of Bizarro's pro vegan cartoons. (Actually though his are far, far, far more insulting than the Danish cartoons so it's not really a good comparison. )
  19. Well it could be worse. My real estate agent takes 16 lortabs a day for chronic back pain. She's probably going to eventually just have the nerves cut and be wheelchair bound. Anyway today I took 3 lortabs. That's the most I've ever taken. It's not doing much so I might take another in a bit. Tomorrow I have surgery. I'm glad that I at least got the surgery moved up. The lortabs help my state of mind though. Have to give them that. Feel like I'm diving down into something intricate and full of life. As opposed to an emptiness. The pain after the surgery may at first be even worse. That's a very scary thought.
  20. Ugh, I hate that about corn. I always make sure to chew it really well before swallowing. Anyway I'm having surgery tomorrow for an anal fissure. I've gotten pretty good at seeing how long it takes foods to make their way from one end to the other these lasts 4 months as some foods cause extreme please let me just die pain while others just hurt real bad.
  21. Food moving up slightly in digestive tract and pushing out a little air.....??? I've never heard of anything like what you describe though.
  22. Violet, OK you see what I put in bold up above? What the hell is the point in you asking me that? Do you think you need to convert me to veganism? I'm a vegan, violet. I don't torture dogs. Furthermore, did I ask what you are against? No, I did not. You've already made it clear. I asked about culture. I guess you're saying this is somehow totally unrelated to culture. How that is possible is beyond me. I think some Japanese words must translate funny. Honestly this is getting a little old though because this is exactly what you did to begin with and you're still doing it. I say that with respect to what I put in bold. That really pisses vegans off when you say such things. It just doesn't make any sense to plead to vegans to quit torturing dogs, etc.
  23. Well there's too much worth replying to here. Just a few things: 1. I think science certainly has not figured out all the answers yet. They really don't know the exact amount of nutrients, protein etc a person needs and I'm not too sure they're even very close. And of course they disagree with each other too. Just as a person will absorb more nonheme iron when also eating vitamin C, there may be things that add/hamper absorption of protein, etc, etc. Anyway, the best science doesn't really recommend much protein. They usually just add a safety factor of two to be safe and so the average 150 man supposedly needs 65 or so grams of protein and thats with the safety factor so it's really not even 40 grams. And then there's conflicting info on whether or not people training actually need more. And I think the science hasn't scratched the surface yet, as it's apparent that 10 times that protein amount does still result in some (small) additional strength gains. Yet science has not found any quantifiable test to understand this. 2. I don't think the age a species reproduces has any set correlation to how long they should live. Such things are just mutations/natural selection. Rats, mice, rabbits can reproduce real quick because rabbits, rats, mice that didn't weren't able to propagate themselves. Humans who reproduce slower were still able to reproduce as their intelligence has been far more important to their survival than just reproducing like crazy. 3. I think maybe there's a lot more to getting anti-oxidants in a diet for increasing strength..... Recuperating for the next workout, etc. I'm very interested in getting more fruits in my diet. But all that sugar really can be potentially bad. Diabetes from OJ. Problems with teeth and gums..... I'm looking more at berries primarily for increasing anti-oxidants in my diet. Also we have stores of nutrients that can last for quite a while. I wonder if not eating anything green on a fruitarian diet is really healthy? Maybe all those fruits greatly reduce the daily requirements of other nutrients? I have no idea.
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