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Everything posted by Jay

  1. Opinions vary a lot on this. I'd say it won't delay the recharging, others though would disagree. Many would feel it depends on the exercise also. High intensity squats and deadlifts some people feel require lots of days of total rest.
  2. Are you in Pittsburgh or Richmond now? Wannalift, might be able to help you out on a gym if you are in Pittsburgh.
  3. If you still feel weak from the last workout than you should definitely rest more. Lots of people rest like a week between doing a given exercise. I don't, but many do.
  4. Cool, Raven. I'll try to make one of those smoothies tonight. You're pretty fast on the email there.
  5. I don't think I could even date a woman who had fake breasts. Ever see The Crying Game? He got together with the transexual in the end didn't he? I thought that was the right thing to do.
  6. Yeah I know their training pretty well. Maybe I'll get around to that at some point. I lift at home and alone right now so ME day just isn't going to happen. Back is OK as long as I don't try to squat to parallel. Think my femurs are just too long.
  7. OK thanks. I got the number 1 band for now. I lift at home alone and don't do squats anyway as they keep making my back hurt. (Herniated a disc last Feb.) Maybe at some point I'll see about adding bands to dls.
  8. I've worked up to doing a chinup with just the middle finger of each hand and now just barely a one arm dead hang with just two fingers. The result is I can no longer close the #2. It seems grippers don't really cross over to much else.
  9. http://www.jumpstretch.com/ I'd like to add bands to my bench. What do you recommend I buy, Wannalift? I've locked out 455 but probably can only bench maybe 255 right now. A couple of lights? Or maybe a single average? They just go from one side of the bar to underneath the bench then to the other side of the bar, right? I really like the idea of hitting the lockout part somewhat at the same time I'm working my weakest part (the middle part).
  10. lol I like that androgenous look though. Have you heard of Genesis P'Oriddge, Richard? Musician who had breast implants not because he wants to be a woman but because of some kind of strange idea he's got about pansexuality or something. I really like the short clip of his music here: http://www.di.fm/edmguide/edmguide.html under trance/industrial. Didn't like the CD I got though.
  11. http://electionarchive.org/ucvAnalysis/OH/Ohio-Exit-Polls-2004.pdf
  12. Nah, I'm afraid not. I used to think war history was the part of history there is the littlest to learn from. Changed my mind now, war is neverending. The guns and bombs are just a slight escalation.
  13. It isn't known exactly what causes soreness according to the last discussion held here. I do know that for me personally (lifting 16 years) my best gains came when I didn't get sore and I was just wasting my time pretty much when I was getting sore. But some people get sore all the time and still manage to improve. So soreness is just irrelevant.
  14. Two studies are particularly relevant. Lemon et al. studied 12 men starting an intensive weight training program of 1.5 hours, six days a week.1 They compared one month of supplementing with carbohydrates (on a diet of 1.4 g/kg of protein per day) to one month of supplementing with protein (for a total of 2.6 g/kg of protein per day) for the same people. They determined that a protein intake of 1.6 to 1.7 g/kg was needed to achieve nitrogen balance. However, muscle size and strength increased the same amount on both regimens. The authors thought that extra amino acids for the muscle-building during the carbohydrate treatment were coming from amino acid pools found in the digestive tract, kidneys, or liver. These sources are small and will eventually be depleted. It sounds like instead of trying to combine foods to get all the amino's in a single meal. It's fine if you manage to get that variety at some point during the course of a month. This seems right as I've never worried about combining foods and never have had any problem. I agree with the protein recommendations pretty much. They may be slightly high. But I guess that is a safety factor.
  15. More or less. Depends on how strong your triceps are. The stronger they are the more you'll do with a barbell. No. And the soreness is because this exercise is new for you. Whenever you do something new, you'll get sore at first. The soreness though doesn't really mean it was a good (or bad) workout.
  16. I've done that. It's great the first time or so. Huge pump! But really isn't that great in the long term. It's best to do the concentric as fast as possible. If you want to lower the weight slowly, doing so will increase hypertrophy although not necessarily strength.
  17. I can't see the videos but dipping 180 is extremely good. Bigbwi, you should start a thread at some other site like t-nation.com and then shock them with your diet. Every vegan/vegetarian that posts there gets someone advising they eat meat no matter how strong/good of shape they are in.
  18. mikemahler.com dragondoor.com A waste in my opinion though. Hit a heavy bag to learn to hit harder. It doesn't matter what you lift as long as it's heavy to gain strength. Maybe you can find them cheap used like on ebay or something. Mostly they're an expensive ripoff.
  19. Monday 1.8 reps on right OAC with pinkie assist, 0.5 on left, supposedly 5 reps=unassisted OAC dl 240 Tuesday One arm pushups, 40lb pack controlled negative and held bottom position static for about 5 seconds front barbell swings- 67 yes, 82 no. This is bothering my left elbow area..... One arm dips-just a little static at top and slight ROM, easier this time, left tricep is OK this time Tricep press- 93 yes, 98 no Wednesday OACs w/ ring finger assist-bw, bw+10, 20, 30 on right arm. 95% up with 40lb pack. stopped at 20lb pack on left arm as elbow is still hurting. Damm. Front raises/swings are bothering it. Front lever hold with one leg out at very top to simulate OA lockoff. One arm deadhangs with 3 fingers for just 5 seconds or so. Didn't do dls as back is only 95%. So I weighed about 225 for a decade. Now I still only weigh 211 and I think I have as much bodyfat as I did at 225. I think it's safe to say that fasting is actually a very bad idea for muscles.... I think I'll go running today. Maybe that's where the muscle is still atrophied. Thursday Clean and press-167 One arm pushups-got closer to 40lb pack single but almost hurt left shoulder one arm dip lockouts Friday 3/4th up on pinkie assisted left OAC maybe a little closer on front lever very slight assist pinching door frame for 2 fingered one arm dead hang for couple seconds Saturday Think I'll switch to high volume... Today benches and military presses. Will just occasionally try a max effort and report that I think... Sunday Tried a right OAC with left arm on right bicep. It was pretty easy to get 75% up but couldn't finish. Today did OACs with middle finger assist. 10 sets, 18 or so total reps. Light dls.
  20. Ever hear of Marvin Eder, Bigbwi? He dipped bw+400x8 and chinned bw+200x8. http://www.americanpowerliftevolution.net/EDERPOSE.jpg I can't think of anything much else for weights except buying some buckets and filling them with concrete or something. I don't have any good ideas really. I guess Paul Anderson (strongest man ever) used junkyard parts. I think he used a car axle and a hole in the ground to do squats for a while.
  21. You could do one legged deadlifts for now. Also go to yard sales on the weekend. People sell old weights very, very cheap. Sometimes even for free. I have quicktime but can't get either to play. I guess there's nothing wrong with eating fruit.
  22. Neither one works for me. Putfile usually doesn't for some unknown reason. That's really good stuff though. Are you a strict fruitarian right now Bigbwi? What are you doing for your legs?
  23. If that fumble had been returned for a TD that would have been a horrible way to lose. That was a great tackle by Roesthlisberger. I don't pay much attention to playoff records. In any given year only a couple teams will have a winning record in the playoffs. I think making the playoffs means you're good, winning it all takes a little luck. I think the Colts were a very good team.
  24. Jay

    What I eat

    Wild blueberries, though they are smaller, have a higher level of antioxidants than domestic blueberries. Hmm, ya that is what I had read too. Interesting. So what exactly is the science behind that if anybody knows? Jay mentioned soil deficiency. Here, they sell frozen WILD blueberries as well as domestic ones. I guess they've taken certain strains that grow larger and mass planted/farmed them and not surprisingly they have fewer nutrients per a mass basis. That's sort of like what was done with corn I guess and probably a lot of other things.
  25. I grew up in Fairmont WV. I've lived in 10/15 places including an island for a year. (Crete.) Currently I'm living in Los Alamos, NM which is one of the worst places I've even been. Except I'm with my wife, which makes it OK. Crete was the best place I ever lived I think. I was forced to be stuck in Minnesota last year (alone) while working on my PhD. I really only have bad memories of it. I worked so hard just to have my former boss destroy all my work. I have no good memories of the entire year. If I had it to do over again, I don't know what I could possibly do to improve it, except find another job and just quit. I think I've learned that once a bad situation is over... it's not really over. You're stuck with the memories the rest of your life. All my life I've been told to just stick it out. I think I've been told wrong. Life is very short. Don't fill it up with bad memories. That's not what you were looking to hear but it's all I have to offer. The cayman islands sounds great to me though.
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