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Everything posted by Matt

  1. The other thing that just occurred to me is that if people want to get together for "vegan" gym workouts during that week, does the gym have "daily" memberships? Maybe the gym could cut a deal for that week for the visiting vegan bodybuilders in exchange for promotion of some type on the VBB site or something so they can do an "instructional" time in the gym, basically to promote bodybuilding in general and generate goodwill.
  2. I'm going to watch for the next one. I'd love to participate in any way I can. Sounds like it will be a blast. If I think of anything else, I'll let you know.
  3. Anyone check this out? I laughed when I first heard it (folk music, mainly), but the music is pretty good. All veggie lyrics... LOL http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B000212BQS/sr=8-20/qid=1152685179/ref=sr_1_20/103-5494574-6323015?ie=UTF8 or you can hear/download tracks here: http://www.cdbaby.com/cd/bobpyle
  4. I wish I could be there that week, but we're unavailable. However, if I was participating I would like to have a "tour" of the local health food stores/co-ops early in the week as well as some of the vegan restaurants. Just a quick overview. Something else that would be cool that our family does is during big reunions we divide up into teams of 4 or so, and each person cooks a meal one night. That way everyone gets into the cooking bit, but only has to worry about feeding everyone one night, and the other nights everyone just shows up to eat. Also, if there are a number of new vegans out there, almost a walk-through of a health food store (kinda like Vegan Fitness, Built Naturally at the beginning) might be educational and motivational for them, but only if there were a number of people who are new. Just some ideas. hehe
  5. Mile: 5:40 When I was running big time. Ran and completed 5 marathons, but never more than 30 miles in two days. Always rested the day after and took it easy the day before.
  6. Sheesh...four T-Mobile's in the top 6? And that's without Ullrich...amazing... General Classification: 1 Serguei Gonchar (Ukr) T-Mobile 30.23.20 2 Floyd Landis (USA) Phonak 1.00 3 Michael Rogers (Aus) T-Mobile 1.08 4 Patrik Sinkewitz (Ger) T-Mobile 1.45 5 Marcus Fothen (Ger) Gerolsteiner 1.50 6 Andreas Klöden (Ger) T-Mobile 7 Vladimir Karpets (Rus) Caisse d'Epargne 1.52 8 Cadel Evans (Aus) Davitamon-Lotto 9 Denis Menchov (Rus) Rabobank 2.00 10 David Zabriskie (USA) Team CSC 2.03
  7. Holy moly! Time trial just finished and most the favorites finished WAY down. Leipheimer lost 6 minutes! Landis did the best, finishing 1:01 back for second place, but Gonchar (who won) is not too bad a climber. We'll see. I gotta pick Landis now...Rogers is up there, too. What a weird day this has been in the Tour.
  8. Here's the article in web form: http://www.newscientist.com/article/mg18825304.800.html It's fortunate that global warming is even mentioned at all. Despite Oprah being in her ivory tower, she does carry enough clout to occasionally push stories of interest to her which go contrary to the huge lobbies on Capitol Hill. I read that she did one a few years ago slamming the meat industry for their practices in which she said she would never touch beef again (or some such), then she got sued. Not sure what happened after that. Unfortunately, however, shows are often sound bytes and the real (or complete) truth often can't be explained in detail. Sounds like this idea could, though. I didn't realize it had such a huge impact until reading this, and maybe DeCaprio didn't either. Who knows. But any steps to reduce emissions are critical, so I'm glad she approached the subject on her show at all.
  9. Good topic. That's essentially why I took up "vegan cycling". It combined the best of all worlds. I could be selfish and individualistic and say it's benefitting my health, but it's also reducing emissions by using the bike as a primary mode of transport. But like you said, there's way more to do. The USA is the biggest polluter of the world, and over 60% of all government revenue goes to "defense" spending. Complete waste and very sad. Grassroots movements and perseverance. Change doesn't happen overnight. Grand movements are years of diligence and hard work by thousands of people to bring about change. Good topic for continued discussion.
  10. Well, David's almost to Portland. Looks like he's a day ahead of schedule. Anyone following his trip at all?
  11. I'll stay on track here and try not to say much more, but really, robert, I'm kidding. These boards don't have that feel at all. Kudos to you because of that. Keeps me coming back.
  12. Sometimes I think it's an all-Oregonian board! Time to recruit some Californians! Welcome, liz halliburton!
  13. I think he rode clean, particularly after cancer. Doping controls can be beaten with masking agents, timing intake and the like, but there are a lot of things people forget. He has a very high lung capacity and I've read his ability (even without significant training) for his cardiovascular system to remove lactic acid from his muscles is phenomenal. On top of that, he works really hard and focused on so many details other cyclists took for granted. He could have done stuff before the cancer, as he was a completely different (and more arrogant) rider outwardly. I believe, however, his Tour wins were the result of hard work. I still believe people should be innocent until proven guilty as well, and I don't have any doubt from the evidence presented so far that he did any of this during his reign. I think the hard work, goal setting and tremendous focus and mental strength are overlooked as the key to his wins. He's still an inspiration to me as far as these factors go. He should be a role model for any athlete aspiring to be better. Clean. Still in the sports God category in my book.
  14. I'm planning on heading up there in Sonoma County, too, to help out. Hope to see you there!
  15. He just contacted me. Looks like we'll be doing a bike ride as he'll be down here the week before Tour d'Organics. I'll be helping on the day. I'll be joining up soon!
  16. Yeah, he's been weak in climbing in past years, but this Tour isn't as brutal as year's past. Should be very interesting.
  17. Happening down here in my town July 23. Here's the info: http://www.tourdorganics.com/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=41&Itemid=89 Hey, Robert, if you make it down this way for this one, give me a holler... Cafe La Vie, who is doing the post-race meal, is a wonderful raw food vegan restaurant in Santa Cruz. Check em out here: http://www.lavie.us/
  18. Cool. I was just looking at that the other day. I see Mr. Robert Cheeke there, that sounds familiar. I've been considering joining up with them. Good group and highly active (as in activism).
  19. Welcome aboard, Kurt! Hope you find the site fun and informative. Lots of great people here!
  20. Welcome, PigIronFitness! Central California? I'm in Santa Cruz. You close to there?
  21. I saw that last week! Cool, man! I was going to post that but in the infinite thoughts that flow through the brain...
  22. I love this site. I've been visiting it off and on the past four years. It really renews my sense of wonder about the universe each time. Thanks!
  23. Sorry to hear about this. It really sucks. I hit a cat once. I wasn't speeding or anything; it just ran across a six-lane expressway here in NorCal and I hit it at 45 mph. It's a difficult thing to deal with, but it will pass. There's nothing else you can do. Sucks, I know.
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