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Cold Fission

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Posts posted by Cold Fission

  1. I'm a strict vegetarian. I was leaning towards the vegan lifestyle direction as far as health and beauty products, put the the judgmental attitude of veganazis turned me off and I never took the next steps.


    I don't have a need to buy leather or wool. I bought my sparring protective gear before I started eating a vegan diet and it lasts forever.

    Who cares about what other people are doing.


    Be yourself.


    ps.veganazis are my blood brothers.

  2. what's happening? I hope you haven't reached the DEATH point!



    AHhhh get back in the gym!!!


    I trained last night but i'm still sick lol


    I couldn't wait any more than a week so i lifted but kept it as the same weight as the last leg, bicep and abs training last time.


    Should be 100% by the weekend.


    I'll just practice muay thai today to keep my technique getting better.


    I really want to try some 1 rep max lifts soon.

  3. My family used to be afraid to make food for me because of how strict I was.. So I can see Vegeta's point. I'm not a vegan anymore, but even as a vegan, I never called myself one because people would react negatively.. Not only that but I felt like a hypocrite calling myself "vegan" when I would knowingly use items containing animal products such as riding my motorcycle with a leather seat ya know? Or electricity which kills thousands of animals a year.


    So, if I'm at a family BBQ, and I eat my veggie burger on a bun containing a little whey powder, I'm not going to flip out.


    I will say one thing about the company I work for though. Not only did they bring in vegan burger patties for me at the company BBQ, but they also brought in a second grill to cook it on that was seperate from the beef burgers. I was so impressed and honoured they went through all that trouble for me. It was so sweet I almost cried! Lol!


    Sometimes I also eat stuff with trace amounts of whey, eggs or other animal products in it - does that make me a vegetarian? I just don't see any point in obsessing over such miniscule things. Those ingredients are simply by-products of animal agriculture which would go away together with the industry. As I see it, trying to avoiding such ingredients 100% of the time doesn't do anything to change the situation, so I don't bother. Besides, as I've mentioned above, it is, after all, impossible. We would even have to give up books as they're usually bound with animal-derived glue. You can't make perfect decisions in an imperfect world.


    To me, veganism isn't about purity or following rigid rules, but, rather, about minimizing animal abuse. And there's more to it than just doing this and not doing that.


    Riding on a leather seat is pretty lame, though

    Refusing animal products all together is the way to get companies to only make vegan options.


    And i would not eat a product of torture.


    Take more pride in yourselves and you beliefs.

  4. I think I saw something last year on another site about this guy and that he switched sides to start dissing veg*ns.

    No he didn't!


    I'm a member of his forum and he doesn't diss vegans.


    He's a vegetarian and will be 1 forever.Maybe vegan but he says he doesn't see the reasoning behind not eating something with a little bit of milk or honey in it.I do though.SLAVERY TORTURE!

  5. LOL.. a quote from one of them - "... You'll notice that only one person posted their lifts (because they're all weak as shit)."


    And now his PB lifts:


    5x5 PRs: Squat 96 kgs (211 lbs)

    Bench 66 kgs (145 lbs)

    Military Press 43.5 kgs (96 lbs)

    Deadlift PR 166 kgs (365 lbs)


    Good one dude...

    I think he has me in the deadlift lol i haven't tried a maximum for that.


    i own him in the bench and military press though.fuck yeah

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