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Everything posted by VeganDougie

  1. So today we had an extended lunch at work as part of a the companies get healthy policy. 2 hours paid time to go of and do something fitness related. What did I do? I played cricket! Fantastic, I forgot how much I enjoyed the game. We just played in the nets but I got the chance to practice my spin bowling. I also had a chance to get in and bat. Very intimidating when a fast, extremely hard ball comes at you But very enjoyable. I didn't realise just how unfit I let myself get as it was very exhausting! I feel knackered now but shall see if I can get some full games in the future. This has reminded me how important it is to work on overall fitness and try to incorporate some fun cardio into my fitness strategy. By adding some team sports into the mix or something you enjoy can help keep up the motivation
  2. Yeah MF we have had sever weather warnings and flooding in some areas, ironic thing is we had a hosepipe ban implemented before and during the rain! Hey veggiesasquatch I hear ya mate - love peanut butter mmmm.
  3. Sounds like a great excuse to get in the garden and soak up some rays veggiesasquatch Hope you recover soon!
  4. MF yeah mate thanks for that. I shall take you up on that thanks for the support it means a lot - anyway hope you are enjoying your break. Hey Karen that makes me feel brilliant that I help you in that way. It seems many of us are feeling the financial squeeze at the moment - good people who don't deserve it. But if we can keep each other motivated and positive we can get through it. The same offer MF made to me applies for you - if you feel you need a chat and blow of some steam PM me. In the meantime have a great weekend ( the sun has finally started break through here in UK ) and look forward to seeing new trading entries from you
  5. Great anything I can do to help. Climbing out of that hole myself so i know what it's like. I shall do that and keep promoting your site as much as can (and books)
  6. Hey Robert I've mentioned this before but I can add links from my site to yours. I have some prime real estate on the right hand side so if you could send me across some graphics I will link back to you. My traffic isan't as large as yours but it grows every month by 800 to 1000 unique visitors. I am not asking for anything in return I just want to help you in some small way. Your site, book, competition and messages have been a real positive influence on me - that's all the reward I need Whatever traffic I can throw your way can only help and I believe passionately in animal rights. Sites like yours need to grow and continue to help convince people a vegan lifestyle can be healthy and make you strong. Anyway I do get carried away sometimes so I shall sign off now but let me know, I am re-tweaking my site to focus more on my journey and give it a less jargony more friendly feel just let me know if this is ok and if so send over some graphics I can add
  7. Thought he was great in the green mile. Be interesting to keep an eye out for future videos to see if he goes full vegan but still its a move in the right direction and big strong guys like that help dispel all the crazy myths out their.
  8. Great tip their about hand position thanks for sharing. I shall remember this in my routines. Regarding smith machine is it not a good idea to use this then? The reason I ask is that I had a microdiscectomy on the l4/l5 disc and worry about causing any more back injury. I love the squat and thought using a smith machine might be a safer way to do this would it be wiser just to continue with regular squats?
  9. I read some posts the other day regarding celebrities and who makes a good ambassador for veganism ( talking about Mike Tyson in the thread). All I can say is there is no doubt that this guy must be a brilliant ambassador , great actor, great athlete and he comes across as a genuine, caring person. Thanks for sharing Robert
  10. Yo MF, Been away awhile and alot to catch up on. First i hope your injuries are sorted now - i know what it is like to feel the pain. Also hope the Rugby was good - i live quite close to Northampton Saints ground - might try and get to see a game myself - did you follow any of the 6 nations over their by the way? Wales thoroughly deserved the win (i find that hard to to admit it sticks in the throat a bit .....and something i try not to tell my mate who is welsh). Also nice bit of guitar going on their - i have a telecaster and a classical guitar. Any way hope training is going ok and look forward to getting back in it again myself
  11. Hi Karen, thanks for poping by my thread. Hows the move going and the job? Let us know how you are doing and your new training plans and i shall keep swinging by to give you any encouragement you need.
  12. Hahahah Karen loved that joke - mind if i borrow it? Cheers MF another goodun. Getting my plans into action. As an update i want to mention i am seeing my Dr on 18th i am going to ask to reduce my painkillers or change them for a weaker type. I feel i don't need them to be quite so strong. I still get pain but it is not as bad as it used to be and the ones i am on now can make me quite sleepy and happy (seen my impression of the seven dwarfs? - i am very good at dopey too ) I know this is not a training entry but i wanted to share my thoughts, next week i will be back on track and determined to get going again. As i mentioned it will be bodyweight exercises - maybe utilise my aeropilates machine. Then get into the weights again. Thanks again for the support
  13. Hi Karen I shall start in a weeks time, I am going to start slowly with bodyweight exercises then pick up again with MF 's workout. I need to do it like this as my back has been playing up again and I don't want to risk injury and time of work - really cannot afford it. I shall swing by your journal as well and keep commenting encouraging words and my usual, unique brand of humour to keep you going Yes MF I will start posting again however small it might seem just help me get my momentum back. Thanks both of you for your support, I am a dunce sometimes when things get rough I should be coming back here you both always manage to cheer me up
  14. Hey Karen lets try and keep each other motivated and back on track. Oh and hope your new job is working out ok as well
  15. Hi MF and Karen, Sorry I haven't been around for a while but going through tough times at the moment and finding it hard to get my motivation back. It s not just depression but financial, having to put in some longer hours at work to get back on track. Liked that joke by the way- I've got one. I went into work the other day with a steering wheel down the front of my pants. A colleague asked doesn't that hurt, to which I replied "yeah it's driving me nuts!"
  16. Thanks for sharing. I might try this myself, I love ginger and vanilla. My favourite drink is ginger beer. So maybe this will be a healthier alternative
  17. Good joke MF needed a good chuckle thanks for that --- I am here: http://tapatalk.com/map.php?v0mwr5
  18. Happy easter to you too MF. Things a bit tough at the moment, i have been quite ill and had to struggle with work as well (having to do a lot of overtime to get finances straight). I have not given up on this journal just had to step back. Stress has been taking it's toll but i am not quitting on anything
  19. Hey Matt, Sometimes you just need to rest up for a while. I think that is just as important as the training. So enjoy your week, spend time with your girlfriend and have a break - just try to avoid Man U / man city discussions
  20. Hi Miguel, How are you doing mate? Hope you are OK. If you want to ping me an email or something feel free to do so if you need to get stuff of your chest. Anyway hope to hear from you soon.
  21. Hi MF Hope you had a good weekend, i am back in the game so no arse kicking required - phew. Only cardio today as i am switching training days around to re address the work/training balance, i have got to do a shed load of overtime for the foreseeable future - but its ok i shall fit everything in. speak soon
  22. Hi Matt, Been out of it for a while but getting back into it now. Good to see that you are doing well in your new job. Look forward to sharing more news with you when i get into the swing of things again.
  23. Really impressive returning journal entry Karen. I am really pleased for you on the run and 36:34 is a brilliant time. Glad to see you back. And yes i did get back to it today - sheeze Tara for now.
  24. Yes Mam I am getting back to it , missed you to Karen and well done on your run. You make me a proud geezer Thanks Robert for popping by and wishing me a happy birthday on my post your a top man. Today was a cardio day, i am switching days around to ease the rush of the week - i need to do overtime at work to ern some more pennies, fortunately there is plenty of overtime available, so i shall take advantage of it. So now weights is on tuesday, thursday and Sat or Sun depending on how i can fit it in. Slow start i only managed 9.47 Km in 30 mins on the eliptical but it felt real good to get back to it again. So until tomorrow 'boa noite' (portuguese)
  25. Haha - no probs with the program, I really enjoy it. Just needed some time out. Thanks though. Stratford upon Avon is close enough to me for me to worry. No need for the heavies I shall be starting up next week for definite
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