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Posts posted by joelbct

  1. For packaged foods, Health Valley and Fantastic Foods make great vegan soups/chilis. Some Amy's soups are vegan, and they have an organic line. If you can find a vegan or vegetarian store, you can probably find lots of vegan snacks/junk food.


    Silk Soy Milk is my favorite, and they also make a cultured Soy (ie vegan yogurt) that I like, much better than other brands.


    Goya makes canned beans, then I would recommend finding a co-op type grocery store or a whole foods that will sell bulk grain, wheat germ, nuts, dried fruit, etc, and maybe a local farmer's market too-



  2. Hey-


    I went vegan 2 months ago, I feel much healthier, and I don't think I've lost any weight- Lots of olive oil, nuts, beans, whole grains, fruits, vegetables, and rice and hemp powder-



  3. So I got my everlast chinning bar today, and I am wondering how to adapt my routine-


    1. Should I do pullups the same day as biceps and pushups, or rotate? I can do lots of even, slow incline pushups, but pullups, it seems like about 6,5,4,3 at the moment, having just started.


    2. Should I combine different types of pullups on the same day, like pullups (wide, over grip, right?) and chinups (under grip?)?


    3. What is optimal number of days to work out the same muscle group, 2 per week? Every other day?


    4. Should I go running the same day I do upper body, or rotate?





    PS- I read a thread on pullups below, do pullups actually work the chest, or just biceps, triceps and shoulders?

  4. I don't think that there's anything exaggerated or hyped about vegan organizations or vegan nutrition saying something like "here's what body functions B12 is important for, and here's how vegans can get B12".


    Makes sense to me, indeed it would be irresponsible to suggest otherwise-


    As for Vegan children, I am not a researcher or a doctor, but I would think that like Vegan diets in general, if nutritionally informed and adequate, it could be quite sufficient- Though my grandfather who was a doctor does not agree, favoring erring on the side of safety by eating as much variety as possible, including meat and dairy. Of course given what is in meat and dairy, I don't know how one can argue that eating corpses and bodily secretions is erring on the side of safety.



  5. So, Gates is stepping down over two years to focus on his $27 billion dollar charity, and Warren Buffet has announced that he is going to donate $37 billion to Gate's foundation and others (NY Times Link)-


    These are huge sums of money, of which a small portion could make a huge difference. Just one percent of 64 billion is 23 times PETAs annual revenue-


    I wonder how to best go about petitioning these organizations that, in addition to issues of human health and education, the Gates foundation support animal welfare as well, for the sake of the environment, humans, and animals- Any thoughts on the matter?



  6. Hello-


    To add calories to a time-crunched life, I was thinking, I already supplement protein, is there a decent inexpensive non-refined complex carbohydrate powder available? And how about fat, I would just add olive oil but that might be too strong, and I know too much flax oil can be bad, any suggestions?


    If I can mix protein, carbs, and fat easily and cheaply, that would be great, has anyone done this?




  7. I thought I would miss cheese and yogurt a lot, but that craving fades (its just been about 6 weeks)-


    Substitutes (not necessarily as in, put this on your pizza, but as in, try this when you are hungry) - Cashew butter, almond or macadamia nut butter, Silk cultured soy, tofutti better than cream cheese (really is better in my opinion), also try dousing stuff with extra virgin olive oil, great in place of butter (even Prince Charles is a fan, puts it on his morning toast)



  8. Well, he doesn't say he eats meat. Here is the quote:


    "S: I don’t eat meat. I’ve been a vegetarian since 1971. I’ve gradually become increasingly vegan. I am largely vegan but I’m a flexible vegan. I don’t go to the supermarket and buy non-vegan stuff for myself. But when I’m traveling or going to other people’s places I will be quite happy to eat vegetarian rather than vegan."


    If everyone was like him, the plight of animals would be much much better in this country. I am not justifying dairy products, but I think Professor Singer has done a huge amount for the cause of easing animal opression, and we would be more than unfair to chastize him for gradually switching to veganism from vegetarianism.



  9. xChriszx, that's gotta be tough to be a vegan in Indiana/Illinois- I lived out there for a few months, and when I returned to visit some relatives last winter, they were pretty taken aback by my being vegetarian, and seemed relieved that I at least ate dairy at the time (though I am a full vegan now). Any I think my relatives out there are pretty progressive for Indiana-ers-


    Not to mention, there weren't as many vegan products at the grocery stores, at least where I was (Richmond, IN)



  10. Hey Kat- Congrats-


    I have been vegan for just about 6 weeks, and seem to be getting all the nutrients I need, though supplementing at least B12 seems necessary, and I do rice and hemp protein powders, though I suppose one could get enough protein just from beans, nuts, and grains, etc, at least enough to survive-


    I do feel much cleaner, and it is good for the animals. Even bought non-leather shoes, belt, sandals, and wallet- I hope everyone can adopt this lifestyle sooner rather than later-


    Take Care-


  11. Personally I agree with Sir Albert here, I don't think we have a likely chance of surviving in the long run if we continue to treat animals the way we do now, and the prospect of that treatment going on indefinately is mind-numbing and makes me hate everything sometimes.


    And as for the evolution thing, I think it has to be more active on our point- Biological evolution towards eating just plants could take many thousands of years, but a cultural shift could be much quicker-



  12. Wouldn't it be lovely if they lost the same amount of money that was donated to them...


    It would be lovely if they lost every dime they'd ever made off torture, and were thrown in prison.


    You can donate to the litigation effort by sending a check here, with a note that it be applied to the suit against Hudson Valley Foi Gras-


    Jonathan R. Lovvorn

    Vice President, Animal Protection Litigation

    The Humane Society of the United States

    2100 L Street, NW

    Washington DC 20037

    (202) 955-3669

    (202) 778-6132 fax

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