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Everything posted by sydneyvegan

  1. There are some good high quality cotton suit fabrics available... Holland and Sherry, which is one of the biggest cloth manufacturers on Savile Row, make some really nice suit fabrics.... It gets expensive when you start getting suits Tailor made, but it is a solution....
  2. The Way Potter talks about his bike, I think you would have to say that what they get up to would border on sex Well when you think about it, your heart rate can be raised for hours, hmmm maybe even all night (with rest periods of course , so I guess it could count as interval training as well) Plus think of all those muscles you use... All that toe curling must be good for your calves, lol... Anyway, time for a cold shower......
  3. I think Sex counts as Cardio... You raise your heart rate so it must...
  4. Yes Potter is right, the process is called mulesing... Because sheep naturally have wrinkles and folds of skin around their back end, they are prone to fly strike in hot climates (like we have in Australia). The flies lay eggs in the folds of skin then the maggots hatch and proceed to eat the flesh of the sheep.... Farmers cut the folds of skin away without anaesthetic leaving a large open wound.... this then heals with smooth scar tissue, thus removing the problem of the wrinkles... This is why I wont wear Wool
  5. I've had a few days off for my back, so it is back into it today. Swimming instead of Cardio...
  6. Hey Xavier, Great to see another Aussie Vegan on here... There are some great Vegan places in melbourne, plus a big group of vegan lifters... Check out www.veganstrength.com if you get the chance...
  7. Hey Potter, Have you got any pictures of your new bike? I wanna see the love of your life
  8. Hey Keep up the Good Work... I'm 6'3 and once weighed 160lbs, I now weigh 230lbs so I know where you are coming from... Strength often increases before you gain size, because you are replacing fat with muscle... If you keep increasing the weights you lift and keep eating well then size will come
  9. I work in the business operations section of a not for profit organisation that deals with spinal injury. I manager a department that consists mostly of people with a physical disability working on a contract for the state government here in Sydney. So my job itself is vegan and quite rewarding. That said, I know that the organisation gives money to researchers who are trying to find a cure for spinal injuries, which as you can imagine for anyone who has suffered a spinal injury is an important part of what we do. The trouble is I know that this research would involve experiments on animals, so this part of my job is not vegan in the slightest and really quite horrible
  10. Deadlift Warm up 1 x 10 x 220 1 x 4 x 308 1 x 2 x 330 Lower back not feeling that strong, or that good to be honest. So I stopped here.... I'm feeling a little stiff, but I think it should be ok... Leg Extensions 1 x 10 x 150 1 x 10 x 160 1 x 10 x 170 1 x 10 x 180 2 x 10 x 200 Leg Press 3 x 10 x 300 Calves 3 x 20 x 300 Not a great workout, but at least it was something
  11. Cardio, Bike and Treadmill... I have volleyball tonight, so that will be another workout
  12. Chin ups 10, 10, 8 Preacher Curls 1 x 10 x 90 1 x 10 x 110 1 x 8 x 120 1 x 6 x 120 1 x 16 x 90 Lat Pull downs 1 x 10 x 150 4 x 6 x 200 Bent over rows 1 x 10 x 132 2 x 10 x 154 Shrugs 3 x 10 x 100 each hand Seated Row 3 x 10 x 200
  13. Cardio 20 mins interval training on treadmill 10 mins bike
  14. Bench Warm up 1 x 6 x 220 1 x 6 x 242 1 x 5 x 248 1 x 3 x 248 Incline Bench 1 x 10 x 176 1 x 6 x 198 1 x 6 x 204 1 x 6 x 210 Cable Cross overs 1 x 10 x 90lbs each side 1 x 10 x 100lbs each side 1 x 10 x 110lbs each side Rope Extensions ss rope push downs 3 x 10 x 120bs + 3 x 10 x 120bs 1 arm push downs 3 x 10 x 70lbs Machine shoulder press 1 x 10 x 140 1 x 8 x 150 1 x 6 x 160
  15. Thanks.... The thumb is coming along ok, it is still a little swollen, but I can bend it, so that is a start.....
  16. Back after a week on holiday, so I felt a bit flat working out today... Still it turned into a pretty good session. Deadlift Warm up 1 x 5 x 220 1 x 5 x 264 1 x 5 x 286 1 x 4 x 308 Leg Press 1 x 10 x 220 1 x 6 x 616 1 x 6 x 704 1 x 6 x 792 1 x 6 x 880 Calves 3 x 20 x 300 Then Some ab work... I was hoping to do more lifting, but I sprained my thumb about a week ago playing volleyball, and it is still affecting my grip a lot...
  17. Cardio 20 minutes interval training on the treadmill, 10 minutes on the bike
  18. Thanks PrincessBee, my goals are coming well, I just have to resist the temptation of being dragged out onto Oxford Street with some friends who are a very bad influence on me.... Urghhh I'm feeling the 1:00am departure from the Columbian as I write this...... I'm still losing bodyfat, so my goal of a six pack by christmas is still in sight.... You have to remember that I weigh 107kg, so naturally I can lift a reasonable amount.... I would be stuffed trying to dance on a pole.... I wiggle when I have to, but that's about it....
  19. Keep up the good work A log like this is a great way to track your progress... Remember not to take into account, too much how you look in the mirror as when you lose fat you can lose definition temporarily as the skin is loose and takes a while to tighten up again. I find taking measurements and getting your body fat percentage a better way to plot my progress, it can be really surprising sometimes...
  20. Dumbbell bench press 1 x 8 x 100lbs each hand 1 x 8 x 100lbs each hand 1 x 6 x 100lbs each hand 1 x 4 x 100lbs each hand Incline Bench 4 x 5 x 175 Rope Push downs 3 x 10 x 130 1 arm push downs 3 x 8 x 70 Arnie Press 3 x 8 with 55lbs dumbbells Rear Lateral Raises 3 x 8 x 33 dumbbells
  21. Thanks Daywalker... I think my bench is probably better than some of my other exercises, simply because the technique is easier to master... I didn't think my other lifting was that bad Still I like the idea that I'm a Disco bencher.... I think my cleans, deadlifts etc could be a lot more, I am just a little worried about my back and I think my technique is lacking as well None of the trainers at my gym are really into compound movements, instead focusing on machine based isolation work, so I find it hard to get proper advice on my technique. I'm 192cm, so sometimes it seems I have to move things a long way, compared to shorter guys...
  22. I've got a similar goal at the moment as I am in a cutting phase, I'm getting there, but still got a little way to go... I just try and think of something that motivates me to stick to my diet, like the fact that the weather is warming up and I want to be able to work it on the beach, lol...... It will be interesting what the nutritionist has to say, you will have to post what they say....
  23. Hey Green Gourmet, has great food.... I buy a lot of stuff from Vegan's choice too, I like the sauces and stuff as well, the Laksa paste is really good Coles at broadway is getting better all the time and it is cheaper than healthfood shops.... The GNC healthfood place on Glebe point road is worth a look as well, as they have lots of stuff that is hard to get elsewhere, like nutritional yeast and agave nectar etc.... I tend to go for the tofutti cream cheese and add my own flavours to it, like sun dried tomatoes and basil.... yum.... there are some good Vegan cheese receipes around that taste pretty good as well... I think there is about 3 or 4 sydney siders on here now... YAY GO SYDNEY I guess I'm sort of a body builder, I'm just not that good at getting my bodyfat down
  24. Hey, Great to see another Sydney Vegan (or almost vegan) on here... Maybe you could replace Cheese with some of the great Vegan cheese alternatives that are out there, much better for you.... There are some great Vegan ice cream alternatives as well, Green Gourmet in Newtown even has Vegan Deep Fried Ice Cream... Yum....
  25. Inclined Bicep Curls ss Reverse Barbell curls 3 x 10 x 39 ss 3 x 10 x 77lbs Preacher curls 4 x 5 x 110 Lat Pull Down Warm Up 4 x 5 x 200 Bent over rows 3 x 10 x 132 Dumbbell Shrugs 3 x 10 x 100 Seated Row 3 x 12 x 200
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