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Everything posted by Crystal

  1. Holy s**t, that is so cool! I'm seriously impressed, can't wait to see more.
  2. "Nothing against granola . . ." Great video, gonna do more??? Oh, and I liked the spatula flip
  3. "This is the color of your panties Robert . . ."
  4. Yay! Good to see some entries in the log Robert Now I'm curious on how the yams you ate were prepared (or did you eat them raw???)
  5. 29 June 2007 - Friday Deadlift: 10 x 135 lbs 10 x 155 lbs 10 x 165 lbs 10 x 175 lbs DB Shrugs: 20 x 40s 15 x 40s 15 x 40s *stretching The gym closed early so skipped doing barbell bent rows (and had to stretch out in the hallway), but I'll make up for it with lots of climbing tomarrow
  6. "Who needs a weighted vest when you got children!" Great quote, so true!!!
  7. Thanks for the advice CollegeB, I've been taking zinc and vitamin C, but no echinacea right now, I'll have to pick some up sometime soon and give it a whirl. As for the glucosamine, I only recently stopped taking it after about 6 months 'cause it didn't seem to do anything . 27 June 2007 - Wednesday Bench: 10 x bar 10 x 65 lbs 10 x 75 lbs 10 x 85 lbs 10 x 85 lbs 9 x 85 lbs Dips: 3 x 5 x bw CGBP: 10 x bar 10 x 55 lbs 10 x 65 lbs DB Hammer Curls: 10 x 12.5s 8 x 17.5s 8 x 17.5s *stretching Phew, what a workout, this one really drained me and I was shaky the whole way through, welcome back to weights indeed!
  8. Cool, I was in Utah last week as well (but WAY south of Provo and Logan ). Great shots, I used to live in Logan and I miss those mountains. And I agree with those above, that bicep photo is amazing!
  9. Thanks all, its good to be back 26 June 2007 - Tuesday Went climbing at a rock wall in Juarez, Mexico last night for about an hour. Its nice there because its quick and easy to access, and free! Mostly worked on a roof problem set up under the stairs, but warmed-up on the traverse around the bottom of the tower. Good times, except my legs are SORE from Monday's squat session! http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v389/vegancrystal/climbing/DSCF1923.jpg
  10. Wow Montana, you've improved SO much since last I was around . That's awesome! Hope the elbow is good next bicep session
  11. Yay! Finally starting a training log here . My goals are to be able to maintain my health well enough to be able to continue to lift heavy weights, go rock climbing, and hiking (or other outdoorsy stuff in general). For those who don't know me (or don't know), I have Rheumatoid Arthritis and when it flares-up, I can't hardly move, let alone workout, go to school, work, etc. Right now I'm on some decent medications that keep things under some degree of control, but the new problem is that they supress my immune system, so I get sick all the time (I currently have a sinus infection ) and I have to get my blood checked all the time to monitor other bad side effects. I can't run at all anymore, and cycling is out as well. I can walk, swim, and use most low-impact cardio machines. I'm not supposed to lift as heavy as I once did, but that is harder to do So, with that in mind, and having taken the last 6 weeks off of training due to a Geology Field Class, I hit the gym again today for a nice "Welcome Back" session . 25 June 2007 - Monday Squat: 4 x pistol squats 10 x bar 10 x 65 lbs 10 x 95 lbs 10 x 135 lbs - whoa, too much for first day back, 10 x 95 lbs 10 x 95 lbs SLDL: 5 x bar, mostly to stretch out hamstrings, paused at the bottom OH Press: 10 x bar 10 x bar 10 x bar DB Bench: 10 x 20s 10 x 20s 10 x 20s Didn't feel like much weight on my back, but boy where my muscles feeling it, my legs are even wobbly after that little bit! Oh well, gotta ease back into these thing . My plan is to do similar stuff like this all week, then next week start to up the weight and sets, and lower the reps in a standard 3-day split, and through in some more lifts. I'm keen on a good 'ol 5x5 routine, but I'm not entirely sure what the plan will be. I hope to rock climb once or twice a week, even if only at the local rock wall, and go hiking once a week because I've really got a feel for it after my geology class. Some days may be hiking and climbing combined, depends on where I go. Good times ahead!
  12. Aw, these are great! Why are there not more!?! Makes me miss you guys though
  13. Sweet, great pictures, you're looking good Make sure to let us know how the next one goes!
  14. Eeeeew, big slugs give me the shivers! But otherwise, looks like fun!
  15. You look great Seasiren, all that hard work has really paid off , can't wait to see you on stage competing. Seems you have found a great photographer as well, hang on to this one!
  16. No worries Robert, I keep things as safe as I can when I climb Thanks all for the comments, my muscles have seriously subsided in the last month and a half, can't wait to get back to the gym! Ya, its getting really shaggy
  17. Hello all , I know I haven't posted for a bit, but I've been away doing an intensive 6-week geology class, so have spent most of my time in the wilderness of Texas and New Mexico. Got a quick break today so went rock climbing for the first time in weeks! Here's a couple of vids: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hem3PukqlMw http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s4jYnevjnTk They are two different attempts on the same problem. Rated at the easiest v0 rating for bouldering, its sad how out of shape and out of practice I am from not working out for 6 weeks . Oh well, I'll be back at the gym and back online in one more week!
  18. Awesome Potter! Your looking good there in your OrganicAthlete racing gear .
  19. Sweet, congratulations Potter & Jamie! I'm so excited for you both
  20. Fantastic job Robert You look really good up there on the stage, and I love the luchadore mask! Totally fits your personality. Congrats on the second place. So, what's the plan now? Next competition? Moving onward and upward?
  21. Hey, I'm going to be driving to Houston, Texas May 11th with a friend and was wondering if anyone wanted to meet-up for dinner or something. I'll probably arrive late as I have a test in the morning and it is like a 10 hour drive. I plan to stay the night Friday and then leave Saturday afternoon or Sunday morning depending on accomadations (ie. how much they cost) and potential meet-ups. Any takers???
  22. Yes! So true. They re-opened last fall and the store is all pretty and new inside now
  23. Ya, I saw that there was an El Pasoan in the contest, but I haven't been able to dig up an email address! Oh well. I have met another vegan here, but she was too busy with school to ever do anything . Not a lot of places to eat here though, they put lard in EVERYTHING (serioulsy, the beans, the tortillas & tortilla chips, etc). But if there are other vegans anyone knows of here, who want to be more active in fitness or animal activism, etc, send them my way!!!
  24. Haa, haa, yeah there's been such a "huge" response to the El Paso area thread! But El Paso isn't very central to anything, so I don't think it would be best to drag people all the way here when somewhere else is better, unless they want to go to Mexico or do some kick ass rock climbing El Paso is not vegan friendly at all, but there is a falafel place near campus that I like to go to, and we have one health food store in town, so there's that at least
  25. Exactly what its like watching Potter eat . . .
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