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Everything posted by Crystal

  1. I hadn't heard, but its not a problem when you bench only as much as I do, and when you also bench over your chest and not your throat . . .
  2. 2 Dec 08 - Tues Bench: 10 x bar, 12 x 75 lbs, 12 x 80 lbs, 12 x 85 lbs, 10 x 90 lbs, 7 x 95 lbs (failed on Rope Tricep: 10 x 50 lbs, 3 x 10 x 70 lbs Cable Crunches: 10 x 100 lbs, 10 x 120 lbs, 10 x 130 lbs *stretching, abreviated for time Bench felt weak today, but understandably since I skipped it last week. Wrist is still being super bothersome, but I kinda finished up benching anyway . Failed on my 8th rep at 95 lbs in a glorious fashion. I had my headphones on, and pretty loud. When I got stuck half-way up on this rep, I let out a bit of a yell. Didn't help and I had no spotter so I just sat up and put the bar down, looked up and saw that most people in the area were staring at me , guess my yell was a little loader than I thought
  3. Hi Robert! 1 Dec 2008 - Mon Pistol Squats: 10 for a warm-up Leg Press: 15 x 180 lbs, 12 x 230 lbs, 12 x 230 lbs, 12 x 230 lbs LP Calf: 20 x 140 lbs, 15 x 140 lbs, 15 x 140 lbs Hack-Slide LP: 10 x sled, 8 x 90 lbs, 10 x 90 lbs, 8 x 110 lbs SLDL: 10 x 95 lbs, 8 x 135 lbs, 8 x 135 lbs Incline Sit-Ups: 3 x 8 x 25 lb-plate *stretching I don't know what it was, but I was super flexible today! I was but a couple of centimeters from doing full splits, I haven't hit that since 2004-ish. Was really fun, wish I had had a camera to capture the moment Otherwise, just got back from the field yesterday and had a great Thanksgiving eating tons of Tofurkey, stuffing, roasted veggies, sweet potatos, and apple pie with vanilla so delicious. I ate leftovers for days while I was gone, it was tasty! Is it just me or have tofurkeys gotten better over the last few years?
  4. Yay, thanks to everyone who participated - I didn't hit my goal, either, but that's okay. Maybe I'll hit it next time? What should our next challenge be??
  5. I can only do knuckle push-ups, the regular ones hurt so much! 27 Nov 08 - Thurs Thanksgiving 30 minutes of cardio at home on a stationary bike. I've kinda been going out of my head the last two days getting ready for field work and working on school projects. I must say the stress plus not really knowing what the hell I'm really doing for my grad work have put me in an odd mood, sort of down lately (has killed my gym motivation, I've just been so tired!). I hope things clear up over the weekend
  6. Crap, I'm sort-of falling behind. I only got 115 yesterday, and 10 so far today! I've just been so stressed, tired, and busy! Not a good combo. I'm really going to have to make up a lot to catch up tomorrow (but at this point that goal seems a little far off). *note to self, do more tonight!
  7. 25 Nov 08-Tues Yes, today this was me: http://logo.cafepress.com/1/6218814.1944911.jpg Cardio session. 30 minutes on the eliptical, but changed it up to an interval workout instead of my usual "hill" program, then finished with 10 minutes on a rower. Kind of had planned an upper body day, but my wrist is still buggin' a little so I'll see how it feels tomorrow That being said, total knuckle push-ups for the day is (so far but I highly doubt I'll do any more!) 235
  8. HCPinGviini: Yay! I'm so glad you joined in! IYM: Curse your oily hide! That is an insane amount of push-ups for one day! So my total for Monday was 230 and that was about all I could mananage and I'm SO SORE today! Oh well, 4 more days to go Philliped doesn't have to post his totals if he does not want to, but he'd better tell me
  9. No, I haven't had insomnia for years now and never for that long! I'm sorry, I was just trying to taunt you into competing, but if you are struggling with insomnia no worries man. Take care and I hope you get some sleep!
  10. 24 Nov 08 - Mon 10 pistol squat warm-up Leg Press: 15 x 90 lbs, 12 x 140 lbs, 12 x 180 lbs, 12 x 230 lbs, 10 x 270 lbs "Hack Slide" machine: 8 x 90 lbs, 8 x 90 lbs, 10 x 90 lbs - whoa, super hard machine, mimics front squats and am I ever weak for that movement! Legpress Calf: 20 x 90 lbs, 16 x 90 lbs, 16 x 90 lbs SLDL: 10 x 95 lbs, 10 x 95 lbs, 10 x 115 lbs Plank: 3 min Push-ups: 15, 15, 15, 15 *stretching Okay, wrist is really bad today so squatting was totally out (nothing that requires any sort of wrist bend!). Oh well, that "hack machine" really kicked my arse anyway. Taped up my wrist really good to do the SLDL's. In one aspect, it was a frustrating day, but when I stop to think about it the fact that I can workout at all is amazing and makes me smile . Oh, and with the push-ups from throughout the day plus what I did at the gym, I'm at 200 so far for the competition and it is only 3:40 pm
  11. Well bodybag, if you want to stay in the comp, that would be awesome but you don't have to! I'd definitely accept Sun - Thurs (we can be flexible here ). It won't interfere with your weight sessions (much . . .), I'll still be doing mine
  12. @bodybag: so how many of those from Sunday count for starting Monday? The 20 at midnight? Just clarifying! @IYM: wow, I just got a nice blow to the ego. I was happy with my 50 for the day so far!
  13. 22 Nov 08 - Saturday Hiking today in Bells Canyon near Salt Lake City, probably out for 5 hours total even though it felt like longer! It was a lovely day, but much of the trail was iced over and had to go through some snow, although it wasn't ever deeper than a foot or two (1/2 meter tops for you metric peeps). View up canyon from start of trail: http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v389/vegancrystal/Fall2008/3fb4af997a01.jpg
  14. Okay, lets just meet up Wednesday for a good deadlift session? I can't go too heavy on these lately, but I can show you good form and they are the BEST workout for back! We'll also do some lats, maybe shoulder press, and some shrugs of course . Sound good? As for your b-day, if there is cake and climbing you couldn't keep me away!
  15. Eh, the competition started out as 5-day max challenge between me and Phil. We can do 1 day max variations for a different comp another time or see how we feel at the end? I agree with all this, but the arm-width rule. Everyone is a little different. My brother does better with a super-wide hand width and when my shoulders bother me I have to stick with a narrower hand width. Knuckles are of course fine, its much better for your wrists and that is how I do them Anyway, just over 24 hours until the comp starts! (midnight to midnight, for me that is 27 hours away)
  16. We should meet Monday at the U for a squat and push-up day
  17. No worries about not posting numbers man, didn't mean to pressure you at all! You don't have to justify it to me at all The pictures (despite classic lighting there) look awesome, you've got some great muscle development there!
  18. Hey, if you ever want to go harder, we can always go harder muhahahaaa! Anyway, we ended on 95 pounds on the BP, not 90, and the weight increments were: bar-65-75-85-then end on 95 pounds .
  19. I'd say all kinds of push-ups are allowed, from diamond to wide-grip, but not handstand push-ups. You have to be in a ~horizontal plane, and they have to be full push-ups! No partials here. Well, I sure hope you guys push-up as good as you talk - feel free to post videos/pics as the week progresses!
  20. Yum, all that sound fabulous, how were they cooked (or were they cooked?)? I LOVE stir-fried veggies on toast
  21. 19 Nov supplemental: Later in the afternoon, after meeting up with Phil, went out climbing in Little Cottonwood Canyon and I led my first real trad climb! It was a 5.6, but that was good so I could focus more on the placement of gear and less on the technique of the climb. It was awesome . After that, did a tricky 5.9 on toprope that was all friction and mantels! Ouch. Climbed until the sun had gone down http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v389/vegancrystal/Fall2008/602e652a7fd6.jpg
  22. Yay, glad to see so many joining in! Try to post your daily numbers and I will keep a running total in the first post, well, until Thursday night at which point I get ready to leave early Friday morning for field work (don't worry, I'll still do lots of push-ups!). I'll edit the grand totals when I return on Monday to see who the big winner is! @Fallen_Horse: Yes, over Thanksgiving, I thought that would add to the fun (does it count as weighted push-ups if you do them after feasting?). @bodybag: what is your username at VF? I don't recall seeing you? Let the games begin! (Monday . . .)
  23. Alright everybody, time for a classic push-up (press-up?) challenge! Starting next Monday, Nov. 24th until Friday Nov. 28th the challenge is to see how many push-ups you can do. Not all at once of course, maybe 5 here, or 10 there repeatedly throughout the day for 5 days. Full ones of course with proper form, but it will be on your honor. This is a fun challenge, I've done it with my brothers (and over at VF). It does take a little discipline, the most I've done in a day was around 200. I'd do a set of 10 every hour, then as many as I could throughout the last few hours before bed. It really upped my strength in a short amount of time and is a lot of fun . It will be legendary! ------------ Totals: bodybag: 100 Crystal: 600 HCPinGviini: 50 I'm Your Man: 3610 Okay, that is all for this little comp! Thanks Bodybag, HCPinGviini, and I'm Your Man for participating
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