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Everything posted by Crystal
24 Aug 2014 - Sun Bench: 10 x bar, 75 lbs, 95 lbs, 5 x 115 lbs, 1 x 125 lbs, 135 lbs, 140 lbs, f x 145 lbs Band Assisted Chins: 10, 15, 16, 15 One arm shoulder press: 6, 6, 6 x 40 lbs Heavy bench today just to see where I'm at. Fairly happy with it, just wish I'd gotten that last one. Other than that, didn'tdo any leg stuff because my hips still suck
21 Aug 2014 - Thurs Bench: warm-ups, 4 x 4 x 105 lbs DB Shoulder Pres: warm ups, 3 x 8 x 30s Skull Crushers: 4 x 12 x 45 lbs DB Curl: 1 x 35 x 10s Planks Yeah, good day today. Well, other than my routine kinda crumbling. My kick ass trainer promised to write me a new one though. One my crippled ass can handle
Absolutely C.O.! The yoga I take is at a climbing gym as well so it is especially catered to climbers 19 Aug 2014 - Tuesday A bunch of Strongman clubs and groups got together for a meeting tonight, then we all worked out afterwards so its off routine, but this is what I did: Yoke: 100 ft x 270 lbs, 100 ft x 360 lbs, 10 ft x 470 lbs (yes, that is only a tenth of previous walks!) Farmers Frame Carry: total fail, the frame they have weighs 502 lbs so I couldn't budge the thing at all. Tried a few times and even had them lift it to see if I could even just hold that weight and I could not. Squat: 8 x 135 lbs, 8 x 185 lbs, 2 x 225 lbs, then with knees wrapped and belt on 10 x 205 lbs! Awesome. Srsly, those three little things took 2 hours! It was great, I love working out with this group of people, its too bad they are 60 miles south of me
Scott's training log and occasional insights...
Crystal replied to Scott Shetler's topic in Online Training Journals & Blogs
Nice, GHR are my favorite hamstring exercise. I need to buy one of those eventually for Kelly's garage gym. Also, bicep curls? Really? J/K. Nice training! -
17 Aug 2014 - Sunday Pause Squats: 4 x 4 x 155 lbs Bench: 4 x 4 x 105 lbs Pause Bench: 3 x 5 x 90 lbs DB Shrugs: 2 x 12 x 40s BB Rows: 5 x 12 x 65 lbs Kettlebell Swings: 3 x 20 x 70 lbs DL: 12 x 1 x 205 lbs So, yeah, first week into this routine and I had to skip Thursdays session. Bad pain days. Back at it today though
Sup Scott! I know you, too 12 Aug 2014 - Tues Squats: warm-up, 3 x 6 x 170 lbs Bench: 2 x 12 x 70 lbs BB Shoulder Press: 2 x 10 x 55 lbs (kinda lost it on the last couple reps ...) SLDL: 4 x 5 x 135 lbs Assisted Chins: 2 x 10 with band Skull Crushers: 4 x 15 x 45 lbs Curls: 1 x 30 x 10 lbs Ab Roll-Outs: 2 x 8 x not all the way down, my abs are sad Farmers Holds: 2 x 30 secs x 100 lbs each hand Those Farmers Holds were supposed to be Farmers Walks, but it was raining outside so that got axed. My biceps are also painfully weak, but I have no problem with that .
Scott's training log and occasional insights...
Crystal replied to Scott Shetler's topic in Online Training Journals & Blogs
Please update little bits more often! Its hard to follow so many days at once -
7 Aug 2014 - Thur Well, I start a new routine on Sunday so today was mostly just playin' around the gym. Climb (boulder) for about an hour. Bench: 10 x bar, 65 lbs, 95 lbs, 105 lbs Chins: 2, 2, 1 - some day I'll be able to rep these out without assistance! BB Bent Rows: 15 x bar, 55 lbs, 55 lbs Kettle Bell Swings: 15 x 50 lbs, 50 lbs, 62 lbs Now off to work. I promised myself I'd keep the complaing to a minimum, but that is just not possible for me! I have Lupus (doctors used to think it was RA for those who knew me awhile ago) and what that means is I am in a fair amount of pain a fair amount of time. Today and for the last week its been lower spine. Today not as bad as a few ago, but enough that I skipped squats.
Hey, its good to know how to fail and not be afraid of it! Sadly proud of this super fail. Just straight-up lost my balance at the top and down I went! . This was at the Austin Simple Fit Open 26 July 2014.
Ryan's "Hope to compete again in 2014" log
Crystal replied to VeganEssentials's topic in Online Training Journals & Blogs
Good to see you still hitting the iron! But no posts since June??? You better not have gotten injured! -
New log to go with my new motivation! Just finished up a Powerlifting meet last week as a member of the Plant Built team (hooray) and had a lovely de-load week. Now its time to get back to it! One of my new goals is to work on my flexibility and core strength so in that vein: 6 Aug 2014 - Wed 1 hour yoga, it kicked my trash. I haven't sweat that much in a long time and I just shook the whole time. Gonna keep this in the routine.
Scott's training log and occasional insights...
Crystal replied to Scott Shetler's topic in Online Training Journals & Blogs
Take it easy on that shoulder! -
Okay, so I haven't been on the forum for awhile, but I got me a new tank-top and had to show it off! http://i989.photobucket.com/albums/af12/crystalfrostfire/2011Summer-Dec/Me3-1.jpg http://i989.photobucket.com/albums/af12/crystalfrostfire/2011Summer-Dec/Me2-1.jpg Playin' at looking tough http://i989.photobucket.com/albums/af12/crystalfrostfire/2011Summer-Dec/Me1-1.jpg Now I want to see everyone else with their VBB shirts on!! Please share
25 Jan 2010 - Mon A.M. 30 minutes cardio - 20 min on eliptical, 10 min on cardio rowing machine. P.M. Bench: 10 x bar, 10 x 85 lbs, 10 x 95 lbs, 8 x 105 lbs, 8 x 105 lbs, 6 x 105 lbs Dips: 5, 8, 2 x bw Rope Tri: 10 x 40 lbs, 10 x 70 lbs, 10 x 80 lbs, 10 x 80 lbs Climbing a little for ~1/2 hour Blarg, spent 3 days out at the farm animal sanctuary and it was intense! A lot of regular volunteers took the days off so I jumped in to help but it does mean I missed my back workout
18 Jan 2010 Medicine Ball Sit-up: 60 x 10 lbs Push Press: 10 x bar, 10 x 85 lbs, 8 x 95 lbs, 6 x 105 lbs, 6 x 105 lbs, 6 x 105 lbs DB Shoulder Press: 5 x 35s, 8 x 30s, 8 x 30s Push-Ups: to failure, 20, then 20 more.
No prob Robert! Catch you up later 14 Jan 2010 Messed around with vegan801power doing some arm stuff, but after he left I did 20 minutes cardio on an eliptical machine 17 Jan 2010 Bench: 10 x bar, 10 x 85 lbs, 10 x 95 lbs, 8 x 105 lbs , 3 x 115 lbs, 3 neg x 135 lbs DB Floor Presses: 10 x 35s, 10 x 40s, 8 x 45s, 6 x 45s CGBP: 10 x bar, 10 x 85 lbs, 6 x 95 lbs, 6 x 95 lbs Push-Ups: to failure, 15 A great day for a crapload of benching!
Oh yeah! Squatting with my new competition standard vegan powerlifting belt from the Buzz-man over at VF. I love it! 10 x 135 lbs http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HY-J00BVXYo 6 x 175 lbs http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3sdFv_7lYBg 5 x 185 lbs http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iZXhjhylBYI
Thanks Vegan Joe 13 Jan 2010 Squat: 10 x bar, 10 x 135 lbs, 10 x 155 lbs, 6 x 175 lbs, 5 x 185 lbs, 5 x 185 lbs, 5 x 185 lbs, 10 x 135 lbs SLDL: 3 x 10 x 135 lbs Calf: some, really crappy as no apparatus for it but gave it a good go. 20 minutes light cardio on recumbant bike. Climbing cool-down on some easy routes (was at weight room at climbing gym today) Woot! Squat day! Was by myself as vegan801power is working a ton of overtime this week . Oh well, was a great day. Got some pics AND vids from today http://i989.photobucket.com/albums/af12/crystalfrostfire/2010%20Spring/4.jpg Will post others elsewhere soon
Cool, let me know if you end up coming back this way! 12 Jan 2010 6 minute warm-up eliptical Push Press: 10 x bar, 10 x 85 lbs, 8 x 95 lbs, 5 x 105 lbs, 3 x 105 lbs Machine Rear-Delt: 10 x 70 lbs, 10 x 70 lbs, 8 x 85 lbs, 10 x 85 lbs Arnolds: 10 x 22.5s, 10 x 22.5s, 9 x 25s I've been liking my lifting lately, but I'd really like to work in more cardio! I'm such a slacker, keep blowing it off
Thanks Octopussior And Robert, I am very proud of you! catching up ... Wed, 6 Jan 2010 Box Squats: 10 x bar, 10 x 135 lbs, 8 x 155 lbs, 6 x 165 lbs, 6 x 165 lbs, 4 x 175 lbs And that was it! Ran out of time because a bunch of us activists get together on Wednesdays to write letters to some kids in jail on aledged mink-release charges and vegan801power heads the whole show up - can't be late! Was for the best, those squats were tough! Sunday, 10 Jan 2010 DL: 10 x 135 lbs, 10 x 185 lbs, 4 x 225 lbs, 5 x 225 lbs, 2 x 245 lbs, 1 x 255 lbs DB Shrugs: 20 x 30s, 20 x 35s, 16 x 40s 30 minutes cardio on eliptical By myself today, did some back last Thursday, I don't remember the details, but it was back minus deadlifts because I had squatted the day before. Monday, 11 Jan 2010 Incline Bench: 10 x bar, 10 x 75 lbs, 8 x 95 lbs, 7 x 95 lbs, 2 x 105 lbs, 3 x 105 lbs Bench: 8 x 95 lbs, 10 x 95 lbs, 8 x 95 lbs Push-Up Contest: to 14, super hard after benching! Sit-Ups: 50 Back at the gym, and its still so busy! All the benches were occupied so started on incline, which isn't my norm, was totally weird going to flat bench afterwards, they felt like declines!
4 Jan 2010 Push Press: 10 x bar, 10 x 75 lbs, 10 x 85 lbs, 5 x 95 lbs, 7 x 95 lbs, 7 x 95 lbs - I do believe that is a rep PB Very Happy Arnold's: 8 x 25s, 10 x 25s, 10 x 25s, 7 x 25s Cable Rear Delt: 8 x 20 lbs, 10 x 20 lbs, 5 x 20 lbs