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Everything posted by Warlock

  1. And that raises testosterone levels in humans that eat meat?
  2. Oh, and I've had my testosterone levels checked (as part of a larger medical check-up) and everything is a-ok, slightly higher than the average male but this is normal for people that are active in strengthsports/ma.
  3. Steroids in meat? Wtf? Can you clarify this?
  4. When I was teaching at highschool, it was the most demanding job I've ever had... But of course, the long holidays are a plus!
  5. I used to play an awesome belf paladin on bloodfeather, but then 2.2 came and my ram was insufficient... When the winter starts I'll probably upgrade so I can play again.
  6. As a teacher you do have the opportunity to make a positive impact, but it entirely depends or yourself. What are you gonna teach, and to who? In my limited experience there's a huge difference between for example high school and university. Anyhow, good luck! My advice to you would be to start teaching as soon as possible, nothing beats experience.
  7. Macaroni! Though I do eat a lot of vegetables, they are pretty low in calories. For example, a kg of cauliflower (my favorite vegetable) is still only 140 calories. To reach my goal of 3500 - 4000 calories a day I'd have to eat insane amounts of vegetables.
  8. About a year ago I took some heavy duty medication to which there was no vegan alternative. It sucked, but I didn't think twice about it. Although I did have a choice, the alternative (not taking any medication) was not a real option to me.
  9. Good luck! Let me know if it works for you..
  10. Great story man! Props for overcoming you shyness like this.
  11. I agree that this is hard sometimes, especially if someone put an effort into preparing a meal for you. Best thing to do, is to tell people in advance to avoid having to turn down anything on the spot. Whenever I have to eat out (mostly family gatherings) I always offer to do (part of)the cooking. This way you can turn a negative into a positive, and it's also a great way to show people how tasty vegan food can be
  12. No offense, but if you're consuming animalproducts then you are not a vegan. Even if it is just a teaspoon. In my humble opinion you can still call yourself a vegan if you slip up sometimes, but then you're not willingly consuming animalproducts. That being said, every effort towards veganism should be applauded. The label 'vegan' is not neccesary to strive towards a cruelty free world.
  13. Are you getting enough zinc in your diet? Most vegan diets lack in zinc, and this could be the cause of your acne. When I made sure my diet had enough zinc in it my skin looked clearer than ever, so you might want to give this a try. Good luck!
  14. Bla bla bla.... Accidents happen. No reason to stop lifting, imho.
  15. Because I like a challenge! There's nothing that gets your blood pumping like fighting with a well trained fighter. Also, it gives me a reason to stay fit.
  16. Thanks for the welocme-back's
  17. Hi there, I've posted here before, as "Last of the Sane" but for several reasons I've decided not to post for a while. But now I'm back, and since I'm all for fresh starts I've created a new account. So.. Hi! (again)
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