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Everything posted by madcat

  1. That’s a good point… do you think that obesity has more to do with diet or lack of exercise? Obviously it’s some of both, but do you think one is more to blame then the other?
  2. There are seals in Oregon (California too I think) unless they migrate… I know the water is cold but nothing like the Antarctic. I can see the benefit of aquatic animals having a layer of fat because water absorbs body heat faster then air. It just seemed strange that fish is promoted as being the healthiest meat, but when you see animals that live primarily off fish, well they just don’t look like that have a desirable figure. As for the calf/ milk thing, there are people out there using this as a way to promote going vegan. http://www.milksucks.com/fat.asp “Whole cow's milk is a high-fat fluid, designed by nature to turn a 60–70 lb (27–30 kg) calf into a 300–600 lb (135–275 kg) cow in one year.” I got that for here http://www.veg.ca/issues/dairy.html I don’t know, I don’t think milk is natural for us to drink, and it unethical but I don’t think it the cause of obesity. People have been drinking milk for hundreds if not thousands of years, and we didn’t have much of a problem until recently.
  3. What makes it healthy? If it’s a “diet” food then why is it that animals that live off of it are covered in fat? Jonathan, have you been sticking your head in water? Just kidding… don’t mock me; I am trying to ask a serious question. If the reason is because we don’t get the same affect from it as other animals then wouldn’t that hinder the whole argument that some people have against milk… that whole “it’s designed to put weight on baby cows”.
  4. Why do people consider fish to be a health food when most mammals that live on a fish diet are covered in blubber? I was watching march of the penguins when it came to mind.
  5. Dose anyone here live in Burbank? If so would you be willing to do me a huge favor? I want to apply for a job there but the application has to be picked up in person… they wont mail them out.
  6. It’s really sad that the two guys couldn’t just have what they wanted. Life must be really hard for homosexuals.
  7. I have always thought that places that keep animals for months/ or years were a very small percent of the shelters out there. I know a shelter in my area (at least a few years ago) would only hold an animal for 3 days. There is no way the staff could know what kind of personality an animal has in 3 days. One because they haven’t send much time together, and also because the animals are going to be stressed out by there new surrounding and depressed from losing their families. I have a German shepherd/ husky mix that I adopted from a shelter. She is eleven now and starting to show signs of her hip dysplasia. My guess is that she is going to have to be put down within the next year… maybe two. Being a mix makes her no less then any other dog, but I wish but I wish that however had had her parents would have had enough smarts to have their dogs checked so that their off spring would not have to suffer later in life. I know that some of the animals in shelters are puppies and kittens but most are adults. I don’t understand how so many people can give away a part of their family like that. The more home an animal has to go through the less likely it is to be well adjusted and be a good companion. I think the largest problem leading to animals being put down is because of the people who take them in. An animal is FOR LIFE!
  8. I think shelters are great for animals in need, but I see it like welfare. I all I’m saying is there should be a bigger focus on making the people who are responsible for animals being born being dedicated to them for life. Of course buy from pets stores in bad. Animals being treated as breeding machines is awful. And you should assume if you do not see where the animal has been raised that there is a good reason for it (as a scene from Dante’s Inferno). If new families were better educated and carefully screened there would be fewer animals ending up in shelter to began with. If every breeder made a vow to take an animal back, no matter how much later there would be little need for shelters at all. And yes responsible breeds do those things! And will turn down money if they do not like the potential new home! Boycott pet stores! Educate everyone you know about why they shouldn’t breed there dog/cat. Send hate mail to people who let their unfixed cats wander the neighborhood and suddenly end up with a litter of kittens (probably not their first litter either). There are many reasons to get a pedigree animal besides how an animals looks. First if the breed was breeding for the love of the breed they would have their animals screened so they would not be passing on hereditary defects (like hip dysplasia) lead to a happier healthier life for the animals. Also the new family could find an animal with the size, temperament, and energy levels that will fit with their life style… so it will work out and the animal will not have to end up in a shelter.
  9. maybe I’m a glutton for punishment (going to see a cowboy movie and all) but I was really not prepared for how graphic it was. The homosexual theme was not the problem. I was very up set at the close up shot of a disemboweled sheep. The story was good, although with all of it nominations I guess I was expecting to be blown away, but it really did get me thinking. I can stop wondering what it means, as in what the right choice would have been. Anyway, if anyone else sees it I would love to discuss it with you.
  10. ... sorry that was what Pat Robertson said about Hugo Chaves... http://www.usatoday.com/news/nation/2005-08-22-robertson-_x.htm
  11. "You know, I don't know about this doctrine of assassination, but if he thinks we're trying to assassinate him, I think that we really ought to go ahead and do it," Robertson said. "It's a whole lot cheaper than starting a war ... and I don't think any oil shipments will stop."
  12. I think that virtue is the strive for perfection. And I don’t mean in just one area, but for your self, your life, and everything you can impact. Will, at first I really like your definition of courage, but then I started thinking… Doesn’t courage also mean “to face danger”? or do you think that’s still part of “being yourself”?
  13. Also “responsible” breeder will take back a puppy who’s new home didn’t work out, and keep them until a new home is found.
  14. I can see how controlled responsible breeding is a good thing, although first we need to find a way to stop reckless breeding. In my mind “responsible” breeder are the one who check their dogs for genetic defects, takes their dogs in for regular check ups, keeps them vaccinated, and is not in it for the money. I think more dogs end up in shelters because if selfish and irresponsible breeding, or because the dog ended up not being what they were looking for. It would be easier to find a match (people w/ animal) if the dog came from a long line dogs with the same traits.
  15. He recently started a new project and before they can go through with it the area has to be studied to see what kind of impact cutting is going to have on the area. So someone comes in are surveys the plants and animals and also tries to determine how the water shed in the area will be affected. Then some paper work has to be filled out and then the project has a 90 day appeal time. One this project on day 89 of the appeal time they were sued by ELF, not because the surveying hadn’t been done but because the paper work had not been filled out properly. That kind of seems like a waste of time to me, I don’t see what ELF is hoping to get out of this. It seems like either 1. it will just delay the cutting of that area 2. the foresters will just cut from another area to really make a difference I think they would be better off spending their time and energy on promoting alternatives to logging. People aren’t cutting down trees because they are evil and hate the earth, but because there is a demand for wood.
  16. Gosh darn it Will, don’t get ahead of me. I stared reading the six questions of Socrates. Don’t give Plato all of the credit! And I am only going to except that answer if you tell me what wisdom, courage, moderation, and justice mean to you. I am really beginning to wonder if there is such a thing as “justice”.
  17. My good friend was in town last week, and we got into a discussion about clear cutting… he is a forester. Now please don’t get me wrong, I hate to see trees being cut down, but I am now started to see that the ways that activists try to stop them seem like a waste of time. He said that thinning forests is better then clear cutting (ok sounds good right), but I can’t ever be happy with the simple answer. So I asked why it was better. I think that a clear cut is more of a natural thing. Then a fire sweeps through a forest it would make a similar impact. A clear cut would also add different plants and more ecosystems. He said thinning made less of an impact… that seems like the silliest thing to me, if the same number of trees is going to be cut down wouldn’t it have the same impact if it was in one spot as it would if it was spread out?
  18. I think it’s a good word no matter how many stupid people have used it. What word would you use in its place?
  19. Well, some of the stuff they want sounds good. Like leave it to beaver or something like that. However, the older I get the more I realize the only way to make that happen is to disregard/ deny rights to anyone who is different. If Christianity was “the one true religion” then why do other religions still exist? The very existence of other view threatens the credibility of the church. To justify it anyone with a different view is “evil” or “stupid”.
  20. My boyfriend became a vegetarian after watching the witness (although it didn’t last)
  21. What dose virtue mean to you?
  22. Good point! Humans have to follow the rules of other people, dose that make us slaves? To coexist we need to set boundaries. The same is true for the animals that live with us. As children our parents set our rules, and even if we don’t like them they are in our best interests. Dose that make them wrong? Are kid slaves?
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