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Posts posted by Tigress

  1. Just finished The Game by Neill Strauss.

    It's a book about Neill Strauss converting from a geek to a pickup artist and the 2 years he spent with the community of former geeks that turned pickup artists.

    It's a little frightening how they turn seduction to a mathematical formula and how the "trick" gets the same response in every woman.

    The main part of the book, however, is about the people around him and their story.

    It's a fun, sad and frightening book all at the same time. I can strongly recommend it


    I just read the amazon reviews on that and it looks really good, so Im going to order it.


    I am just about to start reading Skinny Bitch by Kim Barnouin and Rory Freedman. It finally arrived with this mornings post


    I think I must be one of the few people on the planet who haven't read The Da Vinci Code, I have a copy here but it just doesn't seem to grab my attention enough to want to pick it up and start reading !

  2. Well I watched episode 2 last night, and all that blood make me feel sick !


    When he was on the mat leaning forward and it was just dripping out like a tap was gross


    I am looking forward to next week when the new coach arrives for the grey team and Matt and him don't like each other

  3. I've always found ready meal type meals in a box to be disappointing and that is from someone who has never tasted meat, so for those who have something to compare them with, they must be yuk !


    If I want a burger I would rather make a yummy mushroom one than eat something that tastes like cardboard. I know lots of people like pre prepared food though so there is a market for it.

  4. Tigress.. you really have breast implants?

    How was it, getting them and how do you feel about it now?[/color]


    Yes I have implants. I have had them for about 3 years and love them., they are literally "bags of fun" lol


    Edited to say, I was going to post a pic of them but thought maybe best not lol

  5. I saw this book advertised recently but have found it almost impossible to get a copy over here ...


    I think I'm going to have to pay internation delivery and get it shipped, but I would really like to read it just to see if its as good as everyone claims

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