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Everything posted by Lena01

  1. Not uber funny but one of my favorite songs and the video is kind of neat.
  2. Oh well I want to go to BC on Christmas so perhaps we can hit the gym one day And thanks again for the nice wishes.
  3. AAAzum! So I just realized that if I go next year I won't be able to go out dancing :/ But the pics are great
  4. Aww thanks Marcina You're my hero here anyway... you've won loads of contests, you definitely rock!
  5. It's a hard decision, you all 3 have beautiful calves!
  6. That's exactly what I liked the most about it
  7. I disagree here, but mostly, I hope it is not true. Anyway, I don't like the Cuban guy who kicked a referee in the face. http://www.nytimes.com/2008/08/24/sports/olympics/24kick.html?em There're videos in youtube as well, of course.
  8. I use MSN as my messenger and they have a small window featuring Sympatico news. The main article today was: "Going Vegan: Is it worth it?". It's not a deep insight article but still, vegans are front window lol. What I don't like at all it's that it's on the Entertainment section! http://entertainment.sympatico.ca/Going+Vegan/Bollywood/Articles/GoingVegan.htm?isfa=1
  9. Wow paulcats! See? That's why I didn't want unisex contest lol. Those rocks on your calves rock!
  10. Oh I sincerely forgot jaleel had entered and that's not a competition to forget either
  11. Mosquitoes can't transmit every infection. When they bite a person the don't inject the blood they have inside, what transmits other diseases is their saliva which they do use when biting; as HIV is not kept in the saliva but in the blood it's not possible for mosquitoes to transmit AIDS. Then, many of them are so small that the virus doesn't even survive for long inside their bodies and as mosquitoes take nap breaks after biting somebody, when they bite the next person there's very little chance that they will have HIV inside. Other than that, if mosquitoes could transmit HIV much more people would be using repellent and even infected persons would be kept away from the non-infected ones. EDIT: It seems to me that we were writing this at the same time as I repeated you unnecesarily.
  12. I feel more like having some time. The experience thing doesn't work a lot for me, and still next year I'll learn and the next time then I'll do better. I just don't think I want to learn my lesson now.
  13. I feel more like having some time. The experience thing doesn't work a lot for me, and still next year I'll learn and the next time then I'll do better. I just don't think I want to learn my lesson now.
  14. lol yea, specially when you're cleaning, yummy! This week I started a completely new plan, it's focused on strength. I train each muscle group twice a week, 72 hours for them to rest. It's been fine, I have a serious journal now where I write everything while I'm working out so no need for extra time afterwards to remember. Food just normal, eating less carbs and more nuts. Not taking creatine right now but recovering pretty fast and getting used to the new training which just showed me that the old one was lacking from a few things. A friend of mine, former Mr. NB, told me I could compete in 12 weeks (when the next bbing competition is here) if I started the pre-comp diet and training. But I want to give myself more time, I don't want to just compete, I want to impress and stuff. Am I being just too ambitious and/or proud? I've always been a proud child and I like to win so I don't know if I should put that aside this time and give it a try. On the other side people will see me and say "well yes, she's vegan so look at how small she is" :/ I want to look very good when I'm on stage so people have to recognize that by being vegan you can achieve a great physique.
  15. Yea, like in the Caribbean, there're Aedes aegyptis and they transmit dengue which I don't want to catch again. So I'd kill them. I'm your man don't worry, you won't get AIDS from a mosquito I think. (medman correct me if I'm wrong). About rodents, I dunno, I couldn't kill them, I'd catch them to take them out and clean/close all the reasons why they were attracted to my place.
  16. Oh well, thanks, I still don't think I'd outperform any of you two.
  17. That's because mother nature wanted to prepare some for wearing high heels She knew I wouldn't though... http://img183.imageshack.us/img183/4020/calves2uo2.jpg http://img183.imageshack.us/img183/9531/calves1cj1.jpg
  18. you look awesome!! just impressive!!!!!
  19. no lo habia visto, voy a darle una ojeada. gracias!
  20. Pues claro! Creiste que ibas a ser el unico? jajaj
  21. Nice! My training mate in Cuba has been training for 5 months more than me and she's into strength more than sculpting. She's 5'4 and she squats 150 pounds for 4 sets of 15 reps, on a regular day; then she does leg extensions, leg press; all with Heavy weights. I dunno for you, but for me that's hardcore lol
  22. Nice! My training mate in Cuba has been training for 5 months more than me and she's into strength more than sculpting. She's 5'4 and she squats 150 pounds for 4 sets of 15 reps, on a regular day; then she does leg extensions, leg press; all with Heavy weights. I dunno for you, but for me that's hardcore lol
  23. True that, body fat will let you or not have a six pack. As of working them out, it's been long since I don't feel pain the next day I work them out. I work almost to failure where I can't do another rep with good form and I still don't get the pain; not that I want to really. As Marcina says, work them as any other muscle. If you use some medium-to-heavy weight and go for not very high reps they should grow in volume so your gut will look bigger, it's happened to me before. If you want to tighten them up then go for high reps light weight as it should make them strong and toned but not big.
  24. What they said. I worked out biceps yesterday and I got near to my maximum. Like when the last 4 reps seem impossible, completely out of your strength but you still do them with good technique if you are determined enough. After that I had by stretching, my protein and all the rest I needed; today there was no pain even though I know I worked till failure.
  25. Allantgy, have you tried some ice on your arm? It might be that you unconsciously worked harder with the right arm and it got a bit stressed about it so now it's bigger, like inflammated. Ice might help to reduce the inflammation. I hope you get symmetrical soon. Asi que vives en Venezuela! Yo soy cubana jejeje
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